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Service Times
8am Traditional Service
In Person, 95.3 WBEV or Online
10am Contemporary Service
In Person or Online
1pm Worship
In Person
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Welcoming, Growing, Serving | |
Worship Assistants
Minister Assistant
Bridget Sharkey
Carol Crawford
Communion Assistant:
Ellen Storzer, Vikki Fischer-Kurth,
Gary & Edie Scharfenberg
Gail Henschel and Lynn Seibel
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Minister Assistant
Bob Schwoch
Gary Haas
Communion Assistant:
Paula Daniels
Carol and Dave Crawford
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Drive Thru Communion
February 12 & 26
The Drive-Thru Communion is held every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the front circle drive thru from 9am-9:45am.
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Virtual Purple Card
If you watch online or attend in person, please fill out the virtual purple card so we know you're with us! Click the link above or find it on our website worship page.
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Ash Wednesday
Worship Full to the Brim—With All That You Are
On Ash Wednesday, February 22, we will gather at 1:00 & 6:00 pm for worship that includes music, prayer, scripture reading, a sermon and the imposition of ashes. In our Lenten journey, we are invited to come fully as we are. That means we come to God with all that we are; as we face our brokenness and mortality, we also begin the journey to wholeness and life.
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Mid-Week Lenten Services
with Faith Stories
Mark your calendars for five Wednesdays beginning March 1. The evening begins with a meal in the Friendship Hall from 5:00-5:45 p.m. with soup and sandwiches. At 6:00 pm all are welcome to worship that includes prayer, scripture, music, faith stories.
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Annual Report and Meeting
Sunday, January 29th
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11am Soup Lunch
12:15pm Annual Meeting
If you plan to attend via zoom please sign up below or call the church office.
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Don't forget to bring your printed copy of the Annual Report to the Annual Meeting!
Click the link below to view the 2022 Annual Report. Printed copies are available for pick up at church on the table outside the church office.
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Directory Photo Sign Up
This Sunday, Heidi will be by the Sunday School doors to help families sign up for pictures from 8:45-9am. We are taking directory pictures February 21-25, spots are filling up, so reserve your spot today! There is at $15 charge to submit a previously taken photo for the directory.
To signup online:
- www.ucdir.com
- Click on the box entitled "photography appointment scheduling login".
- The church code is wi237 and the password is photos.
- Make sure to fill out page and click "Schedule Appointment".
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Parents Supporting Parents
Saturday, January 28th 10am
Calling parents in all phases of life! Come join Emily and Heidi for a casual gathering in the Youth Room at 10am on Saturday, January 28th. There will be snacks and good conversation. Friends are always welcome and if you need childcare or have any questions, please contact Heidi: heidi@firstluthbd.org or (920) 885-4497 x3.
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Altar Guild Meeting
Tuesday, February 7th at 7pm
Correction on postcards sent out: The Altar Guild Meeting is Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 at 7pm. Please bring your calendars for the next sign-up schedule. Hope to see you there!
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Resurrecting the Prayer Garden
Believe it or not, spring is on its way and the Prayer Garden Committee is looking for help! If you can volunteer a little time to help weed, plant, and keep the garden looking beautiful, please let a committee member know. If you’re not a gardener, but appreciate the beauty of the garden, we would love it if you would make a contribution to the church, earmarked “Prayer Garden”. We’d really appreciate it.
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Parish Nurse
My goal for having an article in the FOCUS is to bring you topics of interest with a health theme. If you have a topic you would like me to address in the FOCUS please let me know. You may call or text me at 920-319-1961, or contact me via email at:
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Thrivent Choice Dollars
Do you have Thrivent products such as life insurance, annuity or mutual funds? Did you know that you may have Thrivent Choice Dollars available to you?
These dollars can be designated to an organization of your choice such as First Lutheran Beaver Dam. If this is not designated it goes back to Thrivent as unused. Call 1-800-847-4836 if you have any questions or wish to designate 2022 Thrivent Choice Dollars. These dollars are used for items not budgeted. You have until March 31st to designate 2022 dollars. Consider First!
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Welcome New Members!
We're excited to welcome our new members that were received this past Sunday! We're glad you're here with us!
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Carolyn Beneditz and her daughter, Ann | |
Coffee Helpers
We had some good helpers make coffee this Sunday in preparation for the New Member Brunch. We're looking for more volunteers to bring goodies. If you are interested, please sign up on the board next to the coffee maker or contact Heidi.
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Faith Formation
2K-3rd graders will be learning about how Joseph Annoys His Brothers (Genesis 37:1-36) and that God is good no matter what even when life's unfair. You could say that Joseph came from a "good" family. They weren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but his great-grandfather, Abraham, had passed his faith in God down to future generations. This faithful family was not always a functional one, however. For Joseph and his brothers, jealousy, rivalry, and anger broke apart God's chosen family. Even when bad things happen, God's goodness never changes. God is good and loves us through any circumstance.
4th-6th graders will be exploring the question "How can God be "three-in-one"? Kids wrestle with the mystery of the Trinity and confront the idea that we can never fully understand all the mysteries of God.
God, you're not just okay; you're constantly, faithfully, and forever good. Thank you for your unconditional love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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Remember In Prayer
As Jesus provided generously in a moment of need, provide generous gifts of healing for those in need this day especially the Bilitz Family, Bob, Barb, Harold, Tammy, Linda, Terry, Abigail, Beth, Darlene, Jim, Bev, Johanna and Bob, Stacy, Pat, Maria, Andy, Corey, and Mary. Gather us into the joy of your glory.
If you would like to be included in the prayers of the church or the prayer chain or join the prayer chain, please click the button below or contact Lois Bennett.
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Radio & Flower Sponsors
Flowers are in honor of Ladies Aide and the work that they do.
We would love to have Sponsors for Flowers on the Altar on Sundays as a way to recognize your loved ones or a celebration of Weddings, Anniversaries even a Birthday or someone you are thankful for. We also are looking for Radio sponsors to help fund the advertising for our Radio Broadcast.
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Focus & E-Announcements
Please send any articles for the Focus and E-Announcements
directly to april@firstluthbd.org
February Focus articles due February 17
E-Announcement articles due Tuesdays by Noon.
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The Week Ahead
Date and times are subject to change
Thursday, January 26
8:30am Focus Folding & Mailing
9am Yoga
1pm Worship in Person
7pm Glory Ringers
Friday, January 27
1pm Ladies Aid
Saturday, January 28
8am-10am Thrivent Baking Day
10am Parents Supporting Parents
Sunday, January 29
8am Worship - In person, Online, and Radio
9am Thrivent Cookie Sale
9am Sunday School
9am Scrip Sales
10am Worship - In person and Online
11am Soup Luncheon
12:15pm Annual Meeting
Monday, January 30
9am Bible Study
7pm Dartball
Tuesday, January 31
9am Yoga
4pm Loaves & Fishes
Wednesday, February 1
9am Quilters
10am GriefShare
6pm Christian Mindfulness and Meal
Thursday, February 2
9am Yoga
1pm Worship in Person
7pm Glory Ringers
Friday, February 3
Saturday, February 4
Sunday, February 5
8am Worship - In person, Online, and Radio
9am Sunday School
9am Scrip Sales
10am Worship - In person and Online
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
We apologize if there are errors or we missed anyone
January 26
Philip Dunn
Mark Gensch
Thomas Rechek
Oliver Roth
January 27
Jason White
January 28
Keith Colwell
Cruz Rhode
January 29
Jayden Auten
Mary Irwin
Brian Jindra
Ronald Schutte
January 30
Dakota Brown
Toni Haas
Floyd and Gail Henschel
Rich Loeck
Scott Soldner
January 31
Ashley Gensch
February 2
Myram Hein
Derek and Janet Orr
Kaylee Robinson
Derrick Rohde
February 3
Claire Biel
Nicole Heinritz
Cole Hemling
Norm Nelson
Avery Priewe
Sheree Voigt
February 4
Remi Jackowski
Thomas Olsen
Everly Scholz
Todd Smith
Stacey Uherka
February 5
Bev Anderson
Mildred Janisch
Pearl Limberg
Haydan Nerby
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Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-12:30pm
311 West Mackie Street
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916-1637
Phone: (920) 885-4497
Fax: (920) 885-5886
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