Vestry Meeting Report, December 2023
Vestry meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month and are open to all Christ Church parishioners. 2023 Vestry members are Dave McCarthy and Jen Valiente (co-chairs), Sue Sheppard, Susan McMullen, Julie Baker, Judi DeMello, Joan Padrenoss, Leslie Burrell, and Jennifer Braga.
Although Father Al was unable to attend he reported that the town’s proposed agreement on the fire access road is with the town attorney. Once it is complete, the vestry and the church attorney will look at it.
The Holiday in the Village was well attended with 1000 attendees. Kudos to Peggy and the committee that hosted the Holiday Concert and reception.
The treasurer reported that several CDs are coming due at the end of the month and there was a decision to renew all the CDs that are due for renewal at best rates.
In November, the income was $5k better than projected and expenses were $1.8K better than projected. The year-end projection is 3.3K better than projection. The 5K decline in parishioner contributions was offset a bit by flower income, fundraising, and other income. Expenses are projected to be better than projected by $10K. Overall, our financial position projects to be $14K better than budgeted with a deficit of $19.2K.
Pledge card returns are currently at $61,000. We are anticipating $77,000 in pledges this year. We will be writing our report for past Bristol Case grant funds and submitting for the next grant round. New proposals are due in February 2024 and funds are approved in March. Sue is working on the 2024 budget. It looks like the deficit will be more next year.
In Old Business we will be looking at the rental agreement for the Parish House. Christmas services are set for 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 10 a.m. on Christmas Day. In order to increase transparency, upcoming Vestry meetings will be announced at Sunday services. We would like to compile a directory listing of Church Committees and their chairs so we would have contact information for those wishing to join a committee. At next month’s meeting we will be conducting our annual review of the part-time ministry and reviewing goals.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan McMullen, Clerk of the Vestry