In This Issue
Hillview Graduate
STEM Volunteers
6/7 Dance

Join Committee

Enrollment Time
Sick - Stay Home
Speaker  Event

Music Concert
ASB Games
Spirit Week
Rafiki Week
After-School Tennis
After-School Track

Auction Donations
Tickets for Auction

Q uick Links

Questions? Email:

This Week ThisWeek 

Wednesday, January 30
  • Parent Input Session to Envision the Profile of a Hillview Graduate (see School News below for details), either morning 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. or evening 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. session, Room G4
Thursday, January 31
  • STEM Fair - Open for Viewing, 7:00 p.m., PAC
Friday, February 1
  • ASB Oreo Game Day, sign up online here
Monday, February 4 - Friday, February 8
  • Spirit and Rafiki Week
    Monday - Cozy Day
    Tuesday - Camo Day
    Wednesday - Mismatched Day
    Thursday - HV Spirit Day
    Friday - Jersey Day (for Super Ball Dance)
Wednesday, February 6
  • PTO Executive Board Meeting, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., Hillview Office, Large Conference Room
Friday, February 8
  • Grade 6/7 Dance, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Hillview PAC
Tuesday, February 12
  • School Board Meeting - Regular, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m., TERC
Wednesday, February 13
  • MPCSD Parent Education Speaker Series - "How Social Media Affects Children's Mental Health, and What We Can Do to Protect Them," 6:30 p.m., Hillview PAC
February 18 - 22
  • No School - Mid-Winter Break

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Parents Needed to Help Envision the Profile of a Hillview Graduate
Wednesday, January 30, a morning session 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. or an evening session 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Hillview, Room G4.  Willy Haug, Principal of Hillview, invites parents to participate in a visioning session. We will ask you to share with us the qualities, skills, attitudes, and dispositions that you would most like to see your students develop in their middle-school years. This is part of our effort to define a Hillview graduate  profile . This profile will serve as a lens for the environment and experiences we intentionally create in the future. We will look to staff, parents, and students to envision a Hillview graduate. Consider joining our School Site Council meeting. RSVP through the Google form here.

STEM Fair Volunteers Needed
Thursday, January 31, Hillview PAC
For the Science Fair to be a success, we need about 14 more volunteer coaches! Absolutely no science experience or background needed.  As a volunteer, you can expect the following:
  • Time commitment from 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. (1 hour and 15 minutes)
  • Interview 2-3 students/project teams
  • Fill out an assessment form for each interview providing positive feedback 
  • Parents of science fair participants will still be able to attend at 7:00 p.m.
Sign up on SignUp Genius  here or email Julie Hilborn  here with questions. 

Hillview 6th- and 7th-Grade Dance! It's the SUPER BALL!
Friday, February 8, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. This dance includes the 6th-grade students! The theme is Super in Super Bowl...and the dress code is casual. Of course, you are welcome to wear your favorite NFL apparel as a part of the theme! Here are six tips for parents:
  • Themed apparel is a suggestion and completely optional. Students may dress casually. All outfits must follow the Dress for Success Norms in our handbook here.
  • We have a no-charge Bag Check system. Encourage your student to Bag Check their jacket or bag which will be monitored by parent volunteers.
  • We use a colored wristband system for admitting students to the dance. Students need to bring their prepaid ticket and student ID. This event is for 6th-/7th-grade Hillview students only. Tickets are also available for $10 at the door. If a student has lost their Student ID, see Mr. Chui about getting a replacement or alternative permission before the dance.
  • If a student is absent from school on the day of the dance, they may not attend the dance per handbook rules.
  • Dance starts promptly at 6:00 p.m.; students must arrive by 6:30 p.m. Students arriving after 6:30 p.m. will only be permitted with a parent chaperone. Similarly, students wishing to leave earlier than 8:00 p.m. must have a parent meet them in the PAC lobby. Students will not be allowed to leave early without a parent pick-up
  • Concessions - for sale in the kitchen, average $1-$2 each. All food and drink must remain outside (weather permitting).
Tickets on sale Monday, February 4 - Friday, February 8 at lunch for a discounted price of $7 (ASB card holder) and $9 (non-ASB card holders) or $10 at the door. For questions, contact Mr. Chui here, Mr. Darmanin here or Ms. Hagg here.

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Hillview Nominating Committee Members Needed!  
This five-person committee will work together to find parents who would like to serve on the Hillview PTO Board for the 2019-20 school year. The goal of the nominating committee as described here is to help ensure that the Board is balanced geographically and to get new people involved. The group will meet each other in February and then can work independently and communicate as a group as they decide. The 2019-20 slate will be presented to the current Board in the spring of 2019. Contact Gina Skinner here if you are interested in serving on this fun committee!

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MPCSD  News  mpcsdnews
Enrollment Time
All NEW students entering MPCSD schools in Fall 2019 - kindergarten through 8th grade - may register starting Monday, February 1. To register a new student for Fall 2019, visit here and select the Enrollment link (horizontal menu at the top of the page).

Each elementary school has hosted an information session for new and prospective parents. Any parents interested in learning more about kindergarten and the full MPCSD program are encouraged to attend the remaining session:
Parents interested in Spanish Immersion must attend an information session. Choose one of the following Spanish Immersion New Parent Information Sessions:
  • January 31, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Oak Knoll School Library, 1895 Oak Knoll Lane, Menlo Park
  • February 7, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Laurel Lower Campus, 95 Edge Road, Atherton
  • February 7, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., Encinal School, 195 Encinal Ave., Atherton
  • February 27, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m., District Office TERC Bldg, 181 Encinal Ave., Atherton
  • February 27, 10:15 - 11:15 a.m., Encinal Kindergarten Immersion Class Visit, 195 Encinal Ave., Atherton
Help us spread the word with your incoming kindergarten friends! All prospective parents are welcome to attend and learn more about the MPCSD educational experience.

A Note from the Nurse
Many students become sick throughout the school year, and it is important that we work together to help prevent the spread of illnesses to other students. We would like to remind parents that if your student has a confirmed case of a communicable disease (e.g., pink eye, mononucleosis, influenza, etc.), you must provide the school with a doctor's note, and your student must stay at home until your student meets the readmission criteria for that disease. Thank you and stay healthy!

Menlo Park City School District Parent Education Speaker Series
Series continues in 2019 
Amazing speakers and timely topics! Check out the event descriptions and the full schedule on our website  here. All events are free to the public and held at the Hillview PAC. Free onsite childcare and pizza are available for potty-trained children. Light snacks and beverages will be provided for attendees. Join us for our next speaker:

"How Social Media  Affects Children's Mental Health, and What We Can Do to Protect Them"
Wednesday, February 13, 6:30 p.m. at the Hillview PAC 

A presentation by Dr. Naama Barnea-Goraly, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and a former Stanford brain researcher. Dr. Barnea-Goraly will present the latest evidence-based research on the effects social media has on youths' mental health and provide recommendations on how to guide your children to use smartphones and social media without jeopardizing their well-being.

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Programs & Activities programsandactivities
Hillview Music
M-A Joint Concert
Tuesday, January 29, 7:00-8:40 p.m., M-A Performing Arts Center
All are invited to a wonderful joint performance featuring the advanced ensembles (Concert Band, Jazz Band & Orchestra) from both Hillview  and La Entrada as well as the M-A Concert Band, Orchestra and Level 3 Jazz Band. In all, you will hear over 12 different ensembles - including soloists, chamber groups, jazz combos and large ensembles. The concert is FREE and we encourage you to bring your family and neighbors to join us as we celebrate the creative artistry of our community's youth.

Hillview ASB
Fun and Games
Friday, February 1, the ASB is sponsoring a stage game - The Oreo Game! This competition has students place an Oreo on their face and then eat it without using their hands. Winner earns 15 spirit points for their grade. Sign-up sheet here. Also  two iPad games here , every student can play for spirit points. 
  • Meme Trivia game - test your knowledge on the most popular memes on the internet
  • 2018 Trivia game - a recap on the most important and famous events of last year
We hope to have as many participants as possible!

Spirit Week
Monday, February 4 - Friday, February 8 is Spirit Week! Each day will have a theme, in which students can dress up accordingly to win spirit points for their grade.
  • Monday - Cozy Day
  • Tuesday - Camo Day
  • Wednesday - Mismatched Day
  • Thursday - HV Spirit Day
  • Friday - Jersey Day (for the Superbowl Dance)
Encourage your student to show their school spirit and get involved!

Rafiki Week
Monday, February 4 - Friday, February 8, (same as Spirit Week). ASB will be selling "Rafikis" for $8 or $10 depending on the type of Rafiki you choose. ASB has chosen to partner with Me to We because it is a reputable organization that strives to make a difference in the world. Rafiki is the Swahili word for friend. But what is a Rafiki you may ask? A Rafiki is a bracelet made by women in Kenya. The money made from these bracelets goes to help families access clean drinking water, medical supplies, nutritious meals, and schooling for their children. There are five different types of Rafikis: food, water, education, opportunity, and health. Each Rafiki bought helps in one of these five areas of life. For more information visit here and here.

Hillview Sports
After-School Tennis Registration Open 
Only 33 Spots Left
Sign-ups are filling very quickly. We are limited to the number of players we can accommodate. For more information and to register, visit Sportability here Once registration is full, your student will be placed on a waiting list. Often waitlisted students are added to the program. Tennis season extends from the beginning of March through early- to mid-May. There will be no program during Spring Break.

After-School Basketball
Games for all teams continue this week. Game days return to Monday for 8th-grade boys/girls.
After-School Track Registration Coming Soon
Track registration will begin in February. The program will begin on Monday, April 8, immediately following Spring Break and will continue through Wednesday, May 15. Track practices will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays generally from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. on the Menlo-Atherton High School Track. Participating schools include Hillview, Oak Knoll, Encinal, Woodside Elementary, La Entrada, and Corte Madera. 

For questions regarding these sports programs, email here.

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MPAEF News  mpaefnews 
Save the Date to Rock this Run!
Mark your calendars...this year's School House Rocks Run and Festival will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2019!
Help make this run ROCK! Join the run team in one of these key positions:
  • Family Sponsor Lead: Coordinate packet and t-shirt delivery to family sponsors and host the Family Sponsors at Hillview during the event.
  • Event Volunteer Co-Lead: Help solicit the volunteers to make this Run and Festival a success.
  • Festival Co-Lead: Help to coordinate the post-run festival.
Interested? Email here.

It's For the Kids Auction & Party! Tickets Are On Sale

You can purchase your tickets to the best party of the year - the MPAEF 2019 Auction! Last year's party sold out in record time. So, don't delay in buying your ticket.

There are 2 ticket options for this fun evening for you to choose from:  
  • Dinner Plus Experience: $195/ticket - This premier event starts at 5:30 p.m. and includes a delicious sit-down dinner with exclusive live auction, beer/wine, complimentary cocktail, and early access to the silent auction - followed by live band, dancing & dessert bar!
  • Auction Party Only: $95/ticket - This party ticket gives you access to the silent auction starting at 7:30 p.m. and includes beer/wine, live band, dancing & dessert.
Purchase tickets here.

Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019
Location:  Hotel Nia , Menlo Park
Attire: Casual Cocktail

Thank You
We want to take the opportunity to show our appreciation for our business and realtor partners in the community. Thank you for your support!


Cameron L. Aboudara DDS MS - Orthodontics for Children and Adults here

Dulcy Freeman, Golden Gate Sotheby's International Realtor here

Hessler Plastic Surgery here 

Keri Nicholas, Parc Agency here

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Community News   communitynews
Classroom Volunteer Opportunity at RWC Middle Schools Volunteers needed to help Redwood City middle schoolers with literacy. One hour a week is all it takes to make difference for these kids, many of whom struggle with reading. You can become an important, trusted adult in the kids' lives when you make this commitment to tutor them throughout the remainder of the school year. Training is provided and you can also shadow with one of our volunteers before you decide. Learn more at Los Ayudantes here or contact our director, Jenni Farrell here

One Hour of Meditation For Young People Thursdays, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. (January 31, February 7, 21, 28). SafeSpace Community Engagement Center, 708 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park. These classes introduce young people, ages 12-26, to the basic skills of a mindfulness practice. Each lesson will help guide to a more peaceful life by showing and engaging in the practices that help teens deal with everyday stress and anxiety. The lessons are simple and fun, yet effective. Taught by Julie Brody, BSN, MA in Women's Spirituality, Mindfulness Educator and Certified Yoga Instructor. Register through Eventbrite here.

Speaker - Selina Tobaccowala, Cofounder Evite and Gixo, Former CTO of Survey Monkey, Board Member Redfin, Saturday, February 9, 9:30 - 11 a.m., 1845 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Selina will talk about her journey, her experience as an entrepreneur and woman in computer science, and the role of confidence in her success. She will then lead an experiential activity and mingle with girls over food. Organized by Object, which is focused on promoting self-image, confidence, and self-esteem in young girls. You can sign up here.

Atherton Bulldogs Boys Basketball Tryouts  All interested families with boys 3rd through 8th grades are invited to try out for our AAU basketball program  here Tryout date is January 30 on Sacred Heart Prep campus. Boys grades 3- 5 at 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Boys grades 6 - 8 at 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Galileo Innovation Summer Camps for Pre-K- through 8th-Grade Students We mix day camp fun with hands-on projects in fields from science and engineering to the visual and culinary arts. Supported by the best staff around, kids at Camp Galileo (pre-K through 5th grade), Galileo Summer Quest (entering 5th-8th grade), and Summer Camps @ The Tech (entering 4th-8th grade) become confident creators ready to turn their ideas into reality. Sign up by February 28 to save $25 per week. Optional extended care and healthy lunch. Learn more here or call  800-854-3684.

Interested in Becoming a Preschool Teacher? Thursday, January 31, 10:00 a.m., Trinity Church, 330 Ravenswood Avenue. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to teach preschool? Local nonprofit Community Equity Collaborative is hosting an informational coffee for individuals who are interested in exploring a career in early childhood education.  More info here or RSVP here . Questions? Contact Dayna Chung  here .

Screening of Documentary, "Child, Disrupted," with Q & A Thursday, February 7 from 7:00 - 8:15 p.m., Menlo - Atherton High School Performing Arts Center. Is your family too dependent on screens? You are not alone! A number of local mental health organizations are combining forces for a unique evening program which includes a screening of the award-winning documentary, "Child, Disrupted," an open discussion and useful tools for changing tech usage habits. This event is free of charge. RSVP here.

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Newsletter Details Newsletter
T his newsletter is published by Hillview School parent volunteers every Sunday of the school year, except for Sundays preceding a full week of vacation.

Submissions to the Newsletter : The deadline to submit to the Hillview Newsletter is Wednesday at noon . Email your submission to . Note that submissions may be edited for content and/or length. Submissions received after the deadline will be eligible for inclusion the following week. Submissions are eligible to run for up to two weeks.

Submissions with Photos or Names of Students: Provide the names of the students in the photo to the administrator of the school that the student attends. Request that the administrator send approval for the use of photos and student names to

Submissions for Off-Campus Community event: E mail your announcement to . The submission deadline is  Wednesday at noon.

Archives: Look up past issues in our  online archive.