Disciples Justice Ministries header
January 27, 2022
Despair, anger and fear play significant roles in how we faithfully act on behalf of self, others and creation. Join us for an Eco Grief Circle beginning February 11 as we explore ways to face challenges with intentionality and community. This seven-week online experience will be offered at Noon EST in sessions that last 1 hour and fifteen minutes. This experience is designed to offer mutual support, healing, insight, and love but is not a grief therapy experience. 
Virtual Pulpit Supply materials are relevant for individual spiritual practices, small groups, and worship. Drawing from the fourth Sunday lectionary texts, you are encouraged to download VPS any time. 2022 materials now include conversation starters + calls to action to help us embody the Word. Rev. Luther Young, Jr. is the featured voice in February. 
Do you know a young adult in your life who is interested in international service? Are you approaching graduation and want to witness God’s work in the world? Serve with a global partner in the Global Mission Intern Program. College graduates under 30 are invited to apply by February 11
Join Chalice Press on January 31 for a conversation about fighting for racial justice after Ferguson. What has changed? What still needs to change? You'll hear from Chalice Press author, Leah Gunning Francis and those who were in the frontlines of the protests. Event is free but registration is required for link. 

  • AllianceQ is uniquely positioned for collaborative work with the wider church, to respond to our call to build a just and inclusive Church in deep, faithful, transformative ways. Find the annual update here

Save the date for the June 18, 2022 Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington. This event will be a generationally transformative and disruptive gathering of poor and low-wealth people, state leaders, faith communities, moral allies, unions and partnering organizations.
In collaboration with Disciples Center 4 Public Witness February 19 - 26. The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference for Social Justice will be hosting "Envisioning Something New: Can You See It?"
Save the date for Virtual Ecumenical Advocacy Days. The online event will take place on April 25-27. Participants will unite to amplify our Christian voice in advocacy for civil and human rights in the United States and abroad.
The Restoring Nature: What People of Faith Can Do to Heal the Earth webinar is co-hosted by the Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt who serves as the Minister of Environmental Justice for the United Church of Christ and the Rev. Carol Devine who serves as the Minister of Green Chalice for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will be held on March 23 at 1pm EST.
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