Christ Church Chimes

Join us at 8am and 10am.

Masks are required
at all functions
inside church property.

Worship with us in person or online via Facebook or our website

Cancellations and Delays

When we need to cancel or postpone church or church events; we will post on our Facebook page, send an email (with this contact list) and announce on the webpage.
We are unable to change the outgoing phone message remotely at this time.

I am writing to encourage you all to make plans to attend the annual meeting in the Parish Hall following our 10 am service on February 13th.
We will still have our regular Sunday services at 8 am and 10 am.  The agenda for the meeting is roughly as follows;
    I.    Opening Prayer
    II.    Call to Order / Declaration of Quorum
   III.    Recognition of First Time Annual Meeting Attendees
  IV.    Review / Approval of 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
    V.    2021 Ministry Reports Reviewed and Received
  VI.    2021 Annual Treasurer’s Summary Report
 VII.    Review of 2022 Annual Budget, as approved by vestry February 8, 2022
Information will be presented on our significant and not sustainable deficit and what that may mean for 2023.

VIII.    Recognition of Outgoing Vestry Members
   IX.    Election of 2022 Officers/ Vestry Members / Convention Delegates

    X.    Other New Business
   XI.    Closing Prayer

We realize Covid continues to impact people’s willingness to attend in-person events. In light of that, Current MA law requires all voting be done in person at the annual meeting, so only those in attendance may vote on the slate. Proxy votes, call-ins, drive-byes will not be allowed. Windows will be open and all are required to wear masks.
Yours in Christ,
Those we hold in prayer
Al B., Ali, Alice K., Amanda T., Ann J., Annette L. Ashley, B. Joyce D., Barbara M., Barbara P., Beverly S., Bill B., Bill T., Bob B., Bobby C., Brian B., Brian V., Bruce B., Carol A., Carol T., Charles O., Cherie B., Cheryl A., Christopher I., Claudine S., Dale D., Daniel P., David P, Debbie M., Deborah H., Desiree, Dick N., Donna T., Dorothy P., Dylan B., Ed G., Emmett, Gloria I., Hank F., Hannah L., Heather O., Helen H., Hunter., Jack D., James S., Jan G., Jan W., Janice B, Janice T., Jason S., Jeannette W., Jenny, Joan, Jo-Ann M., Jody F., John B., John C., John G., Judy B., Judy F., Julie C., Julie G., Julie S., June R., Kathleen L. Kimberly M, Kristin F., Larry W., Laurie T., Lawrence A., Lea V., Libby H., Lisa E., Manuel R., Mark A., Mark B., Mark W., Marsha G., Mary Alice M., Mary Lou, Michael F., Missie S., Nan S. Nancy B, Nancy H., Otto, Pat G., Pauline G., Rachel S., Raymond D., Raymonde F., Raymond L., Rebecca J., Rhonda F., Richard S., Rob L., Robert H., Robert S., Robin S., Sandra B., Simona X., Simone B., Steve B., Steve C., Sue S., Terry L., Tom K., Tony F.,Vicki W., Waylon D., Will H.
*Please contact the office to add people or update our prayer list. For privacy reasons, we do not use last names

Parish Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday

Christ Episcopal Church
57 Main Street
Swansea, MA 02777


Parish Office 508-678-0923 

Original structure of Christ Church
Al Deston, Minister of Music 
Susan Correira, Office Administrator

The Reverend Alan R. Hesse
508-505-5668 (during business hours)

Parish Calendar
January 30-Sunday
 8am Holy Eucharist and 10am-Holy Eucharist, Livestream
 9am Budget Conversation.
February 1-Tuesday Annual Reports Due to office
February 3-Thursday 6pm-Women AA (closed meeting)
February 6-Sunday
  8am Holy Eucharist and 10am-Holy Eucharist with Livestream
February 8-Tuesday
  6pm Vestry Meeting
February 10-Thursday 6pm-Women AA (closed meeting)
February 11-Friday 4pm Meal Ministry at Church of Our Savior
February 13 - Sunday
  8am Holy Eucharist and 10am-Holy Eucharist
  with Livestream Annual Meeting to follow 10am Service
February 17- Thursday 6pm-Women AA (closed meeting)
February 20 – Sunday
  8am Holy Eucharist and 10am-Holy Eucharist
  with Livestream
February 24- Thursday 6pm-Women AA (closed meeting)
February 28-Sunday
  8am Holy Eucharist and 10am-Holy Eucharist
  with Livestream
March 3- Thursday 6pm-Women AA (closed meeting)

February 13th Annual Meeting
 Annual meeting Reports should be turned into the office by February 1st.
Vestry Nomination forms are in the back of the church. You may nominate yourself or another parishioner in good standing.

Masks are required
at all functions
inside church property.

Worship with us in person or online.

Christ Church
57 Main Street, Swansea, Ma 02777
Office: 508-678-0923 or [email protected],
The Rev. Alan R. Hesse, Rector; 508-505-5668 cell, [email protected],

We need to recreate our data base and add to it. Please help us by filling out the following information and mailing it to us or emailing us at [email protected]

Directory and Electronic Chimes

Phone (home) ____________________________________________
(cell) _________________________________________________

Birthday(s) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Anniversary ________________________________________________________________
Permission of release of photography. You agree to posting of images on social medias sites and publications. If you do not want images used, please initial ___. By submitting this form, you are granting: Christ Episcopal Church, 57 Main Street, Swansea, Ma. 02777 United States, http://christchurchswansea.oprg permission to email you. You can revoke permission to mail to your email address at any time using the SafeUnsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. We take your privacy seriously (to see for yourself, please read our Email Privacy Policy). Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.