January 28, 2022
City Departments - Municipal Court
This first month of 2022 I’d like to share (and share alike) about our Municipal Court.
The key players in the Richmond Heights Municipal Court are Judge Stephen O’Brien and Court Administrator Tami Trulove. 
Separately, Prosecuting Attorney John Lally and PA Assistant Laurie Beeko also play important roles in the Municipal Court.
(left to right) Judge &
Court Administrator
The Richmond Heights City Council appoints the municipal judge and prosecuting attorney, and the City Manager hires the court administrator, court clerk, and prosecuting attorney’s assistant.
(left to right) Prosecuting Attorney & PA Assistant
Our Court’s mission “is to provide a judicial institution that operates according to the highest standards of justice. To provide excellent support, guidance, and empathy when dealing with defendants to ensure a timely conclusion to all court cases while upholding justice.”
To fulfill this mission, Municipal Court personnel do many things. The State of Missouri adopted a new statewide case management system last year. The Richmond Heights Municipal Court now works with two different systems to process cases: the old system for cases before 2021 and the new system. Also, during 2020, the court conducted virtual court dates by phone and computer. When a fine is included in a judgment, the Judge may offer monthly payment plans and at times has authorized community service in lieu of fines based upon the defendant's inability to pay. All defendants confined on an arrest warrant by the municipal court are heard by a judge as soon as practicable, but no later than forty-eight hours on minor traffic violations and no later than seventy-two hours on other violations.
COVID 2022
Who knew I’d still be writing about COVID in my 2022 monthly messages? I certainly did not, hoped not…

Coronavirus seems to be overstaying its welcome, especially the Delta variant’s ugly cousin, Omicron. It spreads easier and faster, affects teens and children more, but typically causes milder symptoms especially for the vaccinated. Being vaccinated and boosted is important but it is not a magic shield. We’re all still susceptible. Not long ago, St. Louis County Department of Public Health reported the community reached a new peak in the number of new COVID cases since this pandemic began almost two years ago. Now, as the numbers slowly go down, we tend to lower our guard. There is still an opportunity to catch this highly contagious disease so let’s stay vigilant.
St. Louis County has mandated that everyone wear a mask in public places like THE HEIGHTS, City Hall, grocery stores, etc. Some do, some don’t. Let me phrase it this way: “To be respectful to others, please be responsible and wear a mask”. We all need to remember to wash our hands, continue social distancing, and stay home if not feeling well. Please get your vaccination and booster shots if you haven’t already. Let’s help end the spread.
Testing Kits
About a week ago, the federal government made testing kits available to every home in the U.S. We can get 4 kits shipped to our homes by filling out the form at or through the U.S. Postal Service at St. Louis County is making a limited number of testing kits available at two County libraries via curbside pickup. Advance reservations are required by calling 314-994-3300 and they are going fast. Get more information about the testing kits here. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can also help find other testing sites, like local pharmacies, on their website here
In the near future, the parking lot on Laclede Station Rd across from A.B. Green Park will be a COVID testing site as long as there is a need. It is not run by the City but rather a third party company. Learn more at
Stay safe to stay well. (If you’re not feeling well, please get tested and rest at home.) 
Please contact me if I can be of assistance.
(314) 645-0404
City of Richmond Heights, Missouri  
City Hall - 1330 S. Big Bend Blvd.
Richmond Heights Missouri 63117