Friday, January 29th
NJ Weekly Newsletter
This afternoon, Governor Murphy held a press conference and reported an additional 5,023 positive COVID-19 PCR tests increasing the statewide total to 615,202. An additional 83 confirmed deaths were announced, increasing the statewide total to 19,254 with 2,129 probable deaths due to COVID-19. The positivity rate is at 8.37% as of Monday and the rate of transmission is at 0.91. Governor Murphy added that total hospitalizations and total ventilator usage are decreasing.
The Commissioner of the Department of Health, Judy Persichilli, is quarantining for 14 days due to a staff member testing positive for COVID-19. Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Health, David Adinaro, attended the press conference on her behalf.
The Governor announced that the demand of the vaccination is significantly higher than the supply. As the federal allotment of the vaccination increases, we can make more appointments available to NJ residents. There was a technical issue on the vaccination registration site causing double booking yesterday and several appointments needed to be cancelled.
Johnson & Johnson held a clinical vaccine trial resulting in 72% efficacy across U.S. and 85% efficacy in preventing severe cases of COVID-19 after 28 days. The vaccination would provide complete protection against hospitalization or death after 28 days, and would provide against a severe case after 49 days. The trial accounted for every known variant of COVID-19. This vaccination is a 1-dose vaccination not requiring cold-chain storage and, if approved, could provide 100 million doses by the end of June.
CVS and Walgreens are holding clinics to vaccinate those in longterm care facilities. 113,275 total vaccinations have already been administered via these clinics.
Governor Murphy announced insterstate youth indoor sports competitions remain prohibited in NJ.
He also announced the time for NJ residents to enroll in health insurance through COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period has been extended from January 31st to May 15th. Visit for additional information, following the Biden Administration’s announcement of the expanded timeframe for ACA enrollment.
The Department of Labor has experienced a slight decrease in initial claims of unemployment. Over 2 million applications have been submitted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with $21.7 billion paid to eligible workers.
The Department of Human Services has extended COVID-19 child-care assistance programs through the end of February. Visit for more information.
The Governor announced today is Earned Income Tax Credit Day and advised all to visit to see if you are eligible and to claim your credit.
Governor Murphy highlighted a few items regarding vaccination appointments:
- If your 1st dose appointment was scheduled through, your 2nd dose appointment was automatically scheduled and you will receive a confirmation email
- If your 1st dose appointment was scheduled directly with a vaccination site, and you did not schedule a 2nd appointment, contact the vaccination site
- if you are uncertain, beginning this weekend, you can contact the Vaccination Call Center from 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week at (855) 568-0545.
On Monday, January 25th, First Lady Tammy Murphy unveiled the Nurture NJ Maternal and Infant Health Plan. The initiative aims to reduce the high rates of infant and maternal mortality and eliminate the racial disparities responsible for these deaths. The goal of the initiative is to make NJ the safest and most equitable place in the nation to deliver and raise a baby. To view the Governor's press release regarding the initiative, click here.
Vaccine Distribution Information and Notices from NJ DOH
General Information
Healthcare Provider Toolkit
Information for Long-Term Care Facilities
Policy, Guidance, and Directives
NJ News Quick Links
Governor's Notices
Department Notices
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Department of Health
Department of Human Services
Federal and National Update
NJ Legislative Update
Assembly Education Committee (1/25/2021)
A4264 Clayton Model Pilot Prog.-estab.; provide school-based social emotional learning - passed w/ amendments
A4783 Teachers-grants reciprocity with certain out-of-state certificates - passed w/ amendments
A4856 School websites & web services-req. to be accessible to persons w/disabilities - passed w/ amendments
A5126 Public schooling during COVID-19-Comm. of Education prepare learning loss report - passed
A5147 Alleviating Learning Loss Grant Prog-estab; assist in certain education programs - passed
S2486 Clayton Model Pilot Prog.-estab.; provide school-based social emotional learning - passed w/ amendments
S3214 Public schooling during COVID-19-Comm. of Education prepare learning loss report - passed
Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee (1/25/2021)
A4623 Discharge designation-DMVA assist memb discharged due to LGBTQ status to change - passed
A5174 Veterans' Memorial Homes Oversight Board-creates - passed w/ amendments
A5177 Bereavement Counseling Prog for family/caregivers of certain vet-req DMVA create - passed
A5178 Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Office-submit annual report to vet fac oversight bd - passed
Assembly Labor Committee (1/25/2021)
A1571 Prevailing wage-public work on properties receiving tax abatement or exemptions - substituted for A1576 - passed
A2617 Injured worker who has reached maximum medical improvement-concerns employment - passed
A4008 Apprenticeship training-provide secondary classroom experience credit - passed w/ amendments
Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee (1/25/2021)
A1354 Learner's permit, special-establishes cert additional examination & requirements - passed
A4521 Motor veh. cert of ownership & salvage cert-proh MVC requiring power of attorney - passed w/ amendments
Assembly Women and Children Committee (1/25/2021)
A1073 Preeclampsia testing for certain pregnant women & women who have given birth-req - passed
A1077 Postpartum depression screening-DOH develop and implement plan, improve access - passed w/ amendments
A3633 Postpartum information-establishes requirements and develop care plans - passed
Assembly Judiciary Committee (1/25/2021)
A3036 Affidavit of merit-plaintiff obtain in malpractice suit against enrolled agent - passed
A4640 Standby guardianship-revises law for minor child or ward - passed w/ amendments
A4771 Drug court-expands offenses eligible for expungement upon successful discharge - passed
AJR182 Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties & the Constitution-designates January 30 - passed
Assembly Agriculture Committee (1/25/2021)
A4843 Forest stewardship plan-req for lands acquired for recreation & conserv purposes - passed
A4844 Forest stewardship plans-provide that municipal approval is not required - passed
A4845 Prescribed burns-set min. acreage goal & schedule in pinelands area & Statewide - passed
A4846 Forest stewardship, pinelands area-concerns cooperation between govt & landowner - passed
Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee(1/25/2021)
A1057 Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment - passed
A2692 Volunteer firefighters, certain-municipality establish restricted parking spaces - passed
A4833 Bias & harassment-expands crime; establish additional penalties - passed w/ amendments
S551 Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment - passed
Assembly State and Local Government Committee (1/25/2021)
A4274 State Chief Diversity Officer-expand powers & duties; St Investment Council memb - passed
A4881 Land use decision-prohibit appeal related to holding meeting electronically - passed
A5064 Buy American Act-highway & bridge construction contract made w/US steel products - passed
S853 Buy American Act-highway & bridge construction contract made w/US steel products - passed
Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee (1/25/2021)
A3006 Audio or visual media intentionally deceptive-requires disclosure - passed
A3625 Biometric information-imposes moratorium on collection by public entities - substituted for A4211 - passed
A4985 Media content, deceptive-prohibits of pub off candidate w/in 60 days of election - passed w/ amendments
Assembly Human Services Committee (1/25/2021)
A5123 Group homes-implement policy to prevent social isolation, condition of licensure - passed w/ amendments
A5247 Devel. disab individuals-concerns info prov to guardian, involving abuse/neglect - passed
A5248 Family Services & Communications Advisory Committee-establish in DHS - passed
Assembly Agriculture Committee (1/27/2021)
A1564 Equine animal activities law-clarifies responsibility and liability issues - passed
A3231 Trunk fighting-establish as animal cruelty offense and third degree crime - passed
A3897 Waterfowl Stamps-increases fee - passed
Assembly Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources (1/27/2021)
A3142 Water supply and wastewater treatment systems-revises licensure req. to operate - passed w/ amendments
A5017 Water purveyors-require DEP make certain information available on its website - passed
A5018 Environmental infra. proj-req Infra Bank prov incentives, employ local residents - passed w/ amendments
A5042 Native plants-directs DEP study water absorbency - passed w/ amendments
A5043 Municipal water authority dissolution-Local Finance Bd. make cert findings prior - For Discussion Only
A5194 Nonpoint source pollution control grants-establishes ranking criteria - passed
S922 Municipal water authority dissolution-Local Finance Bd. make cert findings prior - For Discussion Only
Assembly Environment and Solid Waste (1/27/2021)
A2208 Electric or renewable power source veh-counties and municipalities purch w/bonds - passed w/ amendments
A3874 Methylene chloride paint removal-proh sale unless cert safety standards are met - passed w/ amendments
A5121 Manuf fac-concerns provision of energy by prov exemptions to cert energy taxes- passed
AJR203 Renewable Energy Day-designates May 23 of each year - passed
S894 Methylene chloride paint removal-proh sale unless cert safety standards are met - passed
Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee (1/27/2021)
A2264 Children endangerment-communication service preserve information - passed
A3687 Firearm, seized-notify domestic violence victim when weapon is returned - passed
A4663 Restorative & Transformative Justice for Youths & Communities Pilot Prog;$8.4M - For Discussion Only
AJR195 Reentry week-designates last week of April - passed
Senate Voting Session (1/28/2021)
A850 Community Broadband Study Commission-establishes - substituted for S2864 - passed
A1229 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website
A2244 Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal
A3199 Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against - substituted by S2315 - passed
A4004 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Task Force on Racial & Health Disparities
A4671Utilities, pub & local-prov notice, available relief measures during coronavirus - substituted for S3326 - passed
A4941 Surplus property in Town of Secaucus, Hudson County-auth. St. Treasurer to sell - substituted for S3122 - passed
A4943 Real property, surplus in Borough of Franklin-authorizes State Treasurer to sell - substituted for S3092 - passed
A5116 Real property, Mahwah Township-authorizes State Treasurer to sell - substituted for S3196 - passed
S111 Auto insurance underwriting-proh. use of education, occupation and credit score - passed
S241 Drug court-makes certain changes - passed
S347 One Health Task Force-estab. communications between physicians and veterinarians - passed
S550 Student ID cards-required to contain phone number for suicide prevention hotline - passed
S854 Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school - passed
S887 Prescription drug services, Medicaid-transition managed care to fee-for-service - passed
S975 Trunk fighting-establish as animal cruelty offense and third degree crime - passed
S1018 Sch discipline practice incl racial disparities/effectiveness task force-examine - passed w/ amendments
S1020 School discipline data-report on their websites and to Commissioner of Education - passed w/ amendments
S1148 Social svcs. hotline-emerg contact info & access instructions be prov to tenants - passed
S1259 Labor contractors-concerns - passed
S1367 Auth, bd, comm, council-deactivate if entity has not met at least once every yr - passed
S1559 Insurance Fair Conduct Act-unreasonable prices for business insurance - passed
S1634 Fireman certificates & membership-raises maximum eligibility age - passed
S1654 E-ZPass-opt to receive electronic notification of use at NJTA/SJTA toll plazas - passed
S1740 Motor vehicle registration-req. MVC place notation indicating registrant is deaf - passed
S1770 Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal - passed
S1851 State student assistance or other employment/training-concerns eligibility - passed
S2161 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website - held
S2323 Opioids-requires antidote prescriptions for certain patients - passed
S2358 Private education lenders-requires registration; estab protections for borrowers - passed
S2410 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Task Force on Racial & Health Disparities - floor amendment adopted
S2503 Strangulation assault-increases to crime of second degree - passed
S2728 State Board of Examiners of HVACR Contractors-adds 2 members - passed
S2769 Minority Business Development Program-establishes in EDA;$50M - passed
S2820 Vote by mail application-allows online reg. up to seven day before election - passed
S2831 Teachers-grants reciprocity with certain out-of-state certificates - passed
S2832 Teachers, substitute-allow student in higher ed instit., 30 semester hr to serve - passed
S2853 Dentist/dental insurance-prohibits certain provisions in agreements - passed
S2961 Foreclosure mediation program requirements-enhances homeowner notification - substituted by A1063
S2968 Veteran for civil service hiring preference-changes definition - passed
S2973 Office of deputy superintendent of election-creates in counties of fifth class - passed
S3012 MVC documents issued-provides temporary extension - passed
S3093 Pandemic-establish county-based mitigation plan, allow businesses operate during - passed
S3189 Emergency medical svcs-req issuance of temp certifications, cert circumstances - passed
S3234 Paycheck protection prog. loan-allow deduction of certain expenses when forgiven - passed
S3305 Gross income tax credit, nonresid. building improvement-allows - passed
S3335 Utility service, local & public-conduct study of coronavirus effect on service - passed
SJR93 Frederick Douglass Day-designates February 14 of each year - passed
SJR95 Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties & the Constitution-designates January 30 - passed
Administration and Department Information
The New Jersey Governor's Office
The Governor's Office has been updating their website with the latest information on the COVID-19 response.
The New Jersey Legislature
The New Jersey Legislature has passed legislation allowing them to virtually conduct committee meetings and voting sessions online. If you would like to view live Hearings and Voting Sessions, you may do so here.
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