January 31, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Presiding Bishop on the death of Tyre Nichols
  • Board of Trustees begins strategic planning work at Weekend Retreat
  • Singers from around Diocese gather for 35th Annual Choir Festival
  • Bishops Partnership Appeal Ends Today!
  • Exciting news for Pathways

From the Wider Church

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry sends pastoral word on the death of Tyre Nichols

Protesters march down the street Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, in Memphis, Tennessee, as authorities release police video showing five Memphis officers beating Tyre Nichols, whose death resulted in murder charges and provoked outrage at the country’s latest instance of police brutality. Photo: Gerald Herbert/AP

[Episcopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued a pastoral word on Jan. 28, the morning after the Memphis Police Department issued body-camera footage of the beating of Tyre Nichols. The 29-year-old motorist was beaten by Memphis police officers after a Jan. 7 traffic stop and died as a result of the injuries three days later. The five police officers involved were charged on Jan. 26 with second-degree murder. Protests took place in cities across the U.S. on Jan. 27 as the footage became public. (West Tennessee Bishop Phoebe Roaf’s statement to her diocese is here.)

Read the presiding bishop’s full message here.

Around the Diocese

Board of Trustees begins strategic planning work at Weekend Retreat

Your EDNC Board of Trustees and regional Deans met at the Mercy Center in Auburn January 26-29. 

At the gathering, facilitated by Canon Caroline McCall of the Diocese of Spokane, the group looked at both 2023 goals and the beginning of a 3-5 year strategic plan for the diocese. We spent time dreaming and planning together about the best life for our diocese. We look forward to telling you more (stay tuned!).

– Cn. Julie

A View of the Chapel at Mercy Center. Photo by Anne Seed

Singers from around the Diocese gather to make a joyful noise at 35th Choir Festival

Fifty singers from Trinity Cathedral and several parishes around the Diocese, joined together for a day of singing at the Thirty-fifth Diocesan Choir Festival. The guest conductor was Dr. Bruce Neswick, recently retired as Canon for Music at Trinity Cathedral in Portland, and now Artist-in-residence at St James by the Sea in La Jolla, California.

After a full day of rehearsal, the day culminated with a service of Choral Evensong featuring music of Sowerby, Quinn, Forbes L'Estrange, and Hallock. In addition to singers from Trinity Cathedral were choristers from St. Johns/Chico, Incarnation/Santa Rosa, All Saints & St. Paul's/Sacramento, and the Sacramento Choral Society. 

The festival organizer and organist was David Link, Canon Precentor & Director of Music at Trinity Cathedral, and the officiant at Evensong was the Very Reverend Matthew Woodward, Dean.

Many thanks to all who joined us this year, and we hope to welcome everyone back to the Cathedral soon!

Diocesan Congregational Development Grants at work

Widows & Widowers Grief Support Group and Dementia Caregivers Support Group at St. John’s, Roseville

St. John’s received a grant in December to support a new ministry venture, detailed below by Deacon Marcia Hansen.

The long period of COVID restrictions caused deaths and, in many cases, without the comfort of loved ones at their side. It also led to lasting illnesses, loss of jobs thus loss of homes, and to new struggles, isolation and related issues evolved, e.g., dementias, anxieties, and much more. Starting these two support groups has been very much appreciated by participants (Attendance varies from 15 to 7 at W/W sessions and 9 are signed up for first Dementia Caregivers Group of 1/24/2023). Participants are now able to speak out loud with others who can understand their pent-up feelings, fears, and even some joys that family and friends just don’t understand in the same way – truly a blessing, giving them strength and courage to face what is ahead. Thank you for the grant to get these underway.

“God blesses those who mourn for they will be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4

Office of the Bishop

Katherine Frederick Ordained a Deacon

On Wednesday, January 25, Bishop Megan, assisted by Archdeacons Margaret Grayden and Pamela Gossard, ordained Katherine Frederick as a transitional Deacon. Many clergy, family, and friends were present for the joyous occasion, held at Trinity Cathedral.

Congratulations to our newest Deacon!

February is Black History Month

The diocese website has lots of resources for your congregation to celebrate Black History Month. Click on the button to access helpful materials.

Canon to the Ordinary

FaithX Project Update FAQs

What is FaithX?

A three-year congregational vitality project

Who can Participate?

Congregations with an average Sunday attendance between 30-70 people (plus/minus)

What does working with FaithX look like?

Participating churches will need a team of 4-6 people to be the congregation’s FaithX team. This will include one “team leader” and a communications chair. Individual time commitments will be roughly 6-8 hours/month.

Clergy are expected to play a support (not leadership) role. 

What does it cost to Participate in FaithX? $750/year for 3 years. (The diocese is contributing an additional $1000/year/church)

How will FaithX help my congregation? Three years of mentoring, access to a broad array of data about your community, and tools to help you use this information to help your church thrive. 

Questions? Contact Cn. Julie julie@norcalepiscopal.org

Missioner for Church Life

Holy Week Text Experience

This year, try a new way to deepen your experience of Holy Week through text messages. This HOLY WEEK (from Palm Sunday, April 2, to Easter Sunday, April 9), you’ll receive text messages in real-time so you can walk with Jesus during his final days.

When we say ‘real-time’ we mean it! Some text messages will arrive early in the morning or late at night as we truly walk with Jesus and experience the events leading to His death and resurrection.

As you read the texts, our hope is that you’ll live the Easter story as if it were happening in the moment.

To join, text HOLYWEEK to (833) 629-0176*.

*You agree to receive automated messages. Standard message and data rates apply. You will receive up to 30 msgs/mo. Texts are sent in the subscriber’s local time. Reply STOP to end. Your phone number will not be shared with any other group. Your number will be deleted when the project is over.

This text experience comes courtesy of TryTank, a joint project of Virginia Theological Seminary and General Theological Seminary.

Empty Altars | American Saints in a Cynical Age

An Online Pop-Up Learning Community with Dr. Diana Butler Bass & Dr. Tripp Fuller

Join Diana and Tripp this Lent as they explore "sainthood" for an American -- and global -- future. We'll share stories that need to be told of "saints" you know and those you need to know in a quirky learning journey through American religious history.

A 6-Week Lenten Exploration of American Saints

6 Feature Sessions

Diana & Tripp will facilitate our feature sessions that include a mini-lecture, conversation, and Q & A.

Curated Readings

Each week we will have readings from the American Saints featured in each session and Q & A about them.

Online Community

Everyone will be invited to join the private online group to connect with other nerds and have access to everything in Audio/Video on the class resource page.


Exciting News from Pathways!

This summer, Pathways will be joining a thousand or so Episcopal youth from across the United States at Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) 2023 in College Park, Maryland, July 4–8.

In lieu of our original plan of spending our summer program in Sacramento, youth ages 15-19 (as of July 4, 2023) are invited to join us on our journey to the East Coast to participate in learning, laughing, and worshiping with EYE. EYE only happens every three years, and we are excited to attend what is the second-largest gathering of the Episcopal Church!

As a team, Pathways will travel to and from the event, as well as hosting pre-and-post events locally to prepare for and reflect on our trip.

We are still looking for young adult and adult leaders above the age of 21 to join us on this trip as chaperones! More details are to come on how to apply. 

Spaces are limited, so be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming registration forms, as well as information on scholarships to help defray some of the costs. 

Trinity Cathedral

Mary Magdalene Lecture

and Workshop

Thursday, February 16

5:00 – 8:00 pm | on Zoom

Trinity Cathedral is excited to offer this three-hour lecture/workshop on Mary Magdalene by Magdalene scholar, Dr. Kayleen Asbo. Dr. Asbo has lead Magdalene pilgrimages to southern France and lectured on Magdalene at Chartres Cathedral as well as at Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral, Houston, and Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR.

What happened to Magdalene after the resurrection? What are the sites of Magdalene in southern France? Who was she for the rest of her life? What has been her meaning throughout western history? 

Please join Dr. Asbo’s presentation/ workshop and discover for yourself the beauty and meaning of Mary Magdalene. Suggested donation is $20. Follow this link to the Realm payment portal. https://onrealm.org/TrinityCathedral/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=YzRjNDVhYTMtMWQ5My00NWYzLTg1MmEtYWY5YTAxNzE2MmM2


Email Susan Hotchkiss susan_hotchkiss1@hotmail.com for zoom link. 


The link below takes you to a video from Dr. Asbo about her studies of Mary Magdalene.



K​ayleen Asbo, Ph.D is a cultural historian, musician, writer and teacher who passionately weaves together myth, psychology, history, and the arts with experiential learning. To learn more about Kayleen, click here

Episcopal Community Services

Episcopal Community Services of Northern California 2023-2024 Annual Grant Cycle Begins

ECS is pleased to announce that the 2023-2024 Annual Grant Cycle has begun!

Episcopal congregations throughout the Diocese of Northern California can apply for a number of grants, including:

  • The Ministry Development Fund (1 year)
  • The Warren Dunning Memorial Social Justice Grant (3 years)
  • The Barry L. Beisner Multi-Year Grant (up to 5 years)
  • The Bishop Jerry and Jane Lamb Grant (youth/young adults)
  • The Healing and Health Ministries Mini-Grants
  • The Rev. David & Catherine Cavanaugh Memorial Grant (1 year, with option for 2 renewals)

Information about each of these grant opportunities can be found on the ECS website, www.norcalecs.org.

Letters of interest for these grants are recommended, but are not mandatory. Information about Letters of Interest are also found on the ECS website.  Letters of Interest are due to Betty Harrison-Smith, Grants Chair, by March 15, 2023 (bettyharrisonsmith@gmail.com).

The actual request for funding (Request for Proposals, or RFP) is due to the Grants Chair by May 1, 2023.  The Request for Proposals document can also be found on the ECS website.

Episcopal Foundation

Book of Dreams Ends Today!

To date, we have received more than $16,000 from 59 donors.

We are thankful to everyone who has supported the Book of Dreams thus far, however we are still far from our goal of $90,000. If you have given to the Book of Dreams, thank you! If you haven't yet, and would like to show your support, you still can!


Click here to give! Making a difference has never been so easy!

Diocesan Indigeneous Ministries

The Four Vision Quests of Jesus  

The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston

Bp. Charleston, a Choctaw elder, describes four events in Jesus’ life through Indigenous eyes and the traditional understanding of Vision Quest. Join The Rev. Canon Tina Campbell online to discuss this Native perspective.

Thursdays – 7:00-8:00 pm

February 2 – March 9

Registration is limited

Contact: tinarcampbell@comcast.net

Facilitated by The Rev. Canon Tina Campbell 

Spiritual Formation

Lay Preaching Course Application Deadline is Today.

The Episcopal Dioceses of El Camino Real, Northern California and San Diego are accepting applications for a course opening in the winter of 2023 to prepare individuals to apply for a Lay Preaching license. We are forming cohorts of students in Spanish and English and seeking adult learners of all ages and educational backgrounds who are actively involved in ministry in their congregations and demonstrate gifts in lay leadership. Participants must be members of a congregation within one of our three partner dioceses.

The Deadline for Applications is Today!

The application:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUdIJvYniTlzEQp37TYXaJT7HGQEy5OPyU9hbuw2daJNPIRg/viewform


Questions? Contact the dean:

The Rev. Kathy Lawlersfmdean@norcalepiscopal.org

Las Diócesis Episcopales de El Camino Real, el Norte de California, y San Diego están aceptando solicitudes para un curso que se abrirá en el invierno de 2023 para preparar a las personas para solicitar una licencia de Predicación Laica. Estamos formando cohortes de estudiantes en español e inglés y buscando estudiantes adultos de todas las edades y antecedentes educativos que participen activamente en el ministerio en sus congregaciones y demuestren dones en el liderazgo laico. Los participantes deben ser miembros de una congregación de unas de nuestras tres diócesis asociadas.

La aplicación:


¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con el decano: 

La Rda. Kathy Lawler sfmdean@norcalepiscopal.org

Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health

Living Compass 2023 Lenten Meditation Booklets

are ready to order!

Living Compass - Lent 2023 Devotional

Practicing Compassion with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind

Each year, tens of thousands of individuals across various denominations use our daily devotionals to help them prepare for the coming of Easter. Faith communities also use the devotionals for Lent programs (including online), classes, small-group discussions, and retreats with the help of our FREE downloadable and printable Facilitator's Guide. Below you will find multiple ways to engage these resources, either as an individual, or as a lay or clergy leader. 

Vivir una buena Cuaresma en el 2023: Practicando la compasión con todo el corazón, alma, fuerzas y mente  

Este devocionario tiene como propósito el ayudarle a conectarse con la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesucristo. También le va a ayuda a tener una mejor relación con Dios, consigo mismo, con los demás y con el mundo.

To order free copies supported by the Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health,

Contact: Susan Wahlstrom, Coordinator


Please provide your congregation name, how many books you want to order and a mailing address – we will take it from there. 

Learn more at www.livingcompass.org

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Tyre Nichols Vigil, January 30, 2023

By Miriam Casey and Bob Wohlsen    

In cities and towns across Northern California, community members gathered for conversation, vigils, and marches to remember Tyre Nichols, express their anger, and to encourage each other to continue to work to end the senseless deaths of citizens by the police, whose job it is to protect them.  

In Santa Rosa, 75 came together for a solidarity vigil organized by Love and Light, a grassroots organization, at the new Unum sculpture in Courthouse Square on Monday evening.  Individuals shared their personal stories about the impact of this most recent killing, by Memphis police, and other acts of violence in their families and neighborhoods.  Many had candles, signs, and flowers that they placed by the sculpture, which represents all the diverse people in Sonoma County, to create an altar for Tyre. 

It was good to be there to be with others, grieving and committing to work for necessary changes in our community policing culture and practices.

Surveys for Diocesan Racial Justice Audit Will Begin February 2023

Diocesan governing leaders and participants on Diocesan commissions and committees will receive online surveys beginning in February from The Mission Institute (MI) to begin the formal process of the Racial Justice Audit.  R3-2021, the resolution in support of the audit, passed with a majority of votes at the 2021 Diocesan Convention.

The Commission for Intercultural Ministries is working with MI to administer the audit throughout 2023. Over the last 10 years, MI has accompanied various religious organizations through the audit process, including the national Episcopal Church. The purpose of the audit is to assess the racial equity health of communities that are audited.

MI will analyze the survey results and interview leaders who can offer their experiences as a window into the culture and life as it pertains to systemic racism. After MI analyzes the interviews, they will identify patterns and issues, and prepare a summary report which will be shared toward the end of 2023.

The audit is a 2-year process. During the second year, 2024, parishes will be invited to participate in the audit process. At the end of the second year, MI consultants will facilitate a half-day, in-person retreat in our Diocese to discuss the report and identify a pathway forward that cultivates the transformation of all aspects of the life and ministry of our Diocese.

Read more here about the Racial Justice Audit. Please contact Lynn Zender, zenderlynn@gmail.com, or Jo Ann Williams, bjwilli@surewest.net, Racial Justice Audit Co-Chairs, for questions about the audit.

I Will, With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice Upcoming Workshop

These one-day in-person Workshops were specially developed for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California by the Commission for Intercultural Ministries. Renew your Baptismal Covenant as we learn about forms of historic and contemporary racism and how to engage in ministry with sensitivity and respect for all.

Please note that due to the nature of the program, attendance is limited to 30 participants.

Saturday, February 18

9:30 am - 4:30 pm

St. Martin's | Davis

Register: https://forms.gle/zRz2d3T6jfyAEVG59

Lunch donation of $10 (cash or check) on day of workshop.

Contact Michael Adams for questions. madams95747@yahoo.com

St. John's Roseville to host Concert for Hope

St. John's Roseville welcomes Concerts for Hope on Wednesday, February 1 at 7:00 pm. Concerts for Hope, a small nonprofit, is led by founder Eric Genuis, who tours the world with a small ensemble playing his original compositions for inmates in prisons. “I go into these prisons to expose these kids to music and beauty that uplifts their humanity,” said Genuis. “I believe beauty matters. You give a civilization beauty, you get hope, excitement and life.” 

Eric has performed in prisons all over the world, including on death row in numerous institutions. He will play wherever institutions will allow. 

The Rev. Cliff Haggenjos, rector of St. John's, recently had the opportunity to assist Eric at California State Penitentiary, Sacramento and was deeply touched by the beauty he experienced in the prison and the response of the inmates to Eric's gift of love. He invited Eric to come to St. John's and Eric agreed. 

Read More

Job Opportunities Around The Diocese

Office of the Bishop | Sacramento is seeking a Receptionist and Administrative Assistant. Download job description here!

To apply, please send cover letter and resume to Kati Braak, Director of Operations, The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California kati@norcalepiscopal.org

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

St. Paul's | Sacramento is seeking a Music Director. 

Read the job announcement here.

Diocesan Commissions | Committees | Ministries

Commission on the Environment

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Commission on Ministry

Christian Formation Committee

Episcopal Community Services

Ministries of Health Committee

Investment Fund Committee

Disaster Preparedness

Recovery Ministries

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

Center for Bible Study

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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