CRC22 Earhart in Port Susan.
photo by Susan John, January 31, 2025
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CRC531 Gretchen in Saratoga Passage.
photo by Thomas McKane, January 27, 2025
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We are watching and visiting the whales in their home.
Please observe, love, and respect them from a distance.
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Sightings through January 31 include:
Southern Residents - No reports.
Bigg's Killer Whales - On January 25, T124A2s were in Puget Sound.
On January 26, T124A2s were in Puget Sound.
On January 27, January 28, & January 29, orcas were reported in Puget Sound but no IDs confirmed.
On January 30, T46s minus T46D were in Port Susan. T87 & others went east through Deception Pass.
On January 31, T46s minus T46D were seen in Possession Sound. Another group of orcas was also spotted in Possession Sound but no IDs confirmed.
Humpbacks - No reports.
Gray Whales - All of the five Sounders back in inland Puget Sound so far spotted this report. Sounders confirmed in inland Puget Sound: CRC22 Earhart, CRC53 Little Patch, CRC531 Gretchen, CRC2246 Azulão, & CRC2362 Thidwick.
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RESCHEDULED Virtual Youth Event: Pinnipeds of the Salish Sea!
Join us for an exciting and educational online event hosted by the Langley Whale Center where we’ll dive into the world of pinnipeds who call the Salish Sea home!
TIME: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Location: Virtual! (Link provided upon registration)
The Salish Sea is home to several species of pinnipeds, each with unique behaviors and adaptations that make them an important part of our coastal ecosystem. Whether they’re basking on rocks, swimming gracefully, or raising their pups on the shore, these amazing marine mammals are truly a sight to behold.
During this fun and interactive event, our youth audience will:
Learn about local pinniped species: Garry, Orca Network's Stranding Coordinator, will tell us all about the differences between harbor seals, sea lions, and other pinnipeds in the Salish Sea.
Take part in a hands-on activity: We’ll wrap up with a creative craft activity!
How to Join: Registration is free but required! Click the link here to sign up and get the Zoom link sent to your inbox. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to dive into the world of pinnipeds in the Salish Sea with the Langley Whale Center!
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Webshop item: Whale Sighting Alerts Subscription
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network and Education Project is now offering our whale sightings phone/text alerts by annual subscription.
Cost is $25.00 every 12 months. If finances is a hardship please email
Real-time, or near real-time, call/text alerts create opportunities for people to connect with and observe the whales in their natural habitat from shorelines and other platforms around the Salish Sea. And for those who wish to contribute to Community Science you can report your sightings to our Whale Sighting Network team who vets, records, and disperses collected data to researchers, scientists, agencies, educators, public, etc.
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Your support enables Orca Network to continue our work to connect people & whales, educate & inspire people to take action, and collect & disseminate data for research & education.
With Gratitude!
Orca Network
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BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) | |
Fri, Jan 31 - Possession Sound (T46s minus T46D) | |
Male is T46E Thor
13:20 - There’s another group passing Hat Island. Southbound. Large male and 2 females [approx. [48.014833, -122.348625].
back of camera photo by Michele Tosh Brodsky, January 31, 2025
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Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Michele Brodsky
Date of Sighting: January 31, 2025
Time: 1:26 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: North of Hat [Island]
Direction of travel : Sb
Behaviors observed: Travel
If orcas, any males?: Yes 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Thor?
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Fri, Jan 31 - Possession Sound
13:50 - Four to six. There's a baby.
13:47 - We are near Possession Point State Park. Heading south.
Maegan Rocero
13:40 - Close to Whidbey side.
13:35 - They are south of Glendale, continuing south at a good pace. I saw three just south of Glendale as I pulled up, one was smaller, not sure if there was male. Conditions are bad - rainy choppy foggy. I basically saw them porpoise once and disappear.
Donna George
13:07 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: [Tokitae] Captain reports a small pod of ORCA South of the CLIN Terminal.
13:04 - Headed south close to shore.
Melissa Simmons, WSF
13:06 - Near Whidbey toward Possession.
13:00 - Possibly same three (1 male, 2 female) crossing the 13:00 Clinton ferry.
Kayla Phillips
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09:45 - Seeing two orcas in Holmes Harbor this morning. I watched for 10 minutes, just milling around. Dines Point slowly heading south.
photo by Kate Sheppard, January 31, 2025
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Thu, Jan 30 - San Juans
10:48 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:22 to report: 1048hrs: Vessel [Chelan] reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single orca heading southwest at the confluence of Thatcher Pass and Rosario Strait.
08:42 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report at 08:59: 0842hrs: [SEALTH] Vessel reports they have come to all-stop out of an abundance of caution for a single orca milling about in Friday Harbor.
Thu, Jan 30 - Deception Pass/Skagit Bay (T87 & others)
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T87 Harbeson
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:55 - Orcas southbound Skagit Bay near Borgman Road. I see at least 6.
photos by Kevin Phillips, January 30, 2025
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16:16 - Orcas heading south passing Ala Spit 30 minutes ago [approximately 15:45].
Roger Baker [WIWS]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Marc Lathrop
Date of Sighting: January 30, 2025
Time: 1:36 PM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: off of Lighthouse Point heading towards Cornet Bay
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: traveling,
If orcas, any males?: maybe
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: one, possibly two juveniles with mom close on their tail. The group was close to the trail on Lighthouse Point, but quickly submerged and moved quickly, surfacing as a group of 4 or 5+ near the center of the bay too far to count. We caught brief video of juveniles and mom but fumbled getting any good photos. I would like to know the identity of the pod if anyone would know.
Photos available?: No, Yes, I will email the photos to
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T87 Harbeson
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
screengrab from video by Marc Lathrop, January 30, 2025
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Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Adam Dreifuerst
Date of Sighting: January 30, 2025
Time: 1:29 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Seen from Rosario Head (48.415849, -122.667467)
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: not sure, but one with a particularly tall dorsal separated from the other 3
Any unusual markings?: none observed
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
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T87 Harbeson
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
screengrab from video by Adam Dreifuerst, January 30, 2025
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Thu, Jan 30 - Port Susan (T46s minus T46D)
16:40 - Male still northbound but might be trending toward Camano. North of Langley and Pebble Beach.
16:27 - Northbound passing Langley mid channel.
Michele Tosh Brodsky
16:15 - Mid channel Langley and Pebble Beach southbound. Although Summerland is in the background of video. Two other pod members trailing behind the male [video in FB comments].
Marilyn Armbruster
16:07 - Large male, female trailing back.
16:00 - Northbound Saratoga just passing Sandy Point more Camano side of mid.
Michele Tosh Brodsky
16:00 - Per friend: Viewing from Sandy Point - 1 male orca and 2 female/juvenile are northbound in Saratoga Passage, male is more mid channel others are Camano side, approaching Pebble Beach community.
15:50 - Per friend: Viewing from Sandy Point still - large male orca has made a change of direction and is now between Sandy Point and Camano Head angled towards Camano Head/Saratoga Passage.
15:20 - Per friend: Viewing from Sandy Point looking towards mainland, orcas are steady southbound - Whidbey/Camano side of mid channel between here and Tulalip.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:55 - Three orcas passed Spee-bi-dah southbound (Port Susan).
Linda Aitkins
14:36 - The orca are now heading south, mainland side... Passed Sunny Shores.
Susan John
12:46 - Single male orca reported by, heading northwest between Hat Island and Mission Beach.
Tom Nowack
13:09 - Two plus orca. Male/female. Paused half mile out from Sunny Shores [between McKees Beach and Tulare].
Patrick [PSWW chat]
Wed, Jan 29 - Puget Sound
09:39 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:43 to report: 0939hrs: [Spokane] Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single orca located off the Edmonds ferry terminal heading in a northbound direction.
Tue, Jan 28 - Possession Sound
17:10 - Orcas mid channel. In north ferry lane northeasterly bound. Seen from [Mukilteo/Clinton] ferry.
Marilyn Armbruster
16:11 - Two northbound orcas at Possession Point. Pointed at Mukilteo.
Terica Ginther
Mon, Jan 27 - Possession Sound
14:39 - Still eating.
14:28 - On a kill. I’ll drop a pin [approx. 48.022784, -122.352439].
12:59 - Viewing from the north end of Clinton, the whales have passed Hat and are headed for Camano/Sandy Point.
Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:30 - Three orcas northbound towards Clinton ferry terminal. Whidbey side.
Tiffany Dana Kelly
Sun, Jan 26 - Puget Sound (T124A2s)
17:00 - After circling the buoy and hunting for approx 30 minutes the Ts resumed travel and are now on approach to Jefferson Head transect Richmond Beach Saltwater Park mid channel. Stunning day and sundown.
16:40 - Bigg’s still right at the mid channel buoy out from north end Richmond Beach. Thinking they’ve taken someone else who’s in the water while sea lion watches it all unfold. Stay on and hold tight buddy.
16:23 - Bigg’s are hunting around the yellow mid channel buoy off Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. There is seal lion on the buoy.
16:17 - Now south of the yellow mid channel marker. Maybe they just go back and pick up the one that keeps lagging? I think resumes southbound.
16:13 - Split again. Two to three made it to just south of and just west of yellow marker, another trailing. The two lead whales flipped and turned back north, the groups passed at the buoy. Now northbound, will update once know if committed flip.
15:58 - Pretty sure there at least four orcas out there. Now grouped still north of the yellow mid channel buoy, but well on Kitsap side. Moving south.
15:55 - At least some to the south again not far from last description.
15:50 - After making progress south, the lead whales turned back and I think met up with the trailing whale. All are now back now north of President Point again, a bit more east than before. I think maybe on a hunt, they are non-directional.
15:15 - After stalling out juts south of terminal (per Catherine), I found the pod who has resumed southbound travel between Kingston terminal and President Point.
Alisa Lemire Brooks
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T124A2B Litton
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:05 - They were southbound with long down times - passed [Apple Tree Point] at 14:20. I heard they turned east and are still north of the ferry but almost to mid-channel.
14:20 - Southbound right off Apple Tree Point Kingston.
photos by Sara Frey, January 26, 2025
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09:20 - Adult & two babies off Possession Beach walk moving south.
Lisa Schmidt Thomas [WIWS]
07:56 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: T/S reports 3 Orca North near the [Clinton, Whidbey] terminal. Vessel will swing wide on departure.
Sat, Jan 25 - Puget Sound (T124A2s)
16:45 - From the Edmonds ferry just now. Link to FB videos.
Janet Tilley
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T124A2 Elkugu
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:37 - This was from Edmonds! I think 3! They did continue north!
photos by Andrea Courtney, January 25, 2025
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09:30 - Orcas spotted off of Alki!
Katie Oly
Thu, Jan 23 - Deception Pass (T34s, T36s, T37s)
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T34 Grace & T34B Sonder
IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
In the right place at the right time to see the T34s/T36s and T37s pass beneath Deception Pass Bridge - first viewing from the bridge
photos by Sandy Pollard, January 23, 2025
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T36B Tattertip & T36B4
IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
photos by RJ Snowberger, January 23, 2025
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T34s, T36Bs, and T37/37Bs passed under the Deception Pass Bridge on Jan 23. I had just landed, traveling from Western Australia (where there was also whales), was planning to go home but on the flight learned that there were Orcas in Puget Sound, first time in weeks, so I drove straight from the airport to Ala Spit. Link to more photos.
photos by Hongming Zheng, January 23, 2025
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NORTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) | |
Sun, Jan 26 - Ketchikan, AK (B7s) | |
B7 Scarlet & B13 Yuculta
IDs by Jenny Körner
14:30 - Near Ketchikan. Link to more photos.
photos by Court Grace, January 26, 2024
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Thu, Jan 30 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
13:15 - Eyes on them heading south from Hastie!
Eliseanna Morrison
12:00 - I just saw orcas out by Smith Island! Viewing from Whidbey Island, West Beach at Hastie Lake.
Meegan Kenney Burr [WIWS]
Mon, Jan 27 - Howe Sound, BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Natasha Horn
Date of Sighting: January 27, 2025
Time: 8:55 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: 49.3962227, -123.2526755 (Near Ansell Point in the Howe Sound, BC, Canada)
Direction of travel : South to Southwest heading towards Horseshoe Bay
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: No
Any unusual markings?: N/A
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It appeared to be a mom and three calves. One calf seemed significantly smaller than the other two calves. They were traveling slowly by our house, heading towards Horseshoe Bay.
Photos available?: No
Sun, Jan 26 - Burrard Inlet, BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Chris McConochie
Date of Sighting: January 26, 2025
Time: 12:33 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Just off Arbutus Ridge near anchored freighter
Direction of travel : Static
Behaviors observed: Hunting
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
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Fri, Jan 31 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart)
11:34 - The grey that came through Tillicum today was moving fast and diving in the 50-150 foot deep, right outside the buoy line. I finally got to see an active young grey feeding, he went right past the cabin.
Greg Cox
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CRC22 Earhart
ID by Marla Smith, Orca Network
10:45 - Tillicum Beach southbound.
photos by Susan John, January 31, 2025
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10:44 - Just passed Tillicum Beach - southbound. Moving quickly (Port Susan).
10:33 - Gray whale in port Susan southbound approaching Tillicum Beach.
Linda Aitkins
Fri, Jan 31 - Saratoga Passage
12:00 - We just saw a spout on the east side of Sandy Point near Whidbey. Looks like it’s headed into Saratoga Passage going northwest. Definitely a baleen whale.
Luanne Seymour
Fri, Jan 31 - Holmes Harbor
10:22 - Friend reports "Just saw a baleen from Freeland Park [approx. 48.021766, -122.523547].”
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Thu, Jan 30 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart & CRC531 Gretchen)
We have two gray Whales [CRC22 & CRC531] in Port Susan this afternoon dining along the shoreline north of Kayak Point.
John C Storbeck
Thu, Jan 30 - Saratoga Passage
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14:12 - About 1.5 mile north of Hidden Beach, one gray milling.
photos by Francie L Dailer, January 30, 2025
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11:35 - At least one gray [north] of Hidden Beach [Whidbey].
Sego Jackson
Wed, Jan 29 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
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CRC531 Gretchen
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
18:00 - Grey whale 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach heading north.
16:45 - Still feeding, but generally making its way south closer to Hidden Beach still about a mile away anybody have an idea which one this is there’s kind of an X scratch underneath the blow hole.
16:32 - Gray whale still feeding 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach.
16:20 - Feeding [video in FB comments].
16:00 - It’s feeding.
15:55 - Moving fast.
15:51 - Gray whale 2 miles north of Hidden Beach.
photos by Aaron Gill, January 29, 2025
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Wed, Jan 29 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart & CRC2362 Thidwick) | |
CRC2362 Thidwick & CRC22 Earhart
CRC22 Earhart & CRC2362 Thidwick feed in the cove north of Hidden Beach. Link to videos. Link to more photos.
photos & IDs by Rachel Haight, January 29, 2025
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photo by Donna Lafrenier, January 29, 2025 | |
I am so very grateful to the person who posted about seeing two blows… I turned around and came back after my first failed attempt, and just spent the best ever hour and a half watching them up close. Absolutely made my vacation (from Canadian prairies) complete!!! Thanks to everyone who chatted here and in person!
Diane Farish Kotelko
A few more videos of this wonderful late afternoon [videos in FB comments from Hidden Beach].
Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
16:20 - Still frolicking and feeding at Hidden Beach.
Janet Moody
16:16 - Both are very close to shore by Hidden Beach.
Audrey Gao
16:05 - Earhart was feeding so close to shore & Thidwick not far behind. Calm glassy waters, just a dreamy afternoon. Still in the cove north of Hidden Beach parking lot.
15:50 - The other gray is CRC2362 Thidwick. Him & Earhart feeding parallel & socializing still in the cove north of Hidden Beach parking lot.
15:27 - One is CRC22 Earhart.
15:22 - Still north of Hidden Beach feeding in cove.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:27 - Two feeding north of the Hidden Beach parking area.
Nancy Culp Zaretzke
14:07 - Viewing from Camano Island State Park - can see the blows of two gray whales at the north end of Hidden Beach.
Linda Aitkins
12:00 - Observed two gray whales at Hidden Beach [Whidbey] moving south to north.
Greg Varney
Wed, Jan 29 - Saratoga Passage
15:05 - One gray whale less than 100 feet off our shoreline in Greenbank (about one mile south of Greenbank Beach). Heading north along the shoreline towards Greenbank Beach.
Martha Poppy Sinclair
Tue, Jan 28 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
16:08 - CRC531 Gretchen feeding in front of the houses about a quarter mile west of East Point.
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:52 - At least one gray in the middle of the houses at Fox Spit, northwest of East Point.
14:30 - Gray on the same area, nondirectional.
14:14 - Gray on Whidbey side just south of East Point. I think feeding, lots of bird activity.
Serena Tierra, Orca Network
14:10 - Update - the whale is back in the area south of Fox Spit.
14:00 - Gray whale is northbound passing the houses on Fox Spit.
13:43 - Viewing the blow of a gray whale south of Fox Spit. can’t tell direction. Viewing from Camano Island State Park.
Linda Aitkins
Tue, Jan 28 - Saratoga Passage
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09:40 - Gray traveling north in Saratoga Passage off Pebble Beach towards Mabana. Couldn’t get a very good photo. Can still hear the blows out in the fog.
photo by Brianne McCoy, January 28, 2025
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Tue, Jan 28 - Holmes Harbor | |
17:10 - Gray heading very slowly north, Holmes Harbor towards Greenbank. May make Hidden Bach before dark!
photo by Kate Sheppard, January 28, 2025
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Mon, Jan 27 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen) | |
14:24 - 15:46 - Gretchen is now feeding in front of the boat ramp at Summerland.
photos by Thomas McKane, January 27, 2025
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13:18 - At least one gray feeding here [approx. 48.067077, -122.392981].
Emily Wandres
Mon, Jan 27 - Possession Sound
15:40 - Actually one is still at my original post and the other headed south. Not feeding.
15:30 - Have moved south and westerly from my post at 15:00 [approx. 48.007679, -122.248954].
15:00 - Could see 1 grey blow possibly two at approx. location on map [48.022131, -122.247153].
Marilyn Armbruster
Sun, Jan 26 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch)
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CRC53 Little Patch
ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:40 - Grey off of Hidden Beach, direction is unknown.
photos by Deb Cronheim, January 26, 2025
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Sun, Jan 26 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
16:15 - Feeding Camano side between East Point, Camp Diana.
Beriah SoOrio
15:35 - Gretchen flipped back north. Currently between East Point and Camp Diana, half-ish mile off the Whidbey shore.
15:25 - She just angled out more towards midchannel before she got to Bells Beach so she might flip again.
14:57 - Gretchen flipped back south and is feeding south of East Point.
14:30 - CRC531/Gretchen is northeast-bound between East Point and Baby Island close to Whidbey.
Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
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CRC531 Gretchen
09:00 - I spotted a grey out from the Summerland area. It was slowly moving away pointed towards Langley last time I saw it.
photo by Susan John, January 26, 2025
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Sun, Jan 26 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart & other)
13:00 - Port Susan Whale Watchers were tracking two grays. CRC22 Earhart was spotted logging off Sunny Shores and photographed off Spee-Bi-Dah last spotted southbound off Tulalip Shore. Another gray was northbound off Pirates Cove about 3000 feet out also logging.
John C Storbeck
Sun, Jan 26 - Possession Sound (CRC2246 Azulão)
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09:25 - [CRC2246] Gray feeding in Snohomish River delta. Viewed from Mission Beach. Appears to be feeding south of channel marker. Link to photos.
photos by Jaime Shields, January 26, 2025
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Sat, Jan 25 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch)
16:30 - Gray whale traveling north mid channel between Bells Beach and Fox Spit [approx. 48.096036, -122.453359].
Emily Wandres
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CRC53 Little Patch
15:30 - 16:40 - Still slowly moving northbound [from Mabana] when we left at 16:40.
photos by Thomas McKane, January 25, 2025
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CRC53 Little Patch
15:30 - Camano side of mid channel, off Mabana. Last seen pushing closer to Whidbey, northbound.
photos by Susan John, January 25, 2025
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Sat, Jan 25 - Saratoga Passage
12:34 - One gray feeding here [approx. 48.101525, -122.443194].
Thomas McKane
10:45 - Viewing from Camano Island State Park - seeing a blow from a gray whale between Bells Beach and Fox Spit - can’t tell direction.
Linda Aitkins
Sat, Jan 25 - Possession Sound (CRC2362 Thidwick)
15:20 - Seeing spouts in Everett between the navy shipyard and Hat Island. Presumably this/these whale/s.
D.j. Phelps
12:30 - Seems to be milling or there is a second going north.
12:05 - Gray whale seen here (48.0487662, -122.3312593). Viewing from Tulalip Marina.
Maia Jewell
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09:55 - Still in the delta. Slowly feeding. Thought I saw a white spot, but looking I think it was just shine.
09:32 - Starting to feed in the delta now.
09:00 - Spotted a gray whale heading into Snohomish River delta. Viewed from Mission Beach. Seemed to be traveling heading southward, currently east of Hat Island. Link to more photos.
photos by Jaime Shields, January 25, 2025
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Thu, Jan 30 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
13:31 - [Baleen whale]. Fairly close to Whidbey. Less than half mile out. North of Libby. Southbound.
Sarah Geist
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Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and shorelines.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website) and social media pages. Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and while we do our best to obtain accurate species and individual IDs, Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.
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Report Sightings to Orca Network:
- Call 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2639) & choose sightings option
- Email
- Facebook: DM or post on our page
- Website form:
- Please include: Date/Time - Species (describe if unknown) - # of Animals - Location of Cetacean(s) - Direction of Travel & Behaviors
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Visit Orca Network's Langley Whale Center - Whidbey Island:
- Location: 105 Anthes Ave, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone: 1-360-221-7505
- Hours: Generally open 11am-4pm, Thurs-Mon, but please call for current schedule.
- Museum: Exhibits - Specimens - Educational Materials - Lending Library - Movies to view
- Gift Shop: Books - DVDs & CDs - Field Guides - Clothing - Jewelry & more
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Be Whale Wise:
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Killer whales have special protection in Canadian and U.S. waters. Be sure to educate yourself about current protections, including regulations with specific distances and recommendations for viewing killer whales. The rules apply to all types of watercraft, including motor boats, sail boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in Washington State.
Report Harassment of Whales:
- In WA/US waters call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964
- In CANADIAN waters call DFO Violations Hotline: 1-800-465-4336
(Include watercraft name, registration #, description, and photos/video when possible)
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