A brand new year, a brand new decade. The perfect occasion to resolve to play more bridge -- and in the process, improve your game and cement friendships, old and new. Check out the tournament calendar
, below, and note
some innovations. For instance, Bala on Jan. 11 will offer imps play for pairs! And our District Directors look to take the mystery out of their decisions, this month tackling facts and myths associated with making claims. Feel free to ask your questions -- we will seek objective answers from the experts.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Jeanne Gehret
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
I like bridge tournaments for both the competition and the socialization. While the bridge competition at tournaments is certainly challenging, stimulating and enjoyable, I admit that I have more fun having meals, drinks and conversations with old friends as well as meeting new people and making new friends. Think about joining me at some tournaments and mark your calendars with the dates of the four 2020 Open District 4 (D4) Regionals:
Mar 30 – Apr 5: Delaware Regional
June 22 – 28: Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge
Aug 10 – 16 : Syracuse Regional
Oct 26 – Nov 1: Lancaster Red Rose Regional
Both the Delaware Regional and the Philadelphia Regional are moving to new, more modern facilities. Tournament Chairs Melody and Mark Henderson (U190) did yeoman’s work to secure both a new home for the Delaware Regional at the Doubletree (4727 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE) as well as an expanded hospitality program that includes complimentary lunch every day. Bob Glasson (U141) led the Philadelphia Regional Tournament Committee’s efforts to secure the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge’s new venue at the Valley Forge Casino and Resort (1160 1
Ave, King of Prussia, PA). This new facility will knock your socks off and the move was possible mainly due to Bob’s great negotiating skills.
You can find information about the Wilmington Regional
, while information on the Philadelphia Regional is
. D4 will also hold its first ever Non-Life Master (NLM) Regional on August 2-4, 2020 at the renovated Doubletree in King of Prussia, PA. Tournament Chairs Joan and Bill Goldstein (U141) are planning a great tournament for NLM with less than 750 points. Gold points abound in a warm, welcoming and friendly environment coupled with the great hospitality that D4 is known for throughout the ACBL. I am not eligible to play but I will be there in my dual roles of D4 President and adorable chick magnet :-).
The entire 2020 D4 Tournament schedule, including the dates for the North American Pairs, Grand National Teams and all currently sanctioned Sectionals, is
D4 and I thank Tournament Chairs Jeanne Gehret (U168) and Tom “Cigars” Coxey (U168) and the entire Lancaster Tournament Committee for running another great Lancaster Regional. During the Lancaster regional, I met and became friends with a visitor to the US – Seppo Sauvola from Oulu, Finland. My friend Marty Seligman (U141) invited his friend Seppo to play all week in Lancaster and Seppo and Marty “won” the Regional by accumulating 120 master points for the week and winning six events (they were second in another and fourth in yet another event) – a tremendous and memorable accomplishment.
If you are wondering where Oulu is, my GPS says drive to Newfoundland and make a right and it is a straight but wet shot across the Atlantic Ocean to Oulu. Seppo suggested I fly instead of drive and if I do, he wants me to go to the beach in Oulu and the “world famous” Air Guitar Festival. How there can be a beach when you are 200 miles from the Arctic Circle is beyond me. On top of that, this wonderful beach freezes in the winter so you can walk on a frozen ocean. Admit it – Hoboken, NJ is not sounding so bad anymore.
Seppo is a wonderful player and a nice person. One of the interesting things he told me is that in the European Bridge League (EBL),
artificial bids are alertable and that includes Stayman. I can’t say that the EBL alerting rules are better than the ACBL’s but the EBL rules seemed way less complicated to me.
I have to tell you that I am beginning to scare myself with how my powers of Chick Magnetism are growing. At the December 8, 2019 fundraiser for Wendy DeChaderavian, I opened my arms to try to sweep all the buffet food on to my plate before others got to take any. Suddenly, the two event Co-Chairs blocked my way and insisted we take a picture. Margot Lebovitz (U141), on my right, and Robin Siegel (U141), on my left, led a team of volunteers that raised $10K for Wendy’s medical expenses. It usually is not safe to get between me and the buffet table but since this was a good cause I agreed to stand next to two beautiful women while others got to the exquisite and bountiful buffet (provided by Scott Brown (U141) before me. I’m telling you – sometimes being a chick magnet is just a curse. In any case, thanks to everyone who generously contributed money, time and goodies to Wendy’s very successful fundraiser.
Finally, I was at a club game recently and a nice, younger up and coming player asked me a question about a director’s ruling on an incomplete claim. Having no life outside of bridge, I happened to know the rules about claims and when I explained why the Director ruled the way he did, I used ACBL rules terms like “careless” and “irrational” play which requires the Directors to make a judgment about the skill level of the player making the incomplete claim. I thought this issue was important enough that I asked Rui Marques (U141) to write a Director’s Column for this issue of the 4Spot on this important topic. Rui’s article on this complicated topic is well written and informative but I have to admit that Rui thought I was paying him per word. I still suggest you read his article further down in this issue of the 4Spot.
From me and my family to you and your family, I wish you all a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year. I look forward to seeing you at our tournaments. If I haven’t met you yet, please come up and introduce yourselves. If I have met you, please say hello. It would really enhance my tournament experience and keep me from eating more at the buffet.
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is
and my cell is 856.986.5109
From the District Director
Happy New Year! I wish you all a healthy and joyous 2020 with lots of good bridge!
Actions at the San Francisco ACBL Board Meeting
Philadelphia NABC
After the success of the 2018 Philadelphia NABC, I was approached by ACBL management to consider the scheduling of another NABC in Philadelphia. Although Philadelphia typically hosts the spring NABC, after the issues with the Flower Show, the snow and the two St. Patrick's Day parades during the 2018 NABC, I replied that we would happily host another NABC, but only in the summer or fall.
Contracts were approved in San Francisco for two upcoming national tournaments to be held in Philadelphia. We will be hosting NABCs in the summer of 2025 and 2030. The NABCs will be at the Marriott in downtown Philadelphia with overflow playing space in the Convention Center.
A motion was also passed at the meetings to allow earlier start times in some NABC events in Atlanta. With an aging membership, we might want to consider earlier times in Philadelphia.
A motion was passed to increase the amount of time allowed for the running of Club Appreciation games from only the month of October to the month of October and the first half of the month of November. This is to allow clubs that don't run every day more time to schedule these games that will pay some gold points.
ACBL Live for Clubs is available and being used by at least 60% of clubs with a push to have all clubs use it by early next year.
Among other advantages, this new software will enable ACBL to produce lists of NAP and GNT qualifiers.
Each year as part of the budgeting process, the Finance Director, working with the Finance Committee, will review all ACBL products and their related expenses and include suggested changes in the prices of those products as part of the annual budget. Motions on pricing of ACBL products will no longer be made by board members, but the entire board will maintain final approval of changes as part of the budgeting process.
Currently motions to change in sanction fees, membership fees and tournament director fees come from the board of directors. In the future these changes will be made as part of the budget process in an effort to match revenues with expenses.
A motion to put limits on the size of brackets for KO events was withdrawn. A motion was passed to correct the masterpoints that are awarded to events with very small brackets.
The age to participate in senior events at tournaments was raised in Las Vegas. The Senior age was raised from 60 to 65 and Super Senior was raised from 70 to 75.
At the Columbus NABC all players who had previously attained the senior age were grandfathered in to play in senior events effective 1/1/20.
Conduct committees at regional tournaments are eliminated. In the future any disciplinary issues will be handled by the director-in-charge.
Unit Disciplinary and Recorder positions have been eliminated. Unit Disciplinary and Recorder issues are to be submitted to the District Recorder for consideration.
Mitchell Open B-A-M
: 17 - Connie Goldberg
Mini Blue Ribbon Pairs
: 7 - Lisa Mita; 28 - John Dickenson, Susan Morse
Mixed Swiss Teams
: 21 - Bob and Joann Glasson
International Fund Pairs
: 1 - Janis Wachsman
Sunday Open Pairs
: 8 - Bob and Joann Glasson
Monday Compact KO 3
: 2 - Lisa Mita
Monday Evening A/X/Y Swiss Teams
: 9 - Michael Shuster
A/X/Y Pairs
: 6 - Bob and Joann Glasson
Tuesday Open Pairs
: 2 - Bob and Joann Glasson
Thursday A/X Pairs
: 8 - David Hoffner
Thursday Side Pairs
: 3 - John Gassenheimer; Jill Fisch
Thursday Compact KO 2
: 2 - David and Janis Wachsman
Saturday Side Pairs
: 3 - John Gassenheimer; Jill Fisch
Jan. 10-12
Jan. 24-26
Feb. 2
Feb. 6
Feb. 7-9
March 13-15
March 27-29
March 28-29
March 30 - April 5
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
First seat or fourth seat -- how does your position affect how you bid the following hand? As always, the
Master Solvers
have diverse opinions that spark a lively debate! See how your thoughts match with theirs.
On behalf of Wendy, thank you for your overwhelming support in response to our fundraiser. The event was an enormous success both in terms of the breadth of participation, funding raised, and of course, all of the love you showed for Wendy.
Ninety-six players participated. The mood of the day reflected Wendy’s success over the years in helping to build a bridge community that was warm and welcoming.
Additional donations came from those who played and those who could not make the event.
A special thank you to the pros that graciously donated to the silent auction- Carl Berenbaum, Shannon Cappetlletti, Ala Hamilton-Day, Arnie Fisher, Joann Glasson, Bob Glasson, Bobbie Gomer, Corey Krantz, Meyer Kotkin, Marc Labovitz, Marty Rabinowitz, Rick Rowland, and Rich Rothwarf.
Also a special thank you to Ellen Gordon and Dave LeGrow for generously donating proceeds from their games to the fundraiser, and to Ed Craig for donating his director’s fee and to those who donated to the catering, spearheaded by Scott Brown.
We owe a special debt of gratitude to Meyer Kotkin, Evie Rosen, Janet Johnson and Cathy Strauss for their support, and of course, to Marc, who ensured that the day ran smoothly.
Lastly, I think that we speak for all in saying that we are forever indebted to Wendy for her contagious love of the game that was always evident at Raffles and throughout the district.
Margot Lebovitz and Robin Siegel
Direct From the Directors
What are the rules on claims? Does declarer have to state his line of play or lose questionable tricks? Are there different rules for experts and novices? Rui Marques addresses the facts and urban legends associated with making claims.
Click here
for his very informative explanation and helpful examples.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier
to our Unit 112 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Junior Master
Barbara Dewall, Trumansburg
Paula Haynor, Fayetteville
Kristen Sullivan, Clinton
Club Master
Mary Burns, Rochester
Joanne Giuffrida, Webster
Dan Miller, Fairport
Nancy Pulvino, Rochester
Sectional Master
Carol Elder, Oneonta
Cathie Gunselman, Big Flats
Judith Vogel, Utica
Regional Master
Warren Cole, Hammondsport
NABC Master
Michael Breen, Dansville
Debbie Carpenter, Ithaca
Noreen Incavo, Fairport
Richard Wilson, Ogdensburg
Bronze Life Master
Ornit Grossman, Ithaca
Officers for 2019 are –
President – Pat Stadelmaier
Vice President – Lois Sanders
Secretary – Sandy Stockton
Treasurer – Mark McDermott
Areas 1-8 please be sure to email me (
) your representatives for the new year if you have not already done so.
Happy New Year!
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!!
We have recognition to announce. Lets all give a rousing applause to the following achievements:
New NABC Master: Lee Allen F Fett, Dallas Pa
New Club Master: Lawrence D Hudson, Matamoras Pa
New Junior Master: Bhupen Patel, Clarks Summit
The Bridgelady Holiday Party held December 15, 2019 at the Appletree Terrace of Newberry Estates, Dallas, Pa was enjoyed by all who attended. There was a bountiful dinner that followed the bridge game. Here are a few candid shots for you to enjoy.
Did you know that 2020 is a leap year, which only happens every 4 years giving 366 days this calendar year?
That means there will be a February 29, 2020.
How do you know if it's a leap year? Well, I'll take a deep breath here and speak very fast. Ready? Here goes, If the last 2 digits of the year are divisible by 4 (ie, 2016, 2020, 2024)..then its a leap year. Century years are the exception to the rule. They must be divisible by 400 to be leap years-sooo 2000 and 2400 are leap years but 2100 will not be one. As a bonus, U.S. leap years almost always coincide with election years. WHEW!!
Instead of trying to figure that all out, just come out to your local bridge clubs, socialize and play bridge!
See you all at the bridge tables!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
The Annual Myrtle Quier Memorial Unit Game was held Tuesday December 17. John Weishampel and Hank Youngerman were first overall winners.
Beginning in 2020 the Friday Morning Game will convert back to an invitational game, the way it used to be.
Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20, 2020.
for more information.
Congratulations to the following on their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Ranks:
Junior Master
: Lester Wentz
ectional Master
: Ellen Luchette
Life Master and Bronze Life Master
: Marlene Winkleman
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
Happy New Year!
We hope you all enjoyed your holiday celebrations with family and friends and we extend our best wishes for a healthy and happy 2020. Unit 133 looks forward to serving all our members with many new exciting opportunities to both learn and play the game of duplicate bridge.
For more information, please check with your local club.
New Rank Achievements
Junior Master
Bruce Fosselman
Club Masters
Lawrence Gasda
John Turoczi
Silver Master
Madison Morgan Jr
In Memoriam Game
Thank you to the many players who gathered on Sunday, December 8 to celebrate the lives and achievements of the members of Unit 133 who passed away last year, including Murray Bonfeld, Marion Halperin, Bee Harrison, Bettie Mclean, Don McLean and Stewart Parlin. Two games of duplicate bridge were played in their honor.
0-500 NLM Pairs
N/S Michael Dopera and Jon Clemens
E/W Bryan Snapp and Lawrence Gasda
Open Pairs
N/S Valerie Barber and Marie Bond
E/W Karen and Stan Yellin
Thanks to Julia Brooks for organizing this event.
Thanks to Gus Nigro for his wonderful tribute to Julia Brooks for everything she has done for Unit 133 over the past 20 years.
Thank You!
The Board of Directors and members of Unit 133 would like to sincerely thank the following retiring board members for their generous gift of time, talent, and treasure. These volunteers have helped our unit grow and achieve many goals and successes needed to move our unit forward.
Retired Board Members:
Julia Brooks
Donalee Griswold
Deepak Khanna
Bagisa Mukherjee
Rene Rodriguez
Mary Ann Sharpless
ACBL Junior Fund Charity Game
The Junior Fund is an ACBL wide foundation that helps support youth bridge for those under the age of 26. Club players earn extra masterpoints while helping the Junior program for youth offset the cost for these younger players to attend the World Youth Championships.
Join us Thursday, January 16th at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm for an Open Pairs and a 0-300 Pairs game in support of this event.
“Souper” Bowl Sunday
“Souper” Bowl Sunday Charity Games
Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Pairs
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life Center
WHEN: February 2, 2020 at 1 PM
WHO: Open and 0-500 NLM Pairs
If the 0-500 NLM game has fewer than 3 tables, it will be combined with the Open game.
WHY: Enjoy a game of bridge to benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank. Please bring a can of soup or any other non perishable food item. In addition to the food items, all cash donations and proceeds from the games will benefit Second Harvest.
COST: $8 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Please bring your favorite Super Bowl snack to share. Coffee, tea and water will be provided
Upcoming Events
Junior Fund Charity Game - Open and 0-300 Pairs - Thursday, January16 at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm.
Souper Bowl Sunday - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, February 2 at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 1pm.
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
I am saddened to report the passing of long-time Unit 141 treasurer Phyllis Taxin. Phyllis has been the Unit 141 Treasurer for a sufficiently long time that I can’t remember her not being treasurer. She always did a great job preparing reports for board meetings, providing quick and detailed analyses of Sectional finances, and providing sound advice to the Board. More importantly, Phyllis was a nice and warm person. I never heard a bad word from Phyllis, and certainly never a bad word about her. I know that many, many Unit 141 members consider Phyllis a friend.
Please be sure to join us for our January Sectional on
January 10th-12th.
We are happy to be back at Bala for the event. In order to have a little variety, we are making Saturday afternoon’s open game an IMP pairs game. It’s not a form of scoring that you get to play often, so it’s your big chance to show off your IMP skills without those pesky teammates of yours dragging you down!
As you know, bridge needs to bring more new players into the game, and to encourage new players to learn. Starting in January, the North Penn bridge club will be starting a newcomer game for players with under 100 points. The game will take place Wednesday mornings at 10 AM, starting on January 8
. If you are interested in more information, or know of someone who is, please contact Rose Wartman at rswdesignarts@verizon.net.
Congratulations to new Grand Life Master Smilin’ Art Korth.
We have one NEW LIFE MASTER this month, Vincent Coll of Maple Glen. Congratulations to him.
Other folks moving up in the ACBL ranking world:
Sapphire Life Masters
(3500 points) - Carole Craige, Steve Gewirtzman, and Sue Kestenbaum.
Gold Life Master
(2500 points) - Ellen Gordon, James Rachiele, and Tom Salter
Ruby Life Masters
(1,500 points) – Elio Grissani, Diane Lapat, and Fran Pach
Silver Life Masters
(1,000 points) - Deborah August, Joanne Campion, David Dresher, Gino Lenaz, John A Moser, Linda Sargent-Pizagno, Mimi Schneirov, Elaine Watters, and Claude Weems
Bronze Life Masters
(750 points) - Cheryl Stark Abrams and Joseph Delikat
Advanced NABC Masters
(300 points) – Rochelle Zager
NABC Masters
(200 points) - Gillian Chase, Denna Donley, Paul Freud, Marci Golomb, and Steven Schultz
Regional Masters
(100 points) – Beverley Anderson, Mindy Goldberg, Lee Guo, Linda O'Malley, Cheryl Rouge, and Sherry Scena
Sectional Masters
(50 points) – Iris Berkowitz, Shelly Blank, Carmen Finocchiaro, Nancy Groff, Gail Kirrstetter, Becky Levinson, Loretta Meier, Marrie Truskey, and Elise Twitmyer
Club Masters
(20 points) – Bruce Applestein, Diane Bernhard, Kim Collett, Nancy Dersimonian, Lisa Erlbaum, Mikaela Georgieva, Dennis Parenti, Mary Anne Santangelo, Bruce Pedretti, Ellie Plank, Jeffrey Tarnoff, and Joanne Tarnoff
Junior Masters
(5 points) - Nancy Adelman, Deborah Barberio, Ceil Blumenthal, Barbara Frieman, Bruce Garton, Peter Guth, Kathleen Johnson, Arlene Keenan, Linda Lamb, Elisa Lock, Ryan Lock, Sheila Ortega, Maryellen Pruett, Janice Rea, Gayle Stott, and Ellen Wood
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Jeanne Gehret
Happy New Year! Please check back next month for Unit 168 updates.
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
Thursday February 6
Unit 190’s
One Day 499er Sectional
in Wilmington.
This one day sectional comes with a free lunch of pizza and a tossed salad.
February 7 – 9
Unit 190’s
Diamond State Sectional
in Wilmington.
The complimentary lunches include such items as Manicotti, Sautéed Broccoli Rabe, Sausage and Peppers, Hoagies, Pizza, and tossed salads.
March 30 – April 5
Diamond State Regional
At a new location, the DoubleTree by Hilton at 4727 Concord Pike Wilmington DE 19803. There are lots of events for one and all, but with an emphasis and special consideration being given to new and beginning players.
Dover Bridge Club’s Holiday Party
Assistant Dan Premo with Host Extraordinaire Clare O’Brien
Lois B. Grieshober, Beth Kinney, Andrew Weigel, Barbara K. Weissenberger and Henry M. Weissenberger
John B. Kinney
Tom Bason
Cindy Davis and Phyllis A. Lochiatto
Marilyn E. Haskins
Betty Duncan and Aileen C. Watkins
Dorothy J. Hand
Eliezer N. Solomon
My stomach is FLAT. The L is silent
Beginning Bridge Class with Debbie Schenkel
Beginning Bridge Students with Barbara Rhoades
For news and results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Please join us for our next sectional May 29 to 31, 2020 at the Boalsburg Fire Co in Boalsburg, PA.
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