Looking to Get Rid of Old Board Games?
We are hoping to build a check-outable game library. There are
many benefits to playing board games -- one of which is to help teach & reinforce social skills. The game donations will be used for one-on-one, small group, whole class, and family fun night activities.
In need of gently used or new board games for all ages (5 - 14). To name a few:
Connect Four, checkers, Guess Who, Jenga, Qwirkle, Uno, Dominoes, Blokus, Sequence for Kids, Suspend, Concentration, Sorry, Trouble, Bingo, Apples to Apples, Charades for Kids, Perfection, Hedbanz, Left Right Center, Spoons, chess, Scattergories, Spot-it, cribbage, etc...
Thank you for considering. Please bring donations to the office in care of/Michelle Wallace.