Need Babysitting for Angels?
Many parents have asked Angels to help with watching their children while they attend the Gala. We began offering the service last year with a nominal charge and it was very well received.
We are happy to announce sitting will be available again this year for the 2/11 Rock n Roll Party in the FLC.
It will be available to all SSCS students while parents attend the Gala. The children will be watched in our school building.
The nominal charge of $25 for the first child and $10 for each additional child is to compensate the school employees who have agreed to attend to the children. .
The child can be brought to the school office between 5:15 and 5:45 on 2/11. The party begins at 5:30. Please feel free to bring water, snacks, a pillow , blanket etc.
Notify if you plan on using the service and send a check or cash to the front office in an envelope marked for sitting services.
Please come and enjoy the dinner, open bar, auction opportunities, music and dancing knowing your child is close by.
Seat Reservations and Sponsorships are available on the school website.