January 5, 2023

Important updates in this week's Tidbits

Bricks 4 Kidz Information/Signup

Gala Information

Volunteer Opportunities

Principal's Points

Good afternoon St. Stephen Families,

Happy New Year! May 2023 be filled with many blessings for you and your family.

This morning our students prayed for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was recently called home to the Lord. May he rest in peace.

Over the next couple of weeks, students will complete their second Mustand Writes and i-Ready Diagnostic. We are excited to see their growth from the beginning of the year. Please make every effort to ensure your child is present at school and arrives on time.

Remember to read Tidbits every week to keep up-to-date on happenings at school.


Linda Umoh

Upcoming Events

January 7-8 - Holy Card Uniform Weekend

January 9 - Holy Card Free Dress Day

January 9-13 - Winter Mustang Writes

January 9-20 - Smencil Sale

January 13 - Middle School Social

January 16 - No School

January 17-20 - i-Ready Testing

January 27 - Jean Day

January 29-February 3 - Catholic Schools Week

February 3 -12pm Dismissal

We Need You!!!

If you have a career that you love and would like to share your talents with our students, we would appreciate your time on Vocations Day.

This will take place on Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 8:30 am to 10:30 am during Catholic Schools week. This will help inspire our students to learn more about career options to set goals for their future. Please contact Julie at jpollock@sscsfl.org. This will go towards your volunteer hours needed.

Final Call For Ice Cream Fridays

If you wish for your student(s) to participate in Spring Ice Cream Fridays and have not already signed up, you must either respond to the email that was sent out on December 14, 2022 or email Gail Leung at GLeung@sscsfl.org by no later than Monday, January 9, 2023. There is no need to fill in the form again if you have already signed up for the Spring. If you are not sure, you can check your FACTS account. There will be NO additions to the ice cream list after that date except for new students. The cost is $38 for the semester which will be billed through your FACTS account.  

Volunteers Needed to Take down Christmas Decorations.

Please click Here for Sign-up Genius Take Down Christmas Decorations.

Job Opportunity - Extended Day Staff

We are in need of an additional extended day staff member. The hours are roughly 2 to 6 pm. Please contact Mary Gurley at mgurley@sscsfl.org if you are interested.

To Read more about Physical and Mental Benefits of Gratitude

Click Here

Mustang Sports

The girls varsity flag football and boys basketball teams have a few weeks of practice before games start for both the week of January 23. The game schedules will be finalized this week and will be posted on the school webpage. 


Coach Green

Need Babysitting for Angels?

Many parents have asked Angels to help with watching their children while they attend the Gala. We began offering the service last year with a nominal charge and it was very well received.

We are happy to announce sitting will be available again this year for the 2/11 Rock n Roll Party in the FLC.

It will be available to all SSCS students while parents attend the Gala. The children will be watched in our school building.

The nominal charge of $25 for the first child and $10 for each additional child is to compensate the school employees who have agreed to attend to the children. .

The child can be brought to the school office between 5:15 and 5:45 on 2/11. The party begins at 5:30. Please feel free to bring water, snacks, a pillow , blanket etc. 

Notify ngallagher@sscsfl.org if you plan on using the service and send a check or cash to the front office in an envelope marked for sitting services.

Please come and enjoy the dinner, open bar, auction opportunities, music and dancing knowing your child is close by.

Seat Reservations and Sponsorships are available on the school website.

Silent Auction donation information for the Gala on February 11, 2022

Do you have items to donate?

Are you in need of volunteer hours?

Angels are now accepting donations that can be used in our Silent Auction for the Gala on February 11th at the FLC, Rock n Roll Party.

If you have any collectibles, sports memorabilia or new and unused items that you would like to donate, please drop them off at the school office. Volunteer hours will be given for wine donations. Wine donations with a total retail value of $40 equals a one-hour volunteer credit. Volunteer hours not done are charged in May at $50 per hour so this is a $10 savings. Both white and red are accepted. Please be sure all donations given to the front office include the donor’s name and copy of the purchase receipt. Wine donations only receive volunteer credit. If you have any questions, please contact ngallagher@sscsfl.org

Volunteer Opportunities for the Gala

Click here for the Sign-up Genius link

 PTCO Now Offers Scrip


   Help PTCO earn cash back from gift card purchases.

     A simple and easy way to purchase gift cards!

How does it work?

Use the Raise Right App to buy an electronic or physical gift card for hundreds of stores! The school receives a percentage of the gift card purchase! Click HERE for more information about the program. 

Many of your favorite stores and restaurants are included – Target, Walmart, Publix, Outback, Panera, and more!

Going shopping? Buy an electronic gift card for the approximate amount and use it at the check-out line! Click HERE for more information about ecards. 


To get started today, review the RaiseRight Enrollment using the link below and if you have questions, please contact ngallagher@sscsf.org


Thank you for your continued support of SSCS! We hope you find this to be an easy way to make a difference for our school.

Raise Right Enrollment

Please watch the video below to see how easy it is to purchase scrip from Raise Right.

Easy way to support the PTCO and get your Holiday Gift Cards

VIDEO for purchasing scrip from Raise Right

Alumni Updates

Attention: Current School families who have children that are SSCS Alumni

Please help us follow the success of our former students. Kindly share with us updates on how your SSCS graduate is doing in school, in their profession or in pursuing their dreams. We want to be able to congratulate our alumni when they achieve amazing 

things and wish them well when they venture into something new and exciting.

      A few lines providing name, year graduated from SSCS and update should be sent to ngallagher@sscsfl.org

Please join us for BINGO nights!
Click here for Risse Brothers uniform store.
Own the Avenue

We still have dates available!

03/05/23, 03/12/23, and 04/30/23. Please sign-up using link below. 

Own The Avenue is a year-round fundraiser for the PTCO and gives you a great way to give your child a shout out for the school community to see! Birthdays, achievements, any positive vibes and kudos are welcome, and they certainly make your student feel special!

The sign is located on the corner of our school parking lot and will be viewed and celebrated for the entire week. A PTCO member will be responsible for putting up the sign, and after the week is done the sign will be sent home with your student for you to keep or to reuse for another week in the future!

How it works:

If you have an existing sign, the cost is $30 for the week. If we need to order a new sign, the cost is $50 for the week. Please make payments through the school's front office.

To sign up, please use the link below and more details will follow. Please note, new signs take up to 2 weeks to process and receive from our vendor. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Maria Ayala at own.the.avenue.sscs@gmail.com.


Thank you in advance for your support!

IMPORTANT: Please note, this is a yearly fundraiser that is on a first come, first served basis (via

SignUpGenius). For example, if you purchase a sign this year for a specific week 9-4-22 thru 9-10-22, that same week is not guaranteed to you for future years. It is required that you sign up each school year if you wish to participate.

Sign-Up Genius Own the Avenue

Everyone needs updated safe environment training and fingerprints in order to volunteer in the school or to chaperone a field trip. Safe environment and fingerprints are good for 5 years. Attached below are the instructions on how to get your safe environment certificate and to have your fingerprints done. If you have any questions please contact Karen Biase at kbiase@sscsfl.org or call the front office at ext. 1100. Click the link for information here regarding fingerprints. Click for the live link here. Click here for more information on safe environment and click here for the link.

Check out our
Mustang News morning show!
You can join our Mustang News team each morning at 7:50 as we stream live on YouTube to begin the day with prayers, the pledge of allegiance, and news. Subscribe to our channel here.
Join Amazon Smile and help
support SSCS!
It's simple to give money back to SSCS when you shop on Amazon, and now is the perfect time to sign up!
Here's how:
1. Visit https://smile.amazon.com
2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.
3. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice.
4. Select your charity.
5. Start shopping!
6. Add a bookmark https://smile.amazon.com make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.
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Mission Statement
St. Stephen Catholic School is devoted to inspiring students to achieve their full academic potential while demonstrating a desire to continue Jesus' mission by applying Catholic morals, beliefs, values, and practices in their everyday lives. We are committed to motivating students to sustain a lifelong love of learning.