Dear Holy Name Families,

We enjoyed welcoming students back this week after Christmas break. Students enjoyed sharing details of their travels and adventures as well as the gifts they received. The return to school and routine has brought with it some tiredness and I am sure many students are looking forward to some rest this weekend.

Students and classrooms jumped right back into learning this week. The fourth grade continued its study of mountain ranges and survival skills as they began reading Hatchet. Keeping the nature theme, fourth graders also studied Frank Lloyd Wright in social studies and learned about his Fallingwater design.

As a reminder, O'Connor Studios will be here next Wednesday if any student would like to have their school picture retaken. We have many events upcoming this month. Please see more details in the notes below.

Have a great weekend.

Best regards,

Mr. Chisholm

Announcements and Reminders

  • O'Connor Studios will be at Holy Name on Wednesday, January 10th for picture re-takes.
  • There is no school on Monday, January 15th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • The 6th Grade is sponsoring a fundraising event at Bertucci's on January 20th to benefit the annual trip to Camp Agassiz. On January 20th, 15% of any order (dine-in or take out) at any Bertucci's will be donated back to Holy Name. Please mark your calendars and visit Bertucci's on this date. Please click here for the flyer.
  • The 6th Grade is also sponsoring a Super Bowl raffle to benefit the Agassiz Trip. Please see more details below.
  • The Scholastic Book Fair will soon be here. It will be held during Catholic Schools Week. Click here for more information.

Super Bowl 6th Grade Raffle

Who is ready to win cash prizes while helping the 6th grade class go to Agassiz this spring?

Do not miss scoring a touchdown with the 6th grade class“Cash Prize Raffle!”

Here is how it works:

  • Raffle Tickets are $10 each
  • Please return the tickets with cash or check made out to: Holy Name Parish School and in the memo put 6th grade raffle.
  • All tickets must be returned to Mr. Gordon & Mr. Reilly by February 9th 
  • Winners will be chosen on February 11th 
  • First name drawn will receive $500 
  • Second name drawn will receive $250
  • Third name drawn will receive $250

Click here for tickets. Thank you in advance for your support of the 6th grade trip to Agassiz!

Meeting Christ in Prayer

During Lent, Holy Name Parish will be hosting Meeting Christ in Prayer, an engaging guided prayer experience for small-groups. Meeting Christ in Prayer has been used in many parishes and we look forward to brining this opportunity for spiritual renewal to Holy Name. Holy Name parents are invited to paricipate. Please click here for a short survey to help gauge interest, format, and groups.

Mental Health Matters: A Workshop to Empower Parents

The Catholic Schools Office is sponsoring a workshop that is of interest to parents. On Wednesday, January 24th at 7 PM join Dr. Mookie Manalili, a Catholic psychologist from Boston College; retired psychologist and pastor, Father Jim Ronan, and mental health clinician, author, and parent Suzanne Muldoon for a Zoom panel discussion on how parents can best support and care for their children and themselves in the midst of mental health concerns. The panelists will address diagnoses, recommendations, and how faith impacts healing. The complimentary workshop is sponsored by Family Life. For questions, call Emily Elliott at 617-746-5756. To register, click here:

Eagle Recipients

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Eagles this week:

  • Classroom 1-1 (Respect)
  • Layla F., 2-4 (Empathy)
  • Carter W., 2-4 (Empathy)
  • Hailey C., 3-6 (Empathy)

Home and School Update

Holiday Home & School Events- Thank you!

Thank you to all of the chairs and planning committees that were involved in our holiday events this past December!  We truly appreciate all of the work that goes into each of these events and they would never have been as successful as they were without your help!

Holiday Prize Calendar

Chair: Regine O'Neil


Caitlin DiJohnson

Aioni Bashara

Santa's Workshop

Co-Chairs: Jessica Conley & Victoria Maguire

Contributors: Top It Off, Susanna


Toby Oliver

Steph Wilkens

Lindsay Reid

Lauren Gunther 

Amy Driscoll

Holiday Marketplace & Tree Lighting

Chair: Amanda Chisholm


Amy Driscoll

Toby Oliver

Kathryn Fuhrman

Heather McNulty

Katie Deveney

Lindsay Reid

Shop Local at Kids r Kids

Chair: Courtney Sullivan 

Holiday Prize Calendar Winners

Congratulations to the remaining Holiday Prize Calendar Winners Listed Below

  • December 16-Jim Dunn
  • December 17-Nancy Day
  • December 18-David Burns
  • December 19-Shirley Malone
  • December 20-Bryanne Harrington
  • December 21-Allison Gunther
  • December 22-Catherine Halsey
  • December 23-Sue Campbell
  • December 24-Mayra Montijo
  • December 25-Pat Dessureault
  • December 26-Jessica Riehl
  • December 27-Teresa Flinn
  • December 28-Emily Salkoutz
  • December 29-Kevin Cobb
  • December 30-Yessenia Henry
  • December 31-Steve Keefe

Like us on facebook at Holy Name Parish School Fundraising to learn more about our work!

Holy Name in Pictures

Did you say SNOW? K1 was excited to hear the forecast, they made these adorable snow people in art class and hope they will be able to build some real ones outside this weekend!

Fun in Gym! Sixth had a blast playing floor hockey this week!

Looking Ahead

  • Winter MAP Testing begins on Wednesday, January 17th. Students in grades 3 through 6 will take their MAP tests on January 17th through January 19th. Grades 1 and 2 will take their tests during the week of January 22nd and Kindergarten will take theirs the week of February 5th.
  • Catholic Schools Week (CSW) will be celebrated from Monday, January 29 through Friday, February 2nd. CSW will be begin with a school Mass on January 29th at 8:45 am. Full details of the week will follow.
  • Progress Reports for the second trimester will be sent home on January 26th.
  • The second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 8th. This is a half-day of school.
  • Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday. We will have a school Mass at 8:45 am in the Church.
  • February Break is from Monday, February 19th through Friday, February 23rd.

Holy Name Parish School | 617.325.9338 | 535 West Roxbury Parkway
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