Next Meeting

January 8, 2025

Please let us know by January 5 if you will be attending!

(so we can have enough tables set up)

Lots more event information in this newsletter!

Come and Join Us

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


La Hacienda Recreation Center

1200 Avenida Central


Meeting starts at 6:00 pm

[doors open at 5:30]

You will be asked to present your Villages ID when entering the venue.

Please wear your Name Badges,

and BYO Beverage and Snacks

For new members who registered at a previous meeting, your badges will be available for pick up at the meeting.


New Members Welcome!

There will be reserved table(s) for new members, and those who wish to meet and greet others.


Seasonal dues will be $10 (cash) per person for new or renewing members. If you wish to try the club out, or are bringing a guest, the cost is $5 per person for one meeting.


Please remember to stop by the 50/50 table and get your tickets!



We will be collecting non-expired non-perishable food items for the Wildwood Food Pantry at the door.

Wear your favourite Team Jersey that evening

Entertainment by


and her

Outrageous Music Trivia Show

"Petrina's Outrageous Music Trivia Show is top rate entertainment...Our club members were dancing, laughing, and doing their best to get the answers correct up to the last minute."

"I decided to go with the trivia show and I'm so glad I did. 150 of us played trivia, danced, sang, and had a great time. Everyone said it was our best event of the year!"

"Petrina - what a host, what a voice, what an entertainer. Very fortunate to have someone put together a trivia show and keep this entire group on the edge of their seats"

January 29, 2025

6 to 9 PM at

Captiva Rec Center

There will be progressive euchre for experienced players.

We will also have a section of the room for members that want to learn the game.

If you have already registered for this event you should have received a confirmation email.

Let us know if you will be a learner or progressive player. Seats will be reserved for the first to register (then we will start a wait list).

Please register no later than January 8.

Let us know that you, and any guests, will be attending by clicking this link to our email:

Thank-you in advance for helping us prepare for this fun event.

Golf Tournaments

Registration for the Golf Tournament is now open!

Tournament will be at: Eagle Ridge, 13605 Del Webb Blvd #9369, Summerfield. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 12:45 pm.

Cost: $80 per person (includes green fee, cart, dinner, snacks and prizes). Please note that all golfers must be paid up members of Loonies and Toonies for the 2024/2025 season.

Payment can be made in cash, cheque or e-transfer ($115 cnd) or Zelle (to David Lloyd).

Registration reserves your spot, payment secures your spot.

First come basis with 128 openings. 

Note this event has sold out year after year, so don’t delay today.

Fill out the registration form available in the event section of our website (and check out additional information there):

Loonies and Toonies

and return it to David Lloyd our tournament convenor either via email

or in person on January 8 at our next meeting.

Registration also open for the Night Golf Tournament!

Tournament will be at: Saddlebrook Golf Course 980 Saddlebrook Ln

The Villages, FL 32162

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Cost: $15 per person (Note: all golfers must be paid up members of Loonies and Toonies, and have a Villages ID when registering)

As per tradition, there will be a tailgate party held in the Saddlebrook Rec Center Parking lot prior to the event. 

Registration begins on January 8, 2025 at the Loonies and Toonies meeting and will remain open until the February meeting on February 12, 2025. 

Juanita will be at the January and February meetings collecting registration forms and fees. If you cannot make it to one of these meetings please contact her at 

or 1-306-537-2496 to make other arrangements.

Registration fills quickly and will be on a first come, first serve basis.  You will not be considered registered until the registration fee is paid. 

If you would like to golf with a particular group, please indicate that on your registration form. 

Hope to see you there! It should be another fun event.

Juanita Semple

Upcoming Events

February 12, 2025

at La Hacienda

entertainment by

Clark Barrios

with the return of our Valentines Chocolate Extravaganza

Game Nights

  • February 26 (Big Cypress)
  • March 26 (Big Cypress)

The rooms hold approximately 70 people, and we need at least 6 member volunteers to help organize the games for you to enjoy: card games, board games, dominoes, bunko, trivia night? ... you can help decide.

Please email if you want to volunteer to help organize one of these events, or if you have any other ideas.

March 12, 2025

at La Hacienda

Chilli, Soup,


Game Night

Assuming we can find enough chefs to help make the event as successful as last year. Please let us know if you are interested in helping out. Note: to speed it up, we will not be having a chilli tasting contest.

April 9, 2025

at La Hacienda



Floor (or Street) Hockey

Open Beginner Play starting in January

at Everglades Rec Center R/C Track:


1 to 2:30 Floor Hockey (Beginner Open) starting Jan 9

3 to 5 Villages Floor Hockey Club



10 to 12 Villages Floor Hockey Club

12:30 to 2 Floor Hockey (Beginner Open) starting Jan 5

We have traditionally enjoyed enthusiastic, friendly, and fun play. Starting in January 2025, the Beginner Open tier has been added to encourage newcomers, and reduce injuries, while continuing to have competitive and fun play.

We have nets, goalie gear, balls, a timer, and sticks. We collect $1 per game, or $10 for the season (November to March), for replacement equipment. No charge for

newcomers trying it out. Players must have a Villages ID or Guest ID.

A variety of skill levels and gear are used. Some players have their own sticks, and good sneakers are very important. Personal protective equipment such as shin pads, cup, mouth guard, gloves, and safety glasses help to avoid injuries.

Contact Art Tucker:

Note: Floor Hockey is not just for Loonies and Toonies members

Activities and Contacts

Thanks to everyone that works so hard to organize regular weekly and monthly activities for all of us! Please contact the noted individuals for more information.

Ladies' Lunch (twice monthly)

Contact Linda Brogden:

or Liz Browne:

Book Club (monthly)

Contact Gail Meehan:

Ladies' and/or Men's Coffee Hour

Volunteer(s) needed to help organize

Contact Sally Hinds:

if you are interested, or have questions


Tuesdays from 3 to 5 PM at Chula Vista Rec Center

Contact Marlene Dinelle:

General Inquiries



We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!