Floor (or Street) Hockey
Open Beginner Play starting in January
at Everglades Rec Center R/C Track:
1 to 2:30 Floor Hockey (Beginner Open) starting Jan 9
3 to 5 Villages Floor Hockey Club
10 to 12 Villages Floor Hockey Club
12:30 to 2 Floor Hockey (Beginner Open) starting Jan 5
We have traditionally enjoyed enthusiastic, friendly, and fun play. Starting in January 2025, the Beginner Open tier has been added to encourage newcomers, and reduce injuries, while continuing to have competitive and fun play.
We have nets, goalie gear, balls, a timer, and sticks. We collect $1 per game, or $10 for the season (November to March), for replacement equipment. No charge for
newcomers trying it out. Players must have a Villages ID or Guest ID.
A variety of skill levels and gear are used. Some players have their own sticks, and good sneakers are very important. Personal protective equipment such as shin pads, cup, mouth guard, gloves, and safety glasses help to avoid injuries.
Contact Art Tucker: art.l.tucker@gmail.com
Note: Floor Hockey is not just for Loonies and Toonies members