All Conference E-Mail
Sympathy & Prayers
Please keep Karl Anderson and his family in your prayers as the grieve the loss of their granddaughter.

Prayers are also requested for Maine Conference staff member Anne Hodgman and her family as she goes through treatment for cancer.

Key 2018 and 2019 Dates Related to Future Giving
Please share this information with your church treasurer or bookkeeper
As the end of 2018 looms in the not too distant future, the Maine Conference UCC wants to remind you of certain deadlines just around the corner. In order for gifts donated to your church to be included in the count for 2018 they must be received by the Conference Center or postmarked on or before January 15, 2019 to be considered a 2018 gift.
Any gifts from a church received here at the Conference Center or postmarked after January 15, 2019 will be considered a 2019 gift.
Please remember a written pledge of an unconditional promise to give, if received on or before
December 31, 2018, AND paid on or before January 15, 2019 (or postmarked), is a 2018 gift.   
If it is your church's desire to receive credit for Year 2018 gifts, please make sure the gifts arrive at the Conference Center or are postmarked on or before January 15, 2019.
Conference Dues for 2019 are set at $15.86 per member
Please notify your church treasurer or bookkeeper that Maine Conference Fellowship Dues will be $15.86 per member for 2019.  This represents an increase, as per our Conference Bylaws, equal to the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 2.8% used by the federal government.  Church membership as of 12/31/2018 must be reported along with other updated information on the UCC Data Hub beginning in late January, watch ACE for instructions.
The Associations of the Maine Conference also collect modest dues to support their work; each Association sets its own rate.  When budgeting, please remember to include both Association and Conference Dues.  Once the membership data is available from the UCC Data Hub, statements are sent to the churches from the Association Treasurers, typically in March/April.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Renita at the Conference Center at
Please remind your treasurers and newsletter editors that the Maine Conference UCC has a new address. We are located at 337 State Street, Augusta, ME 04330.

Attention ALL Churches!
The data hub opens at noon on January 2nd and closes at Midnight on March 6th. 
Year-End Planning: Time to Update Your Church Membership Records 

As the end of 2018 draws nearer we offer some tips on getting your church records in order.
This week is a reminder to update your church membership lists. UCC Yearbook reporting opens in early January and it is important that your church report current and accurate membership information. For churches that are affiliated with more than one denomination, the membership number should only include members who identify themselves as UCC.   
The membership number is used to determine the amount of dues that your church gives to your association or conference.  
The numbers you report also help to determine how many delegates the Conference can designate for General Synod, which is one of the essential ways your voice is heard on important issues.

Maine School of Ministry Winter/Spring Semester 2019
ChHi-Fdn 2:  
"History of Christianity, 1460-2015," a foundational      
  ("Fdn") course, is the second of two Church History courses offered for the School year 2018-19. The instructor will be Dr. Deborah Goodwin. The course will meet 10am - 3pm
across five successive Saturdays (January 26, February 23, March 23, April 27, May 18) at the Maine UCC Conference Center, 337 State Street, Suite 3, Augusta, ME 04330-6122 (tel 207-622-3100) but may be "zoomed" into from a distance as needed. For Syllabus, Instructor Bio, Registration: Click here!

PrTh-Pb 6: "Church Practice - Preaching,"
a practice-based ("PB") course, is the sixth of six Practical Theology courses offered by the School over the first three years of its four-year twenty course CSL Curriculum. The Instructor will be Rev. Dr. Susan Stonestreet. 
The course will meet 10am - 3pm across four successive Saturdays (February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11) at the Maine UCC Conference Center, 337 State Street, Suite 3, Augusta, ME 04330-6122 (tel 207-622-3100) but may be "zoomed" into from a distance as needed. For Syllabus, Instructor Bio, RegistrationClick Here! 
Convocation 2019
Save the date -  
April 5-6, 2019
                         Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
A collaboration between
the Maine Conference UCC  
and The BTS Center
At Convocation 2018 (Growing by Half: Part-time Pastor, Full-time Church), we explored how churches with part-time clergy are thriving when pastors & laity rethink roles and reimagine possibilities. But those shifts have ripple effects for the rest of the church ecosystem when they're put into practice. So how are these vital congregations rethinking or repurposing other assets - from buildings to budgets, training resources and community partnerships - in ways that provide for sustainable, impactful ministry on every level? 
If your community wants to reach the next level of navigating the comprehensive organizational challenges and opportunities of part-time pastoral leadership, we believe Convocation 2019 can be a transformative experience for you and your community. Much more to come ...
Location, title, and presenters will be announced at a later date. Stay tuned.  
The BTS Center Announces the Retirement of the Rev. Dr. Bob Grove-Markwood in June of 2019.
Local Church & Association News
Ecclesiastical Council for Caroline Thomas Vautrinot on January 20, 2019 at 2:30 at the Congregational Church in Cumberland UCC.
First Church in Belfast UCC will host a Boar's Head Feast on Saturday, January 12th at 5pm. On the menu: Pork Pie, Ham, Turkey, Potatoes, Vegetables, Rolls, Bread Pudding and Wassail. FMI call 338-2282.  
First Congregational Church, South Portland invites you to join in celebrating seven of southern Maine's most talented young musicians. Celebration of Young Musicians 2019 on Sunday, January 27 at 4:00PM.  Snow date Saturday, February 2.  FMI:  Elinor Redmond
207-650-8579 or 
Help Wanted/Classifieds
Waterville UCC is looking for a Choir Director, someone to choose music, then rehearse and conduct the choir for Sunday morning worship. Our choir season runs on the school year. Funds are available to purchase music. FMI contact mark Wilson at 872-8976 or by email: Edgecomb Community UCC is seeking the services of a part-time church organist/pianist to play the organ or piano at our Sunday morning service at 9:30am, as well as special services throughout the year. Learn more>>

Volunteer Position is Honduras
OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE IN HONDURAS FOR A FEW MONTHS SPEAKING ENGLISH WITH BI-LINGUAL STUDENTS.  The Evangelical and Reform Church of Honduras, our partners, operate a private bilingual kindergarten-high school in San Pedro Sula, Escuela Pablo Menzel.  Pastor Denis Navarro is requesting a volunteer who would serve as a resource American English speaker for all ages.  The volunteer would need some Spanish to get along there, but it could be a great opportunity.  For more information contact Craigen Healy or write directly to Lizzie Espana,

Open Positions at the National Offices
In This Issue
Quick Links
Beyond Our Borders
Reboot Your Worship
The best part of this 6-week webinar series is that an unlimited number of people in your area can participate. Learn more>>
Pre-course webinar  Monday January 7.
Gateways to God; Training in Missional Spiritual Direction
Beginning in February 2019, Rolling Ridge will offer this course of two years. 
Learn more>>
(click the picture above to go to website)
Free Webinars
The Insurance Board has free webinars available. Click the image above to learn more or to register.
Learn more 
Copyright: Protection, Compliance and Best Practices for Local Churches  
Heather E. Kimmel, General Counsel, United Church of Christ has created a copyright presentation for local churches.  View the presentation on YouTube at:

Save the Date
April 30th - May 2nd 2019
Pilgrim Pines, Swanzey,NH
Welcoming Keynote:
Rev.Traci Smith, author of Seamless Faith and Faithful Families. Check out Traci's website
Click logo above to learn about upcoming webinars. 
Maine Conference UCC | 207-622-3100 | |
Maine Conference United Church of Christ
337 State Street, STE 3
Augusta, ME 04330