The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly publication of the Network
Landscape Conservation
In these uncertain times
, the steadfast
and increasing support for conservation of our natural landscapes is heartening.
It is inspiring to watch the High Divide film and hear from people that live in that landscape why they deeply value it and work together to safeguard a healthy ecosystem for wildlife and people.
It is extraordinary that private land trusts across the country have now voluntarily conserved 56 million acres. And it is impressive to see the many ways federal agencies are embracing and advancing landscape conservation through strategic private-public partnerships.
A recent Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition paper focuses on America's rural west, but really could be adapted for any region of the country or the globe: ", economic and environmental health go hand in hand. Investment in the stewardship of our forests, watersheds and rangelands creates local jobs, while providing clean water and clean air for the Nation."
Please join us as a Partner and share your own landscape conservation news as we move forward together
Emily M. Bateson
Network Coordinator
Featured News
President Obama signs the Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act
Historically, we have undervalued the numerous benefits of our natural landscapes to local communities, regions, and our country as a whole. In early December, President Obama signed the Outdoor Recreation and Jobs Economic Impact Act (Outdoor REC Act), authorizing the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis to assess the outdoor recreation industry's contribution to the nation's overall economy. As a result, for the first time national and regional level statistics on the outdoor recreation economy will emerge, and this rigorous data will be available to inform governance and management of public lands and waters - which provide the foundation of outdoor recreation. Understanding the value of our lands and waters as economic as well as ecological assets has the potential to reframe conversations and increase support for sustaining the landscapes that we depend upon in myriad ways
Featured News
Resilient Lands and Waters Initiative report released
Released in mid-November, the
Resilient Lands and Waters Initiative report highlights the efforts of seven partnerships to build resilience of natural resources in the U.S. and underscores the benefits of using existing collaborative, landscape-scale conservation approaches to address climate change and other resource management challenges.
The Initiative is a key part of the Obama Administration's Interagency Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience's Priority Agenda for Enhancing the Climate Resilience of America's Natural Resources, a comprehensive commitment across the federal government to support resilience of America's vital natural resources.
Recognition of the importance of public-private partnerships is further noted in a new National Park Service
Director's Order established in December. The policy underscores connectivity, resiliency, and landscape-scale thinking beyond park boundaries as NPS contemplates resource stewardship in the 21st Century.
Featured News
High Divide Film Captures the Value of Landscapes to Local Communities
The High Divide Collaborative released a film this fall that captures the powerful story of the people and communities of the Continental Divide in Idaho-Montana coming together in collaboration to sustains this critically important center of connectivity between the Greater Yellowstone, Crown of the Continent, and Central Idaho. Facilitated by the Heart of the Rockies Initiative, the Collaborative is a partnership of public land managers, state wildlife agencies, landowners, local community leaders, scientists and conservation groups working together to conserve and restore lands of importance for local communities and to protect ecological integrity at the landscape scale.
While the film captures the story of one specific landscape, it suggests a broader message for any landscape - the power of place as, quite literally, common ground; as a vehicle to bring people together and unite communities in efforts to realize a shared vision for their future connection to the landscapes in which they live.
Additional Landscape Conservation News
USGS and BLM release collaborative report containing information and tools intended to inform the implementation of landscape-scale approaches to resource management on BLM lands
USDA announces $251 million available for Regional Conservation Partnership Program
2015 National Land Trust Census documents 56 million acres voluntarily conserved by land trusts across America -- covering twice the land in all national parks in the contiguous U.S.
Wildlife Corridors Conservation legislation introduced in the U.S. House
Learn more here and read the proposed legislation
The Atlantic article highlights importance - and fragility - of connected, functioning corridors for wildlife.
Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative launches new video to help guide conservation partners on how to make use of the LCC's science tools and products
Global landscape partnerships map highlights innovative initiatives submitted by landscape leaders
Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition (RVCC) Transition Paper underscores need for collaboration at the large landscape scale
Jessie B. Cox Trust announces final round of Regional Conservation Partnerships (RCP) grants in New England
ureau of Land Management finalizes regional mitigation policy emphasizing landscape-scale approach to reduce impacts of development activity on millions of acres of public lands across the west.
New publication focuses on enabling land managers to increase resiliency of forest ecosystems
American Ornithologists' Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society merge to form American Ornithological Society
New global map reveals shattering effect of roads on nature
Article highlights the impact on wildlife of fences in Europe intended to restrict cross-border human movements
Upcoming Conferences & Opportunities
Many landscape conservation funding programs are currently accepting inquiries and/or proposals:
Northeast Resilient Landscapes Initiative, Open Space Institute - proposal deadline January 25, 2017
Southeast Resilient Landscapes Fund, Open Space Institute - proposal deadline January 25, 2017
Southern Cumberland Land Protection Fund, Open Space Institute - proposal deadline January 25, 2017
Community Forest Fund, Open Space Institute - proposal deadline February 6, 2017 [
Geographic Focus: Northern New England]
Portsmouth, NH
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Salt Lake City, Utah
Norfolk, Virginia
Front Royal, Virginia
Boulder, Colorado
Reno, Nevada
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Salt Lake City, Utah
Durham, North Carolina
Webinars & Additional Resources
A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.
An Aspen Institute live-streaming event
February 10, 2017
A National Park Service "Scaling Up" webinar
February 15, 2017
A Conservation Biology Institute webinar
February 23, 2017
A National Ecosystem Services Partnership webinar
February 23, 2017
A National Park Service "Scaling Up" webinar
March 15, 2017
A National Park Service "Scaling Up" webinar
April 25, 2017
The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, community, and culture in the 21st Century.
Contact Emily Bateson, Network Coordinator, for more information.
Contributions of news, upcoming events, and resources for future Bulletins are welcomed.