Common Threads
Pope Francis in his New Year’s Day address to over 40,000 in St. Peter’s square said, “Let
Mary, the Mother of God, be your guide in the new year." The Pope said: “As we contemplate
Mary in the stable where Jesus was born, let us ask ourselves: What languages does the Holy
Virgin use to speak to us? How does Mary speak?”
Mary never stood in front of thousands proclaiming words of wisdom, but instead she spoke
softly by her actions. Mary loved without limits. Over the years, time and time again she
continued to love and show compassion through some imaginable trials. We take the
example of Mary, our Mother, and realize that it is not through our words but our actions that
will lead others closer to God and eternal life. Let us all strive to live a little more like
Mary in this new year.
I want to personally thank the thousands of parishioners that showed your support by donating
to our giving trees and the Christmas collection that funds outreach in our community. You
made a huge impact in the lives of our brothers and sisters in the Columbus community that
needed your generosity during the holidays. I wish you all many blessings in this New Year.
Pray for St. Brigid of Kildare and know that I am praying for you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund: Thank You Donors!
Thank you for the overwhelming support of the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund, a diocesan fund that uses 100% of your donation for tuition assistance for children enrolled in our Catholic Schools.
We are happy to announce our parish raised over $400,000 for tuition assistance through the Emmaus Road Scholarship program! We are so grateful to our parishioners, school families, and supportive friends and family who raised these funds for our families in 2022. Thank you!
Saint Brigid of Kildare School families can apply to receive these funds through the FACTS Financial Aid Tuition Assistance program, which has a deadline of March 15, 2023. The instructions and details on that process can be found here. (Families must first be enrolled in our school to receive funds. The deadline for on-time applications for the 23-24 school year is January 23 at midnight).
You can still take advantage of this program by donating to the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund. Any funds donated this year will go towards our 2024 tuition assistance total, and donors will receive the tax credit reimbursement on 2023 tax returns.
Corks for a Cause - Tickets Open Tomorrow
Our 16th annual Corks for a Cause Silent Auction and Wine Tasting for SPiCE will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023! We are excited for a Mardi Gras Masquerade!
Tickets go on sale beginning this Friday, January 20 and can be purchased at the link below.
The planning has begun but we are always in need of volunteers, wine donations, silent auction donations, and corporate sponsors.
If you are able to give of your time to help with this event, or give of your treasures (including wine, auction items, and corporate or personal donations), please reach out to Sarah Moore at (614) 761-3734 or
Welcome Deacon Candidate Bryan Inderhees
St. Brigid of Kildare is happy to welcome Deacon candidate Bryan Inderhees to our parish. Bryan will be working closely with our clergy once a month to observe and get to know the parish as part of his required two-year internship before he is ordained as a Deacon. Bryan plans to receive the Rite of Acolyte in 2023, after which he will increase his time and involvement at our parish.
Bryan is a member of St. Peter Church in Columbus, and resides in Columbus with his wife Emelie, two children, and one child on the way (due in March). He is a senior engineer at Honda and holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. Bryan grew up in Cincinnati.
Please join us in welcoming Bryan to our parish and praying for him and his family. We look forward to celebrating with him when he receives the Sacrament of Holy Orders upon completion of his education and training at the Pontifical College Josephinum. Bryan can be reached at
Lenten Soup Suppers Are Back
Please join us for Soup Suppers during Lent on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM in Hendricks Hall
DATES: Tuesdays, February 28, March 7, March 15, March 22, March 29
Lent – that ancient season of reflection and preparation for Easter begins February 22, 2023. Many things have been planned to invite you to go deeper into the spiritual riches that come to us during this holy season, and we invite you to participate in them. During COVID we were not able to have our Soup Suppers but this year we will start them once again. Lenten Soup Suppers are on Tuesdays during Lent at 6:00 PM in Hendricks Hall. We gather for a simple supper of soup and bread. This simple meal combined with a short video about people in other parts of our world will help remind us of the simplicity of life. This year we will visit three countries: Honduras, Philippines and Kenya. Because this is a parish-wide event we ask various ministries to be the hosts but everyone is encouraged to come together to share a simple meal. This is a wonderful thing for families to do together (from grandparents to the youngest grandchild) as a family Lenten practice. We begin at 6:00 and finish in time for those who wish to attend Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM will be able to do so.
Join us on the Wednesdays of Lent to watch and discuss the acclaimed series: The Chosen. It is a series that invites us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him. It is scripturally based with added backstories. We will view each episode of Season 1 and have sharing afterward. In order to finish before Holy Week there will be two evenings when we will watch two episodes but will still finish no later than 9:00.
It would be helpful to buy the guide What Does It Mean to Be Chosen?: An Interactive Bible Study (Volume 1) (The Chosen Bible Study Series) Paperback – January 21, 2021 by Amanda Jenkins , Dallas Jenkins and Dr. Douglas S. Huffman . Available on Amazon (paperback and Kindle).
Wednesdays: February 22- March 29 Berry Room from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
February 22: Episodes 1 and 2
March 1: Episodes 3 and 4
March 8: Episode 5
March 15: Episode 6
March 22: Episode 7
March 29: Episode 8
Join us for a Movie Night at 7 PM on Monday, January 30 in Hendricks Hall! We will be showing Mother Teresa: No Greater Love and will have popcorn, candy, lemonade and water (and feel free to bring your own snack!). Suitable for the whole family!
Let us know if you're coming at the RSVP link below.
Join with others on Tuesday mornings (after the 9 AM Mass) to explore the Letter to the Hebrews. We will be using the book HeBrews – a better blend by Leah Adams. Hebrews was written (63-64 AD) at a time when everything in society seemed to be shaking and people of faith were wondering, “what are we to do?” That sounds very much like our own time of 2023 AD. The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews speaks to those whose faith was faltering. We will see the faith journeys of regular people that we now consider to be heroes of the faith. As we move through Leah Adams’ book and the Letter to the Hebrews, we find encouragement in our own faith journey to help us through those times when our faith falters. This is an eight-week study that includes five days of lessons that you can do on your own at home. This is a good Letter to study as part of your Lenten journey.
Hendricks Hall: Berry Room. 9:30 – 11:00 AM. Tuesdays from February 28- March 28 then finishing on April 18 and 25.
The books can be purchased from Amazon (Kindle version available) or No registration necessary and everyone is welcome! —Sister Teresa
Safe Haven Sunday: Equipping the Family, Safeguarding Children (Jan 30)
Inspired by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) formal statement, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography, Safe Haven Sunday is weekend set aside within the liturgical calendar by dioceses and parishes to directly address the societal harms of pornography.
The family home is to be a safe haven. But the inappropriate use of technology in the home deprives it of this role, and is the greatest threat to the sanctity of marriages and families today. Pornography and other online threats are often one click away, and parents can feel overwhelmed with not knowing how to best protect their children in our fast-paced digital world. Next weekend, January 30, the Diocese of Columbus is taking a bold step to help families by celebrating Safe Haven Sunday. This awareness day will provide access to practical resources that any caring adult can use to protect themselves and our young people from online risks.
Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Competition
The Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Competition will be held February 5, 2023 at 2:30 in the St. Brigid School Gym.
Register at the link below.
Mass Intentions July-Dec 2023
We will be taking Mass intention requests electronically through forms on the website for Masses in July—December 2023. The Mass Intentions form will go live on Monday, February 27 at 10 a.m. on our website at We will only be taking requests for July—December, 2023 at this time.
In order to fairly accommodate all Mass Intentions requested, we ask that you request no more than two (2) Mass intentions per family per quarter and only one Mass intention per month.
*As mass attendance increases in the wake of the pandemic, mass times may change. You are only requesting a date for Mass intentions. There is no option to select a time for a Mass. If the date you request is not available, the Mass will be assigned on the closest available date. If you enter a day of the week, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Prospective Families School Open House
Sunday, January 22, 2023 from 3-5 PM
This is the perfect time to explore our three-time Blue Ribbon School. Tour our school and see first-hand how Saint Brigid of Kildare School provides a quality Catholic education in a warm environment. There will be representatives from Saint Brigid of Kildare School’s many programs available to answer questions, and the ability to schedule a guided tour.
New Student Application Open
The application for new students is now open. The deadline to apply on time is Monday, January 23, 2023 at midnight. Applications are not processed until January 24.
Catholic Foundation Scholarship
The Robert E. and Rhoda M. Wilson Scholarship is available through The Catholic Foundation on January 30th. This is a four year scholarship totaling $12,000 ($3,000 per year)
Requirements for the Robert E. and Rhoda M. Wilson Scholarship are as follows:
- Any Catholic in good standing pursuing a post-secondary degree who currently resides in Delaware County (for a minimum of 48 months). These facts must be confirmed by a letter of recommendation from your Pastor.
The Catholic Foundation’s Applications for the Robert E. and Rhoda M. Wilson Scholarship will open on January 30th and close February 27th. The link to apply for the Wilson Scholarship is:
Since 2007, The Catholic Foundation has awarded over $1.3 million in scholarships empowering over 200 young people to continue their academic and vocational studies. For more information and to apply, please visit If you have any questions about our scholarship process please feel free to contact Dan Kurth, VP of Grants, at 614-443-8893 or
Requirements to Volunteer with Our Children
If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Diocese of Columbus at
The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions:
· 2/18/2023 Holy Spirit (zoom session) 9:00 am
· 3/23/2023 Holy Spirit (zoom session) 6:00 pm
All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.
Despite our promises to slow down after COVID, slowly we have gone back to what is often a frenetic pace of living. When our lives seem to be just going from one activity to the next with such speed, we may forget about our relationship with God, others and the world around us and the people with whom we share this planet—our common home.
Lent invites us to slow life down and pay attention. Through the three ancient pillars of the spiritual life: prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we give ourselves time to grow closer to God and gain a better understanding of how our actions are impacting the lives of our sisters and brothers near and far. We also give God some time to spend with us. One thing that is offered at St. Brigid of Kildare, that takes in prayer, fasting and almsgiving is the Rice Bowl.
Sometimes we may wonder does the Rice Bowl make any difference. Put that thought to rest because it makes a significant difference to people in other parts of the world and people within our own Diocese of Columbus. 100 % of the monies is used to alleviate the suffering caused by homelessness, hunger and poverty and 5% is used for people around the world and 25% will remain in our home Diocese. We unite with families across the country unite to put our faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Catholic Relief Services is one of the most respected charitable organizations in the whole world. It is something we all can be proud of and we can all participate in the work they do to give not only direct aid but also teach people to help themselves, their families and communities. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all. This year we will visit Honduras, Philippines and Kenya. View Stories of Hope to further understand the effect CRS has on people’s lives . Don’t forget to pick up your Rice Bowl and make it a shared family Lenten practice.
–Sister Teresa
Women's Retreat - Into A Garden of Virtue
Women of the Parish are invited to attend the annual St. Brigid of Kildare Women’s Retreat. This year's retreat starts at 5PM, Friday, March 3rd and runs until 11AM on Sunday, March 3rd. The retreat will be held at The Spiritual Center at Maria Stein. Meals will be provided and all women will have a private room with bath. The total cost is $200. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Pervan at or visit our website. Online registration is now open:
SBAA Spring Sports Registration
SBAA is happy to open up the Spring Sports Registration for 2023. Offerings for the spring are Baseball, Softball, and Track & Field. All three are available to boys and girls in the 4th - 8th grades that are students of St. Brigid or parishioners of St. Brigid.
Registration will be open until Saturday, Feb 25th, with the first practices to start shortly thereafter. Please register soon to not miss out on any communication around practices and forming of teams. You can Register on the Registration form.
Early Bird Registration - Use Coupon Code "EarlySpring23" until January 28th for 10% off your registration.
Baseball & Softball:
Season will be made up of 8-10 games with a season-ending tournament planned for grade 5-8. Registration fees are $160 and include your jersey & St. Brigid hat. Practices will be at Brigid's Green along with about 1/2 of the games at St. Brigid and the rest at other Diocese schools.
Track & Field:
Season will consist of 4 meets + the Diocese championship starting around April 1 until May 14. Practices will be held at Karrer Middle School or at St. Brigid/Avery Park as needed. Registration fees for track & field are $85.
High School Youth Ministry
Join HSYM Small Groups this semester as we continue our focus on Catholic Social Teaching. We gather in Hendricks Hall from 7:15-8:30 on Wednesday evenings.
- January 18 - Catholic Social Teaching, Dignity of Work
- January 25- Catholic Social Teaching, Dignity of Work
- February 1 - Habitat for Humanity, Guest Speaker
- February 8 - Catholic Social Teaching, Family as the Foundation
- February 15 - Catholic Social Teaching, Family as the Foundation
- *February 18 - Poverty Simulation, morning timing is TBA
All parishioners are invited to attend our guest speaker and live simulation events!
- Wednesday, February 1 - Habitat for Humanity, Guest Speaker
- Saturday, February 18 - Poverty Simulation, morning timing is TBA
- Join Habitat for Humanity for a simulation workshop on the experiences and daily challenges of low-income households. This session will highlight local community needs and how we can fill the gaps through physical, social, and spiritual resources. This role-playing simulation is hosted by Habitat for Humanity MidOhio and combines role playing a month in the life of a low-income household with table discussion.
Sandwich Saturday January 21
Sandwich Saturday is coming January 21, 2023!
At Sandwich Saturday 1000 bologna sandwiches are made to support various food pantries in downtown Columbus. This is a great way to start off your weekend with an act of service and it only takes 30 minutes! It is perfect for all ages (including those in need of service hours) and no registration is needed. The sandwich making starts promptly at 9:00am in the school cafeteria so come a little early to get settled. We also accept donations of individually packaged snacks. Sandwich Saturday is a project of the Social Action committee.
Deacon Paul Zemanek will once again be one of several clergy who will be cooking to raise funds for Seminarians in need at the Pontifical College Josephinum on Friday, January 27. This year, however, he is going to team up with Father Timothy Lynch for this event. The funds raised will be used to help provide Seminarians with tuition, room and board, medical and dental insurance, and many other necessities. Deacon Paul and Father Tim will prepare their favorite dish for the guests and judges to sample in an effort to win the top prize of the evening...the People's Choice Award. Deacon Paul won it last year and Father Tim won it previously himself. If you would like to support Deacon Paul and Father Tim's efforts in this fundraising event, please make a check out to the Pontifical College Josephinum; note Clergy Who Cook on the memo line and drop it off in the parish office. Thank you for your support of Deacon Paul and Father Tim, and more importantly, the Seminarians at the PCJ.
A Night Out to Strengthen Your Marriage
Saturday, February 11, 2023
6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
Hendricks Hall – St. Brigid of Kildare Parish
All married and engaged couples are invited to St. Brigid’s 25th Make It a Date!
Journey back to the early years of your relationship as we reminisce about the role faith played in our marriages. We’re excited to hear from Rachael and Phillip Bede. They’ve been married for 18 years and have 8 kids. Like always, we’ll have light appetizers, and there will be a chance to catch up with old and new friens. At the conclusion of the event, couples leave on their own date at a venue of their choice to talk about the evening and how it relates to their own relationships.
Please RSVP to Christine Drab at or 614-256-9065 by February 9.
Sponsored by Family First and the St. Brigid School of Adult Faith Formation
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:
- Skylar Heacock
- Acacia Metz
- Olivia Louise Falcone
- Levi Anthony Kleiber
- Sadie Ann Kleiber
- Julia Lynn Piantedosi
- Beau Daniel Greenwell
- Grant William Morrison
- Juliana Ines Revelo Aranguren
- Bailey Mae Rossi
Adeline Rose Wilden
- Matthew Joseph Bystrom and Lauren Elizabeth Mason
- Austin Michael Wiant and Paige Lane Regrut
- Nicholas James Naderhoff and Mia Faye Simone
- Rahul Krishnan and Elizabeth Ann Hueckel
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.
- Mary Grace Casey
- George Stevens
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017