Saint Brigid 
of Kildare
January 2019
In This Issue
Upcoming Events:

Jan 25-26
High School Youth Ministry Winter Weekend

January 27 - Feb 2
Catholic Schools Week

Feb 1
The Feast of St. Brigid (9 am Mass)
Father/Daughter Dance

Feb 2
First Communion Retreat

Feb 9
New Liturgical Minister Training

Mar 2
SPiCE Corks for a Cause

Mar 3
Altar Server Training

Mar 10
Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference

S aint Brigid of Kildare School Applications for 2019-20

The deadline for on-time applications for Saint Brigid of Kildare School's 2019-20 Preschool through 8th grade is 10 PM on Sunday, January 20, 2019. 

To apply, visit .

Contact Megan Wachalec with questions at or (614) 718-5825.

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition

All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the St. Brigid competition for the 2019 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship competition on Sunday, January 27th, at the St. Brigid grade school gymnasium.

To learn more and register, click here.

For additional information contact Michael Flock at 614-757-6764 or

Spring Sports Registration Open
New Registration Website

Registration is open for baseball, softball, track & field, and lil hounds volleyball!

SBAA has a brand new athletics website and registration tool! With the new site, there is a new registration process for Saint Brigid Athletics:
  1. Register for a New Account to establish your family's account.
  2. Once you have your account, you can register for any of our available programs, and sign up for multiple with multiple children.
  3. Payment must be completed with a Visa/Mastercard through the secure website and charges will appear as "Blue Sombrero Sport Reg" on your statement.

Here is a quick review of this Spring's Wolfhound offerings:
  • Wolfhound Track & Field - 4ththru 8thgrade boys and girls, cost = $ 85.00, starts in early March, finished up in early May. Contact = Dan Workman at
  • Wolfhound Boys Baseball & Girls Softball- 4ththru 8thgrade boys and girls, cost = $ 160.00, starts in early March, runs thru 3rd week of May. Contact = Mike Matthews at
  • Lil Hounds Volleyball- 2nd& 3rd grade boys & girls, cost = $ 75.00, starts in early April, runs thru mid-May, once per week, get the little hounds used to the basics of Volleyball! Contact = Rob Hooper at
Register on the new site

*Please note student athletes are eligible to participate in both Track & Field and Baseball or Softball. The Diocesan Track Meets are scheduled to as to NOT interfere or overlap with the Baseball/Softball games.

If you have any questions or problems with the registration, reach out right away to We all want to improve and make the new process as smooth as possible -- as soon as possible.
CREW: Catholics Ready, Eager & Willing

CREW (which stands for Catholics Ready, Eager and Willing) is a new parish group! Throughout the year, there are many times that we could use your hands to help make a difference here at St. Brigid of Kildare.

Sign-up today to receive all the CREW requests via email, but only commit to those that appeal to you and fit in your schedule! You'll meet new people, feel connected to our parish family and be the first to know that we aren't too shy to ask for help!

Sign up today at

Volunteers Needed

SPICE "Corks for a Cause" is beginning to plan its March 2, 2019 event.  We need volunteers to serve on a committee to plan the event.  It is always a wonderful event and a great way to meet people while raising money for a great cause.

Click here to sign up to be on the committee email list to be notified of meeting dates and volunteer opportunities.

Please  contact  or 614-761-3734 for more information.

Donations Needed
Items for the silent auction, as well as individual bottles of wine are needed for this year's SPiCE Corks for a Cause Wine Tasting and Silent Auction.

To Donate Auction Items:
1.   Fill out online item donor form at
2.   Drop off items to parish office, Attn: Sarah Moore by February 22, 2019.

To Donate Wine:
Drop off bottles of wine (retail value $20 and up) to parish office, Attn: Sarah Moore, with donor's name taped to bottle.

For Sponsorship Opportunities:
Contact Sarah Moore at (614) 761-3734 or

Thank you for your contribution!

Host a Sunday Social!

If you want first dibs on the breakfast treats, host a Sunday Social!
If you are looking for a family service opportunity, host a Sunday Social!
If you want to get involved at St. Brigid and meet new people along the way, host a Sunday Social!

Sound like fun?
All the little details are taken care of . . . we just need your helpful hands to set-up, serve and clean-up. Pick a Sunday that works for you, ready yourself, bring your family or coordinate with a group of friends and come be a part of the St. Brigid Parish community in a super easy way.

Additional details are provided in the sign-up link. If you are eager and willing to help, please sign up below. 
Columbus Catholic Women's Conference
February 16, 2019

Early bird tickets are $35 for regular and $20 for discounted student tickets. Early bird ticket prices are good until January 14, 2019. After January 14 prices
are $45 and $30.

Family First Mom 2 Mom Upcoming Session

Join Mom to Mom's facilitator Kathy Kelley on Jan 22 at 9:30 a.m. in Hendricks Hall as she continues the group conversation on Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World: How one Family Learned that Saying No Can Lead to Life's Biggest Yes, focusing on chapters 8 and 9.  

Childcare is available;  please sign up using this link.

Make It a Date! 
A Night Out to Strengthen Your Marriage

Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019
6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
Hendrick's Hall at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish
All married and engaged couples are invited  
to St. Brigid's 17th Make It A Date! event.
Your evening begins with light appetizers and
 a chance to socialize with other St. Brigid couples. 
Then join Ken Heigel and Robin Davis as share their a reflection on marriage. They shared their story of blending a family in the Loyola Press book, Recipe for Joy. Now, they'll talk about their experiences of maintaining individuality in a 15-year marriage, including step-parenting, grown children, career changes and a bedrock of love and respect.
Spouses leave on their own date at a venue of their choice  
around 7:15 to privately discuss the evening's topic together.

Registration Is Necessary
  Please RSVP to Karen Hutsell
or 614-602-7724 by Feb. 7.  

Sponsored by Family First and the St. Brigid School of Adult Faith Formation
St. Brigid of Kildare Women's Club Upcoming Events

Unless noted otherwise all are Wednesday Nights at Hendrick's Hall starting at 7 PM.
  • February 20, 2019: Cinderella Project - Bring beautiful dresses to donate for Proms
  • March 13, 2019: St. Patrick's Party at Ronald McDonald House (Limited to signed up volunteers)
  • April 17, 2019: Regular Women's Club Meeting
May 15, 2019: End of  Club Year Celebration - Location TBD

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
April 27, 2019

Save the date for the parish's volunteer appreciation dinner on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 6 PM in the Robert D. Walter Family Gymnasium.

Join us for the Tom Daugherty Orchestra's 17-piece band and vocalists in a tribute to the "Big Band Era". 

All adult volunteers of the parish, school, and religious ed are welcome to this free appreciation event! 
EPIC Middle School Youth Group
Sunday, February 10 from 12:15 PM Mass - 4 PM
EPIC Youth Ministry is open to all 6-8th grade students in area public, private, & parochial schools. EPIC meets in January for Mass, pizza, fellowship and interactive guest speakers!
Care for the Elderly
Pope Francis said, "Old age, in particular, is a time of grace, in which the Lord will renew his call: calls us to preserve and transmit the faith, calls us to pray, especially to intercede; calls us to be close to those who maybe in need. The elderly - grandparents [especially] - have a capacity to understand the most difficult situations: a great ability - and when they pray for these situations, their prayer is strong. It is powerful."
Join us in February for an EPIC event focusing on intergenerational ministry - serving and learning from the elderly.
  • EPIC participants will sit together near the baptismal font at 12:15 PM Mass on Sunday, Jan. 13 (wear your t-shirt!).
  • Immediately after mass, gather in Hendricks Hall for prayer, pizza, and an afternoon of intergenerational ministry service learning.
  • Pick-up is at 4 PM from Hendricks Hall.
  • PGC compliant adult volunteers are needed during the event.
The RSVP link will close on Monday, February 4, 2019.
BOSCO Bash | Saturday, March 9 from 2-8 PM
Bosco Bash is the Diocese of Columbus' Middle School Youth Rally for grades 6th-8th and will serve as the March EPIC opportunity. The BOSCO Bash gathering includes high energy activities geared towards middle schoolers, as well as praise and worship, a keynote speaker & musician (Jon Konz), skits, service, prayer, small group time with your middle schoolers, dinner and Sunday Mass. Catholic youth may bring their non-Catholic friends to this gathering. Bishop Watterson High School will be hosting the youth conference this year (parents are responsible for transportation).
Registration: $30/ person
*discounts available if parent volunteers or a family is signing multiple children up for BOSCO and/or DCYC (HS event)
More information can be found at  .
EPIC co-coordinators: Laura Ginikos ( ) and Andrea Komenda ( )

High School Youth Ministry
Prayer Series | 7-8:30 PM on Thursdays, January 10-February 28
In this series, we explore the 5 W's of prayer: why we pray, when to pray, where to pray, what to do in prayer, & who holds us accountable to our prayer lives. During the weeks we will address what we can do in prayer, we will expose teens to a variety of opportunities. Come encounter Christ together.
Euchre at Dublin Retirement |7-8 PM, 1st Monday of the month at DRV
All high school teens are invited to the Independent Living facility at Dublin Retirement Village to learn/ play Euchre with our DRV neighbors! Email Laura Ginikos each month if you plan to go.
Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference |Sunday, March 10 from 10 AM-5:30 PM
Join us for a celebration of faith and fun with youth from parishes all over the Diocese of Columbus! The Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference for 9th-12th is Sunday, March 10th, starting at 10 AM, concluding by 5:30 PM. Bishop Watterson High School will be hosting the youth conference this year (parents are responsible for transportation).
The gathering includes praise and worship by Station 14, keynote speaker and musician (Jon Konz), service, prayer, adoration and reconciliation, a girls' only and guys' only sessions, workshops, dinner and Sunday Mass.
Registration: $30/ person
*discounts available if parent volunteers or a family is signing multiple children up for BOSCO (MS event) and/or DCYC (HS event)
More information can be found at  .

Full 2018-19 high school youth ministry calendar

Young Adult Fellowship & Faith Formation 2018-19
Young Adult Ministry is geared towards adults in their 20's and 30's, single and married, wishing to explore and deepen their Catholic faith. Our goal is to help each other grow closer to God and the community as the body of Christ. Join us and be challenged and encouraged as you meet new people, ask questions, hear new perspectives, and encounter Christ. Email Laura Ginikos with any questions and to be added to our email list.
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism of Mayleigh Marie Klingensmith, Parents: Abbie and Tyler Klingensmith
Click here to view photos of families celebrating the Sacraments at St. Brigid of Kildare.
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish in the past month:

Amelia Leigh Adkins
Thomas Landon Calabria
Madeline Annabelle Calhoun
Wellington Alexander Calhoun
Winston Michael Philip Defeo
Halle Kate Denner
Emma Jane Dodge
Mayleigh Marie Klingensmith
Cooper William Moran
Jordan Joseph Sivers
Giovanni Dominic Patrick Taylor
Myla Bea Tice
Benjamin Vernon Winner

Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Wedding at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish in the last month:
Wedding of Angel and Andrew Baker, December 2018
  • Angel Lennon & Andrew Baker
  • Brooke Gaberte & Nick Heyob

Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare over the summer. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

William Rozich
John Tehan

Submit Materials for Common Threads

If you have information you'd like included in the next Common Threads, email it to Allie Wing at


To view past issues of Common Threads, find them archived on our website here.