President's Report
As we enter into the new year, SBCA would like to reflect on our accomplishments in navigating a challenging 2021 and highlight some of the initiatives we will be focused on this year.

The Association's focus on state and local advocacy has required SBCA to create a robust tracking and monitoring service which allows us to identify legislative issues that may impact our industry. On a daily basis, SBCA staff track hundreds of bills that are introduced throughout the country. We are focused on many key items including, taxation, data security, broadband, licensing, COVID and many of other key items which are of importance to our members. This information allows us to be proactive in our outreach efforts.
One of the main items we remain focused on is preventing discriminatory satellite taxes which directly impact our customers. Over the last decade, we have successfully prevented harmful legislation which would have been detrimental to our industry.
SBCA successfully ended litigation with Boston and Chicago on long standing OTARD ordinances ensuring consumers rights to install a satellite dish. These FCC petitions lingered since 2012 and were finally resolved in our favor. In addition, we achieved precedent, setting victory in a lawsuit against New York state mandating fixed broadband prices. This was done in conjunction with a coalition of providers in the cable, wireless and satellite industry.
Last year, saw a significant interest from states on expanding broadband. In an effort to help educate policy makers on the advantages of satellite, SBCA participated in broadband task forces in Arizona and Illinois to ensure satellite is considered an option. In addition, SBCA conducted presentations to state legislators on the benefits of satellite broadband. While many of these were done in a virtual setting, we were able to effectively meet with policy makers in 18 states. We were also able to participate in a live panel at NCSL where we discussed satellite broadband to an audience of over 70 legislators.
Another area that we are closely monitoring is in the area of professional licensing. A number of states have been looking at creating licensing guidelines that could impact our members and their technicians. SBCA participating in a coalition with over 30 other associations and corporations to address burdensome state licensing requirements in Maryland and other states.
As we transition into 2022 we will see the industry continue to evolve and there are a number of areas that we remain focused on. These include aggressively fighting the growing number of discriminatory tax issues that impact your customers this will include both satellite and streaming services. We are also working with other technology providers on privacy and other issues that can impact our customers.
Many states are also investing significant funds in broadband expansion. SBCA will continue to educate state and local legislators on the advantages of satellite broadband. This is especially timely as both providers are slated to launch new satellites this year. Part of this effort will be to develop a model legislation to allow satellite to participate in any funding opportunities. Additionally, we will continue to promote SBCA members and our technology to help build industry awareness on the benefits of our technology.
In closing, I would like to personally thank the SBCA Board of Directors, staff and of course, you, our member companies who without your support we would not be able to accomplish our mission. It is my pleasure to work with all of you and look forward doing so as we move through 2022 and beyond. Hopefully with the resumption of in-person events later this year, I will be able to thank you in person.
Thank you,
Steve Hill
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DOD Creates 5G Testbed
Article via SmartBrief

The Department of Defense has been testing 5G technology for interference with military aviation systems at a Utah site in cooperation with private companies, the DOD's Heidi Shyu said. The trials in the 3.3-3.45 GHz band are aimed at expanding the military's use of 5G while allowing its partners to test new ways of deploying the technology, Shyu added.