EUG Planning Newsletter

What's New with EUG Planning

January 29, 2023

This month's EUG Planning Newsletter includes updates on: the Oregon Land Use Planning Program's 50th Anniversary, New Community Planning and Design Staff, Urban Reserves, Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities, and the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan. We hope you'll find this information useful and reach out if you have questions. As always, you can find more information on all of our work by visiting our website.

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Oregon Land Use Planning Program turns 50 years old in 2023

Did you know the Oregon Land Use Planning Program turns 50 years old in 2023? In 1973, Legislators codified Senate Bill 100 as the vision for conservation and development in Oregon. In celebration of this milestone, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is looking back at the program's successes and challenges and looking forward to the next 50 years. Current and future challenges include climate change, housing production, economic development, more equitable quality of life outcomes for all Oregonians, and preparing our state and communities for natural hazards. What do you think DLCD should be focusing on in the next 50 years? Take a moment to complete this short survey from DLCD (just 5 questions!) as the agency, local planners and communities look forward to implementing and improving land use planning. Find the survey here.

Meet Community Planning and Design's Newest Staff Members

Leah Rausch

Leah Rausch joined the Community Planning and Design team this fall as an Associate Planner. She is excited to support Eugene’s vision for a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future. Leah’s diverse experience is grounded in connecting people with the tools and resources needed to improve their communities. She has supported a variety of long-range planning and engagement efforts, including disaster preparedness, affordable housing, and rural community development. Leah is a skilled facilitator with an interest in thoughtful public engagement; she serves on several local boards and committees, including the Oregon Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee. Leah moved to Eugene to pursue a Master’s in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Oregon. She has slowly moved west, growing up in Minnesota followed by nearly 10 years in Colorado. She loves the access to outdoor recreation in Eugene, and spends her weekends kayaking, cycling, and skiing.

Annie Loe

As the City of Eugene’s Urban Designer, Annie Loe provides design leadership, input, and review on a broad range of projects. Annie has a background in landscape architecture and environmental design and brings over two decades of design experience to our team. She is the project manager of the Pre-Approved ADU Program and works to facilitate a fair, inclusive, and responsive program that helps to address our community’s housing needs. Annie contributes to and influences the positive impact our built environment has on our community’s vitality and the well-being of our community’s members through her design prowess, understanding of natural and built systems, and commitment to progress.

Urban Reserves Project

Joint Public Hearing Scheduled for February 28, 2023

After receiving recommendations from both planning commissions, the Lane County Board of Commissioners and the Eugene City Council are scheduled to hold a virtual joint public hearing on February 28, at 6:00 pm. Public hearings are an opportunity to share your voice and provide input.

Complete meeting information, including instructions and more information for how to participate will be available for viewing by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 on the project web page.

Prior to the joint public hearing there will be separate work sessions with both the Lane County Board of Commissioners on February 7, 2023 and with the Eugene City Council on February 15, 2023. Full meeting details and materials will be posted on the urban reserves project web page a week prior to each meeting.

Recommendation from the Planning Commissions

This past December, both the Lane County and City of Eugene Planning Commissions made recommendations on urban reserves to their elected officials:

We want to hear from you!

The project team has set up an email address for public comments about urban reserves. Community members can send their comments to [email protected], and staff will compile the public testimony for sharing with the Board of County Commissioners and City Council.

To see where your property is in relation to the proposed Eugene urban reserves, check out the Urban Reserves Web Map.

As always, feel free to contact project staff Zoli Gaudin-Dalton or Rebecca Gershow with additional questions.

Climate Friendly & Equitable Communities

The City of Eugene is beginning a multi-year effort to advance our climate action, housing production, and transportation goals through a state-directed effort called Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC). Eugene and Springfield, among other metro areas across the state, will make changes to development standards to encourage more climate-friendly development and reduce emissions.

Through CFEC implementation, the City of Eugene will accomplish the following goals:

  • Comply with the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities requirements
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and housing
  • Provide more climate-friendly housing and transportation options
  • Center the voices of historically marginalized community groups in decision-making

Luckily, these are goals that residents and the Eugene City Council have already supported through other community projects such as the Climate Action Plan 2.0Envision Eugene, the Housing Implementation Pipeline, continued investments in downtownaffordable housing, and active transportation infrastructure, as well as other sustainability, housing, and transportation projects.

CFEC will result in updates to the Eugene Land Use Code, revisions to the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan and 2035 Transportation System Plan, as well as revised requirements for development permits.

Here are a few ways to stay connected and get the most relevant updates on CFEC implementation:

River Road - Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan

The River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan is Moving Towards Adoption

Launched in fall 2017, the neighborhood planning process has been a collaborative effort among community members, River Road Community Organization (RRCO), Santa Clara Community Organization (SCCO), City of Eugene, Lane County, and other stakeholders throughout both neighborhoods.

Read the Draft RRSC Neighborhood Plan proposed for adoption and the Draft RRSC Action Plan that outlines a community-led strategy for implementing the vision of the Neighborhood Plan.

Given a myriad of challenges and changes over the last few years, including a global pandemic, state mandates, staff changes, and resource constraints, City staff recently proposed a path for landing the project which:

  • Builds on broad agreement in the community and the extensive engagement, collaboration, and community volunteer hours dedicated to this planning effort over five years.
  • Shifts the approach and timing of the corridor code component to recognize current project and neighborhood realities, including statewide climate, housing, and equity mandates
  • Offers a responsive and responsible path to advance the neighborhood vision given limited City resources.

City staff are working with community leadership to refine the details of the proposed path forward and complete an outreach strategy for the Adoption Phase of neighborhood planning that is both responsive and responsible, given current resource availability.

Stay tuned for more updates on RRSC Neighborhood Plan adoption and opportunities for implementing the vision and goals voiced by the community through this extensive effort!

For more information, project updates, and important dates visit the RRSC Neighborhood Plan project website and the Engage Eugene project page and sign up for our interested parties mailing list.

Interested in Land Use Updates?

It’s important to us that community members know when someone has applied to develop their property through the land use application process. City staff are always happy to discuss a project before the formal review, and can provide information about what the formal review process will be to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to review and comment on a project. Sign up to start receiving emails that list recently submitted projects.
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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401
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