Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns   
News and Announcements
 "To promote and support parish social action through education"

Our committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss the issues of Social Concerns within our Diocese, and to plan opportunities to learn and explore issues of concern. Updates and information are available below. Feel free to contact us by responding to this newsletter or through the feedback button at the bottom of the newsletter with any questions or feedback. 

Please Note: Our FACEBOOK home is moving. Keep up to date by following us at Catholic Charities of Southern MN's FB page!
Profiles in Justice
The DOWR Social Concerns Committee organized a petition drive for the weekend of Epiphany in celebration of National Migration Week (THIS WEEK!). If your parish did not participate, but you are interested in getting more information or organizing a drive for your group or parish, please contact:

-Mankato Deanery: Richard DeBona
-Worthington Deanery: Nicole Henrichs
-Rest of the Diocese: Tom Parlin
Do you know someone who is passionate about charity and justice? Is there someone in your parish or in your life that you would like to see highlighted in "Profiles in Justice"? Let us know! We want to share their story, their faith, their hope and their love!
Action Alerts
Click on the red "take action" line to get more information and to take action today!
The Senate is moving closer to voting on criminal justice reform.  While the details continue to change by the moment, email your Senator today and urge them to support the Revised First Step Act (S. 756). 

If we don’t act now to help poor farmers adapt to climate change, we’ll see more hunger, malnutrition, and poverty around the world. Our common home and all of creation needs your voice. Urge your Senators and Representative to take steps to tackle the challenges of climate change in the new Congress!
Mark YOUR Calendars and Join us as we TAKE ACTION:

Please join our Catholic Bishops in participating in the Call-In Day to Congress on Monday, February 26, 2018!
Your advocacy is critical to help the nearly 1.8 million Dreamers, young people who were brought into the United States by their parents as children. They may face deportation as soon as March 6th, unless Congress reaches a bipartisan deal to protect them. Click the red link above for more information and steps to take!
Upcoming Events
JRLC Poverty Report Event
Join us as St. Leo’s hosts the Pipestone Community for a presentation by the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition
Wednesday, January 9th
6:15 PM – Light Supper
6:45 PM – Talk Begins
7:45 PM – Q & A
8:00 PM – Conclusion
Presenter: Katie Powell, JRLC Statewide Organizer

During this conversation we’ll take a real look into poverty in the Pipestone area, what we've done as a state and community to address it, and what remains for us to do. The JRLC will present on the findings of their Poverty in Minnesota: A Progress Report. We'll develop tools and skills to make change in our community and engage in productive conversation with one another !

St. Leo’s 415 S. Hiawatha Ave, Pipestone, MN 56164
Bishop Quinn Invites you to Catholics at the Capitol 201 9
Are you tired of divisive angry politics? As a Minnesota Catholic you can begin to transform politics in our state. Join thousands of Catholics from across the state for a day of prayer and advocacy in St. Paul that will inspire you and teach you how to put your faith into action! On Tuesday, February 19 th , 2019 we’re coming together for life and dignity.

Transportation options are available.
Space is limited so don’t delay!
Catholics at the Capitol Feature Speakers Include:

January 28, 6:30-8:00pm
$10 preregistered/prepaid. $15 at the door.
1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 
Being present at the bedside, and even at the moment of death, can become an experience embedded in the minds and souls of family members for generations. It is a deeply emotional time, one of relief and sadness. Anyone who has ever taken the final journey with a loved one will never forget those moments. The focus of this presentation is about navigating those last days at the bedside, and saying farewell with hope, love, and compassion.
"Stand Out Firmly for Justice"

Date: February 7, 2019
Location: InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront Hotel, 11 E Kellog Blvd, St Paul, MN 55101
JRLC DAY on the Hill
JRLC's Day on the Hill is their annual policy briefing and lobby day. Participants are briefed on the JRLC issues that are being debated and voted on at the State Capitol. Clergy and lay people from across the state attend Day on the Hill to show our interfaith commitment to social justice and to participate in the lawmaking process. The event includes prayer, issue briefings, time to meet with your district and opportunities to take action.
Rochester Speaker Events
Global Climate Change
Sunday, Feb. 10 at 4 pm

Pax Christi Catholic Church
4135 - 18 Ave NW
Rochester, MN
McCauley hall, lower level

Alan Anderson & Sister Patricia Keefe
What is the science in relation to global climate change? What are the impacts and more importantly, solutions? What is the response of people of faith to the challenge? On the 3rd Anniversary of the publication, Laudato Si, (On Care for Our Common Home) Pope Francis urges us to take action.
Pax Christi/Holy Spirit Social Justice Morning of Reflection
Saturday, February 2

Tom Parlin, Parish Social Ministry Program Director for Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota will be our speaker. More details next month!
Spotlight on Resources
Holy Land Ministry
For those who missed our December 8 th presentation on the Holy Land,
we’re hoping to do a follow-up on February 25 th on THE SSND HILL in Mankato. Contact Richard DeBona rdebona@ccsomn.org to get on our email list. And please consider researching the following list of: 

The USCCB helps us to address that and other questions related to racism with a series of Backgrounder Information Pastoral Letters.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Remember – Celebrate – Act
And we must know on some positions, cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?” Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?” Vanity asks the question, “Is it popular?” But conscience asks the question, “Is it right?” And there’re times when you must take a stand that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but you must do it because it is right.

And so, he called out the triple evils of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism.  Read entire article here: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/02/martin-luther-king-hungry-club-forum/552533/ - based on his 1967 speech “ America’s Chief Moral Dilemma .” The Triple Evils of POVERTY, RACISM and MILITARISM are forms of violence that exist in a vicious cycle. They are interrelated, all-inclusive, and stand as barriers to our living in the Beloved Community .....Read full document with links.
On January 1st, 2019 Pope Francis marked the annual World Day of Peace with a message titled: “ Good Politics is at the Service of Peace .” Pope Francis compels everyone to be engaged in the work of advocating for and with those whose voices are marginalized, to ensure the protection and fulfillment of the ‘youngest and smallest.’
Check out this  two-page handout  ( en Español ) for a summary of the message and prayer and action ideas!
What are you doing in your community?
Is your community doing a project or working on an issue that you would like to share? We would love to highlight your efforts, events and ministry! Let us know what you are doing.
How are we doing?
 We would love to hear your feedback on this newsletter. What do you like? What is helpful? What would you like to see? We can't wait to hear from you!  Send Feedback

Looking for past editions of our newsletter? You can access them ALL on Catholic Charities of Southern MN's Parish Social Ministry Page.