Hey guys! Welcome to Shelby Christian Kids!

We hope to see you guys this week!

This Newsletter will go out on the first Wednesday of each month and will give you guys as much fun info as possible!

We are going to include our current series, upcoming events, FCA huddle locations in the local schools, our monthly date for our baptism class, and we are also going to highlight one of our volunteers each month!

Current Series

The month of January we will be learning about the early life and ministry of Jesus!

Big Ideas

Week 1: God sent Jesus at just the right time (Old Testament Review)

Week 2: God wants me to get ready for His mission (Luke 2)

Week 3: My mission is to point people to Jesus (Luke 1:44; 3:1-18; Matthew 3:1-8)

Week 4: The Bible prepares us for God's mission (Matthew 3:13-4:11)

Week 5: God wants us to go on his mission together (Luke 5:1-11; 6:12-16)

Here is the reading plan that goes along!

Upcoming Events

We are launching our new logo in January 2025! We are super excited about this, and we want to express our thankfulness and gratitude for Sylvia Adams for putting this amazing logo together for us! Thanks Sylvia!

Going into the new year, our adults and youth services will be going over Core 52, you can click there to find their website. While we in the Elementary ministry have our own curriculum, we are offering family editions to Core 52 that go over the same things as the adults and youth, but a simplified version. We will have some of these around the church coming soon, be on the lookout!

We are heading back to CIY Superstart in 2025! March 7th and 8th in Louisville! This great event is for kids in 4th and 5th grade! Be on the lookout for information in the next few months!

FCA Huddles

We have info on ALL elementary school huddles in Shelby County!

All of these are grades 3rd-5th

Clear Creek: Last Friday of each month, in the gym

Heritage: Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 PM, in the gym

Southside: Every other Wednesday, 2:45-3:45 PM, in the gym

Simpsonville: Every other Friday 7:20-7:40 AM, in the gym

Marnel C. Moorman: December 4th and 18th, 7:15-7:40 AM, in room 110

Wright: Fridays, 7:15-7:40 AM, in the gym

Painted Stone: Wednesdays, 7:15-7:40 AM, in the gym

Cornerstone: First Friday of the month, 7:35-8:05 AM, in CCA Modular 2


Jump Start is a class we use to provide kids with all the information they need to know to make a wise decision about becoming a Christian. We invite students and their parents to attend this class. We understand that parents are the biggest influence in the life of a child. We want parents to take the lead in helping their child across the finish line of faith. We provide a take home page for families to review at home. Call the church office, (502)633-5975 or email adavis@shelbychristian.org for more information about specific class offerings.

Volunteer Highlight

Name: Danae Owens

Group: Kindergarten and First Grade

How Long They Have Been Serving: About 4 years

Favorite Part of Serving: Seeing kids grow in their relationships with other kids, leaders, and God

If you see Danae this month, tell her "THANKS!"



Lydia A.

Jonah B.

Josiah B.

Grayson D.

Carson D.

Luke D.

Isaiah F.

Mila G.

Anniston H.

Emily K.

Kennedy L.

Annie M.

Addie P.

Wade R.

Meredith R.

Allie R.

Sutton R.


Follow us on social media!

Facebook: SC kids! on the Shelby Christian Church groups page

Instagram: shelbychristiankids


You can find more info about us on our website!

Shelby Christian Church | Elementary

Contact Info

If you have questions, comments, or concerns at all feel free to contact me at any time.

Email: adavis@shelbychristian.org

Phone: (502)529-9928 or (502)633-5975