Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.
Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
January 27th, 2019
Happy 2019! This month's Envision Eugene Newsletter provides updates on the Growth Monitoring Program, Urban Reserves planning, River Road - Santa Clara Neighborhood Planning, the River Road Corridor Study and a survey for Transit Tomorrow. Are you a renter? Take the survey included below, open through January 31, 2019, to share you experience as a renter in Eugene. We hope you'll find this information useful and reach out if you have questions. As always, you can find more information on all of our work by visiting our website.
Growth Monitoring Program
With several community projects happening across the city, some have asked what’s going on with the Growth Monitoring Program and when can we use the data in our projects? 

While the first monitoring report isn’t due to City Council until January 2021, a few key components have already made significant progress. Late last year a new group of community volunteers, the Envision Eugene Technical Advisory Committee (EETAC), began meeting to advise on two related projects, Urban Reserves Planning and Growth Monitoring. Urban Reserves is their current focus, and they are anticipated to move into monitoring topics later this year. 

Additionally, a team of Planning staff and Information Services staff have been collaborating on a new system for collecting and reporting growth related data. There are high expectations to create a nimble and sustainable system with reliable data and easy reporting and charts that reduces errors and staff analysis time and provides the community accessible, usable data.

The new system will collect and store data from several sources including both simple and complex data sets for population and employment growth, U.S. Census information, newly created building lots, and building permit activity. It is important that reporting can be done as quickly and accurately as possible in the long run, so significant time is being spent now to set up automatic data collection and storage, standardize chart templates and conduct thorough testing of the system. System development and testing will continue with monitoring report results anticipated to be available later this year for review, starting with the EETAC.   

To learn more, visit http://www.eugene-or.gov/2881/Growth-Monitoring or contact project manager Heather O’Donnell.
What's New with Urban Reserves?
Urban Reserves technical analysis is moving ahead as staff refine the land supply model. This geospatial model is classifying land and identifying how many homes and jobs can potentially be accommodated on the vacant and partially vacant land within the project’s study area. It is the basis on which further analysis depends!

The Envision Eugene Technical Advisory Committee will meet on February 7th from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Saul Room of the Atrium to review the land supply model and the initial capacity analysis. Meetings are open to the public and interested community members are encouraged to attend!

This technical analysis is an iterative process. It provides the tools to analyze a wide variety of inputs so that we can continue to narrow our focus within the draft study area. One of the inputs that will help with our decision-making is identifying areas where future services can be provided as cost-efficiently as possible. In early February, we will have our first meeting with service providers (agencies who provide fire protection, water, stormwater, sewer, parks and transportation) to discuss different areas within the draft study area. 

To learn more, visit http://www.eugene-or.gov/UrbanReserves or contact project manager Rebecca Gershow.
River Road - Santa Clara Updates
Neighborhood Planning Update
The River Road - Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan is in the “crunch time” of policy development! After months of review and revision by the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and working group members, the draft policies have been sent to a staff team for technical review. In the next month, a Triple Bottom Line Sounding Board will review the draft policies to make sure they advance the economic, environmental and human aspects of sustainability. The CAC will incorporate this feedback over the course of February, so the draft policies are ready to present to the broader public at our next big community event in early March.
River Road Corridor Study
As part of the neighborhood planning process, we are beginning an in-depth analysis of economic, transportation and land use considerations related to the River Road Corridor. Increasing housing and retail opportunities while supporting transportation options is central to implementing the neighborhood vision that community members created. The Corridor Study will develop physical plans and identify financial tools and ways to improve transit connections to better serve people in the area. 

To learn more, visit the http://www.riverroad-santaclaraplan.org/ or contact project manager Eric Brown
Take the Transit Tomorrow Survey!
Transit Tomorrow is Lane Transit District's (LTD) effort to find out how to better move people to destinations that are important to them. LTD is seeking community input on where and how often the bus should run in Eugene and Springfield.
To learn more, visit www.LTD.org/Transit-Tomorrow
Take the Renter Survey!
The Housing Policy Board wants to learn about your experience as a renter in Eugene. Community members who are currently renting are encouraged to complete this short, anonymous survey. The survey is open through January 31, 2019
Interested in Land Use Updates?
It's very important to us that community members know when new projects are proposed and have a fair chance to review and comment. Signing up for land use updates is a great opportunity to learn about upcoming projects and issues that are important to you.
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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401