Upcoming Library Events & News
January, 2017

Happy New Year!

The library will once again be hosting the AARP Tax-Aide Program, providing FREE tax preparation assistance to low- and middle-income earners. While appointments are not yet available, please keep an eye out or give us a call at 508-764-5426 after the New Year!

P lease note that the library will be without all internet access on Wednesday, January 4th, as we conduct upgrades to our servers. This includes the public computers and the WiFi.
Patrons wishing to check out items on this day must have their library cards with them - we will not have access to our database, and will not be able to look up accounts with an ID.
We apologize for any inconvenience!

Please read on for this month's upcoming events, and more library news.

 Ongoing Events: Book Club, Coloring, Knitting

Teen Events
Children's Corner

Library Hours & Holiday Closings:

Monday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

Closed Sign
The library will be closed on 
Monday, January 2 (New Year's) and 
Monday, January 16 (MLK, Jr. Day)

staffpicksJanuary's JEL Staff Picks

Looking for a good book? Here are some that JEL staff have recently enjoyed! Clicking on the title will take you right to
the library's catalog, where you can check to see if it's available, and put a hold on popular titles.

exhibitRob Lyon Exhibit
Reception Thursday, Jan. 5 at 6:30 pm

Please join us in welcome Rob Lyon as our featured artist for the month of January! Rob's work will be on display throughout the month.

Rob Lyon is a master blacksmith who restores and sells antique iron hinges, latches and other iron work for hearth and home. Additionally, his custom creations in wrought iron appear regularly in  homes, museums and motion pictures.               

Rob recently retired from his position as master Blacksmith and Program Manager at Old Sturbridge Village. His blacksmith shop and antiques barn in West Brookfield will be open by appointment or by chance in the future. 
boxofficeFilm Screening - Hail, Caesar!
Thursday, January 12 at 6:00 pm

A Hollywood fixer in the 1950s works to keep the studio's stars in line.

Rated PG-13. Running time 106 min.

Presented as part of the Library Box Office series, sponsored by the Friends of the Jacob Edwards Library.

clutterCategorical Clutter Control
Thursday, January 19 at   6:30 pm

A workshop to help you reduce clutter and get more organized!

This workshop will give you tips and strategies to help reduce clutter and increase the functionality of your space. Jenna Elliot of The Naked Flower, Professional Organizers, will share tips on:

1. The three categories of disorganization
2. Categorical decluttering - a new approach to tackling chaos
3. Rules on bulk shopping
4. 10 ideas to help get you started
5. Resources such as websites, stores and literature on getting organized

Jenna Elliott is the founder of The Naked Flower, Professional Organizers. She has been an organizer and re-designer for 13 years and works with a variety of clients, both in the office and in the home. Prior to starting The Naked Flower (www.thenakedflower.com) Jenna was a master floral designer and project manager for a fortune 500 company.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Jacob Edwards Library.
stressReduce Stress, Naturally
Monday, January 30 at   5:30 pm

Dealing with anxiety, overwhelm, depression, chronic pain, or other health issues? Experiencing feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt? This interactive workshop is for those who want to learn where 99% of their stress comes from, how it is impacting their health, and how they can recognize and resolve their symptoms of stress.
Brad and Pamela Thompson will introduce groundbreaking information about how the mind impacts the body, and how a simple, self-administered technique can reduce stress in the moment, and prevent its devastating, long-term accumulated effects on health.

Please call to register:  508-764-5426 or email akenney@cwmars.org
literacyEmpowering Youth Through Literacy: a workshop offered by Teacher Eric Burton of the Southbridge Public School
Thursdays at 3:30 pm

Join the Discussion

How does rap help express yourself?

Why do rappers say what they say?

Why is Rap a Multimillion Dollar Industry



Small Discussion Group:  Ten Participants Maximum

Southbridge Youth - Ages 16 and older

Possible Future Recording Opportunities

Sponsored by the Southbridge School District
chessRadiogram Chess - participate in Ham Radio Chess Game 

How would you keep in touch with loved ones in the event of a disaster?  There is a little-known communication network that is maintained by Amateur "Ham" Radio operators nationwide, with just this in mind.  The network is available to the public, and may be accessed through any Ham operator.  To keep this network running 365 days a year, Hams come up with various activities and greetings to send.  One such activity is long-distance chess games.  
A chess game will be set up on the main floor of the library, near the reference desk, where all are invited to participate in a game against two Hams in Indiana.  Library visitors will be able to suggest and vote on what our next move will be.  The most popular move will be sent to the opposing team via Ham radio. Then the other team's move will be received, and on it goes, until the game concludes, or we run out of time!
For those curious in learning more about amateur radio, how to play chess, or how to send a radiogram, information will be made available near the game board.  Also, the library has recently acquired new materials on these subjects.

ongoingOngoing Events

Book Club 
No meeting this month

Due to the holidays, the book club will not be meeting in January. Start reading for February's meeting, when the club will discuss The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald.
This is a no-commitment book club, attend as many or as few meetings as you like. The group meets on the first Monday of every month. 
Copies of next month's book for discussion  are available at the Information Desk for checkout.
Knitting with Sonya
Every Tuesday, 
10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Stop by and join our knitting circle in the Reading Room every Tuesday! 

All handcrafters (not just knitters!) are welcome to join, whatever your level experience. Stuck on your current project or wanting to learn a new technique? Chances are one of the group will be able to lend a hand!  Drop by for a few minutes or stay for the full two hours. 
We hope to see you there!

Monday, Jan 2, 6:00 pm

Starting a new business, or thinking about it? Then come to the Krosslink meeting and learn about a free community support network that can help you grow your business. 
We'll discuss how to sustain, market and grow this program in Southbridge and beyond.  Networking and refreshments  
6:00-6:30, followed by discussion and a Q&A Session. 
All are welcome!

teenTeen Events

Friday Magic at JEL
Friday, January 27 at 3:00 pm

Casual gameplay for players of all skill levels.
Other games (Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc) welcome too! Bring a friend!

childrensWelcome to the Children's Corner!

Check here to find out about upcoming events in the Children's Room.
Story Times

Join us for a story time!

Bedtime Story Time: 
Monday evenings at 6:30 pm. Ages 4-8

Superkids Story Time:
Wednesdays at 10:30 am.
Ages 3-5

Toddler Time:
Fridays at 10:30
Children under 3

Winter Science Fun
Saturday, Jan 7
10:30-11:30 am

Come join us and have some hands-on science fun! See how ice grows and make snow volcanos! 

Sponsored by FOJEL
La Hora de Cuentos
Monday, January 9
6:30 pm

Join us for stories and songs in Spanish and English, now on the second Monday night of each month!
a Winnie the Pooh Birthday!
Wednesday, Jan 18
3:00 - 4:00 pm

Celebrate author A.A. Milne's Birthday and listen to a "Winnie the Pooh" story

Every Thursday

We will provide the magazines, glue, scissors, and crayons, you supply the ideas and creativity! Drop in any time on Thursdays to cut, paste, and craft a collage creation!

Crafty Wednesday
Every Wednesday

Stop by the Children's Room any time on Wednesdays to do  a special craft. This is a drop-in program that runs all day. Simply stop by the Children's Room desk to get your craft supplies, and take home a masterpiece. 
Construction Club
3:00 - 4:30 pm
10:00 am - 12 Noon

We'll bring the LEGO bricks, you bring the ideas! This is a drop-in program, so there is no need to register. Best for children over 5.

Completed Lego projects go on display in the Children's Room for a whole week. If you are in the library, stop by the Children's Room to see different Lego projects on display. 
librarynewsLibrary News

Discounted and Free Admission to Museums & Attractions

Did you know? The library offers passes to a variety of area museums and attractions! 
Locations include:
Old Sturbridge Village
Salem Witch Museum 
Mystic Aquarium
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Tower Hill Botanic Gardens
Worcester Art Museum
Fruitlands Museum
USS Constitution Museum
Massachusetts ParksPass
AJ Petro Pool (seasonal)
See  our website for details.
Thank you to the Friends of the Jacob Edwards Library for sponsoring this program!
Stargaze with our Telescope!

The library now has a telescope which can be checked out and taken home - just like a book. Use it to spend a night stargazing in your own back yard! Who knows what you will see?

Instructions and tips on what to look for are included. Must be checked out by an adult 18 or older. 
Please ask at the desk for more details!

Library eBooks

Looking for free eBooks? Look no further than the library! You can download FREE ebooks to your computer or device, as well as digital audiobooks.

To browse our main collection, click here. On your device, download the Overdrive app to get started.

We also now have some new collections, thanks to a statewide eBook project, Commonwealth Collections. Axis 360 provides more popular options, similar to Overdrive. Biblioboard is great for homework and research, and also has a great collection of 'For Dummies' titles available.

If you have questions or are having trouble, please ask us! Drop by, call, or email!

Credit cards update

Due to a change in 
C/W Mars policy, we can no longer accept credit cards over the desk as payment for overdue fees 
and/or lost books. 
If you wish to pay your fines by credit card, you may do so by logging into your  online account.
All in-person transactions must be cash or personal check. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please ask us at the Information Desk if you have any questions.

Book a Librarian!

You can now "Book a Librarian!" Contact us to schedule a personalized 
20-30 minute session.

Possible topics include:
-Help downloading eBooks
-Using your new mobile device or tablet
-Book recommendations
-Using the library catalog
-Placing holds & using your online account
-Setting up an email account
-Getting started on your research paper
-Formatting a Word document

Call 508-764-5426 or 
email  to schedule an  appointment.

Jacob Edwards Library
Upcoming Meetings

The Friends of the Library will be meeting on 
Monday, January 27
at 6:00 pm.
The Friends extend an invitation to all library patrons to join their group. To learn more, please visit  FOJEL's page on our website.

  The  Board of Trustees  of the Jacob Edwards Library will next meet on Tuesday, January 28 at Noon 
in the Mills Room. 
All meetings are open to the public.
We hope to see you at the library soon!


The Jacob Edwards Library Staff
Programs at Jacob Edwards Library may be recorded for Southbridge Public Access TV 
and/or photographed for promotional purposes.

Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.