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Managing MPLs

Patella Stabilized Quads Stretch

There is growing clinical experience that tells us a medial patella luxation may be influenced by the length and/or strength of the quadriceps mechanism. We test for quadriceps influence on an MPL using the following evaluation sequence:


I. Evaluate the patella grade in standing using standard orthopedic testing


II. In lateral, reduce the patella, then place the quadriceps on stretch.

  • If passive tension through the quadriceps causes the patella to luxate, then lengthening the quadriceps with stretches may improve the luxation.
  • If stretch does not cause the patella to luxate, the influence of the quadriceps on the patella may be minimal.


III. In lateral, luxate the patella, then place the quadriceps on stretch.

  • If passive tension through the quadriceps causes the patella to reduce, then strengthening the quadriceps to increase active tension with exercises may improve the luxation (rebounds, perturbations, then eventually squats - but only if the patella remains reduced). 


MPL Resources


Patella Stabilized Stretch



Hind Limbs On Series

Squat Series

Sun Salutation Series



Conservative MPL I

Conservative MPL II

Conservative MPL III

Stifle Post Op I

Stifle Post Op II

Stifle Post Op III

Over the years, I've developed this evaluation sequence to help guide treatment planning for MPLs. If the quadriceps influences the patella, I recommend (without promise!) targeted conservative management for 4-8 weeks. If the quadriceps does not influence the patella, then I guide clients towards surgery and the team will be happy to see their pet post operatively.

In my experience, with some dogs, we've reduced Grade III MPL to Grade I MPL.

Research study anyone?

Sasha Foster, MSPT, CCRT

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