Vice President for Research
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
January Funding Focus Newsletter #2
Limited Submission Announcements
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2019 for the Transforming Health Care for Children and Youth with Epilepsy (CYE) Program. The purpose of this program is to increase access to coordinated, quality health care in a patient/family-centered medical home for CYE residing in rural and/or medically under-served areas. This will be accomplished by supporting quality improvement (QI) networks to address four content areas: 
(1) increasing access to specialists through telehealth and telemedicine strategies; 
(2) increasing family engagement at various levels across the health care system; 
(3) improving the transition from pediatric to adult health care; and 
(4) increasing communication, collaboration, and co-management between primary care providers and epilepsy specialty providers. 
Institutional Limit: 1 Proposal
Internal Deadline: February 4, 2019, 4:45pm
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Innovations in Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Other Developmental Disabilities (DD) Program. The purpose of this program is to build on past HRSA programs (HRSA-16-048 and HRSA-13-207) to improve access to coordinated and integrated care for children with, or at risk for, ASD/DD and their families in medically underserved areas and populations by implementing the following two strategies: 
1) Family Navigation - Increasing family navigation services to improve communication between families and primary and specialty providers; link children with/at risk for ASD/DD to diagnostic evaluations, ASD/DD services, and community resources; and provide education to families of children with/at risk for ASD/DD to improve self-efficacy in navigating the system of care for children with/at risk for ASD/DD; and 
2) Provider Training - Providing education, training, and technical assistance to providers, and community based-organizations providing services to ASD/DD on improving care for children with/at risk for ASD/DD through a learning community. 
Institutional Limit: 1 Proposal
Internal Deadline: February 4, 2019, 4:45pm
CCTS/SCOR Launch Grant Preparation Intensive Cohort Program
Are you working on a K, R, or national foundation grant? Is your deadline May 2019 or later? If so, CCTS and the UAB Scientific Community of Outcomes Researchers (SCOR) invite you to apply to one of our new intensive grant development cohorts . The program offers four months of highly structured activities, leveraging CCTS programs with a proven track record for strengthening science and improving scores. The program will also connect you to a pool of highly experienced mentors from across the CCTS Partner Network. We welcome all trainees, postdocs, and early stage career faculty who are committed to dedicating weekly time and energy to their goal. Please note our next cohort will begin in June if you are not ready to start this intensive process yet.  If accepted into the program, you must secure $1,000 in funding before participating. All applicants must participate in a CCTS Nascent Project Panel (NPP) prior to being assigned to a cohort.

Save the Dates!

March 1 NSF CAREER Program Webinar

March 8 NIH R01 Workshop

Details on both events to follow.

2019-2020 Alabama Space Grant Consortium Fellowship/ Scholarship Programs
There are 5 to 10 scholarships for Auburn undergraduates for $1,500 each, and 2 fellowships, newly awarded or renewable annually, for up to 3 years of funding for up to $37,000 each.  Scholarships are for juniors and seniors in STEM majors and certain teaching degrees, and fellowships are for graduate level (Masters or Ph.D.) students in STEM fields. There is a required cost share for the fellowship program, and proposal budget approval is required before submission. Those interested in applying can contact David Beale for full details on the cost share.

Applications Due: Monday, February 25, 2019

The DoD has released multiple funding opportunities under the Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program. The Discovery Award, Clinical Trial Award, Focused Program Award, Investigator-Initiated Research Award, and Technology/Therapeutic Development Award. Submission is a two-step process requiring both pre-application submission and full application submission. All pre-applications must be submitted through eBRAP. Full applications from extramural organizations (non-DoD organizations) must be submitted through Click the link above for more information on these great opportunities!
This program encourages reciprocity and cultural exchange throughout the world. Recipients may use funds to pursue activity abroad or to host international colleagues within the U.S. to pursue unrestricted travel and projects by professionals working in all aspects of theatre. 

The program offers grants through two separate initiatives: 

1. Global Connections - On the Road: This initiative offers grants to foster new relationships with international colleagues that will inspire each other's work and aesthetics by creating opportunities for cultural exchange. This initiative is open to a broad range of theatre professionals from artists to administrators to thosein production areas. 

2. Global Connections - In the Lab: This initiative offers grants to further pre-existing international collaborations by supporting residencies that either advance the research and development of a theatre piece or explore elements leading up to a full production. Projects do not need to result in a final mainstage production. 
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
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