To the members & friends of First Presbyterian Church of Glen Cove:
2021 is off with a bang! We've already had some big moments and it's only January. Not only are big changes and events happening on a national and global level, we are seeing exciting changes happening at First Presbyterian Church of Glen Cove.
On Saturday, January 16th, we had an amazing group of volunteers show up to take care of our building. Some began repairs on the kitchen ceiling, others did a deep clean in the parish hall, and others helped organize our office and install a smart doorbell. It was a beautiful sight to behold as we gave some tender love and care to our beloved building.
Additionally, we are nearing the end of our 2021 Pledge Campaign. We are already at 86% of our goal of $30,000, which means that we only have $4,120 left to go! This is also the first year (at least since 2017) that we've intentionally set aside a budget for mission and benevolence. We want to be a church that is not just about surviving, but is also about giving back to the community around us. If you have thoughts and ideas for local organizations that we can partner with, let us know!
In all of this, I see people taking ownership of the future of our community. We are trusting that God is not done with us—in fact, by giving our time, our talent, and financially we are making a statement with our actions that God is up to something here at FPC Glen Cove. So let's figure it out together!
In the meantime, if you want to grab coffee, lunch, or do a Zoom call, let me know. I am holding office hours Tuesday through Thursday and am be available by appointment. Please use this link to set up an appointment or paste this url into your search bar:
See you Sunday!