Registration for the 17th Human Proteome Organization World Congress (HUPO 2018) in Orlando, Florida opens this month. Active HUPO members receive a discounted rate. Visit the HUPO 2018 website to register.
Institut Pasteur-INCEPTION Call for New Junior Group Leaders
Deadline: January 14, 2018. Institut Pasteur has launched an international call for junior candidates wishing to establish new independent research groups in the cutting edge interdisciplinary environment of its campus in Paris, France. This year the call will be focused on the topics associated with the INstitut Convergence entitled “Emergence of Pathologies Through Individuals and populatiONs” (INCEPTION program). Click here for more information.
The Human Proteome Project (HPP)
The JPR Special Issue on the HPP will now consider short definitive reports, submitted in the Letters format, on the discovery of a Missing Protein(s). To be considered for publication, the missing protein(s) must meet the Guidelines v 2.1 and be cast in the context of both the HPP and biological setting in which they were discovered. We anticipate this format will encourage many teams, particularly of the B/D-HPP, to highlight such protein discoveries in a disease and biological context. Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2018
In cooperation with B/D-HPP investigators, the C-HPP Special Issue JPR came out on December 1, 2017, which marks the fifth consecutive edition since the first issue has been published in January 2013.Click here for more about this Special Issue.
I Clinical Proteomics Course
The first International Course on Clinical Proteomics took place during the week of the 23-27th of October in the University Hospital of A Coruña (Spain). Read more about the course here.
Proteomics Goes Clinical
As proteomic technologies reach maturity, it is imperative to partner with applied fields. Two recent HUPO-endorsed courses aimed to introduce proteomics to the clinical arena: the I Clinical Proteomics Course held in Spain, and the Introduction to Proteomics in Pathology Course held in Australia. We hope that these are just the beginning of a beautiful relationship for clinical applications of proteomics technologies. Read more here.
HUPO 2018
Affiliated proteomic societies and HUPO members are encouraged to share their events and news for inclusion on the HUPO website, in the monthly HUPOST and via social media channels.