January 2024 Health and Cultural Observances
IN THIS ISSUE: New Year, New Potential; Cervical Cancer Screening; Blood Donor Awareness; Preventing Birth Defects; Special DEI Observances
The National Alliance Coalition Health Advisory Council provides this newsletter to make it easier for employers to tie select national health and cultural observances to health and wellbeing strategies. For a complete list:
New Year, New Potential!
Every year, the top New Year’s resolutions in the US involve losing weight and making healthier lifestyle choices. The fact is, about 80% of people who make resolutions on January 1 abandon their good intentions by Valentine’s Day.

Adoption of a "lifestyle is medicine" mindset may help change perpetual disappointment when good intentions are not supported by actionable goals -- and healthcare professionals who can help patients reach them.

The six pillars of lifestyle medicine sound simple: Healthful eating, increased physical activity, managing stress, avoiding substance use, improving sleep, and staying connect. But for those whose unhealthy habits are ingrained, it's best to seek primary and preventive care experts who can help with goal setting, monitoring, and long-term support.
Click on the images below to access the latest National Alliance Resources on immunizations and getting back to basics to support a healthy lifestyle and whole person health.
Saving Lives Through Cervical Cancer Awareness
Even though the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening, more than 14,000 US women are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year.

During January, advocates highlight issues related to cervical cancer, HPV disease, and the importance of early detection.

There is much employers can do to help woman understand how to protect themselves. Learn more about low-cost screening options, treatment, and raising awareness through the Centers for Disease Control and the National Cervical Center Coalition.
Click on the image to learn more.
January is National Blood Donor Month
Every two seconds someone in American needs a blood transfusion. Yet, despite 65% of the population being eligible to donate blood, only about 3% of Americans do so.

The need is great, extending beyond emergencies, encompassing a wide range of medical treatments such as cancer therapies, cardiovascular and orthopedic surgeries, and organ and bone marrow transplants.

This handbook and other resources equip employers to increase blood donation by educating employees about the need and how to participate.
Birth Defects Prevention and Awareness to Support Families
About 1 in 33 babies is born with a birth defect in the US each year. Some birth defects can be prevented. Some don’t need treatment or can be treated easily. And others need quick treatment because they cause serious problems or even death.

The March of Dimes and the CDC offer education and turnkey communications about the full range of risks and conditions to help families avoid and cope with birth defects.
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