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Jan. 3, 2024

Coach and Be Coached!

Even the best athletes in the world have experts that they rely on to coach them to meet their potential each and every day. As educators, we often don’t receive feedback on our work after our first few years in the profession. In fact, feedback about our effectiveness with students often becomes personal and taboo. 

Without feedback, we miss the opportunity to take a look at our practice through a new lens and really explore students’ experience in our class. Coaching gives us the chance to uncover actions we inadvertently make. It helps identify big and small changes we can make to optimize students’ learning experience and make our lives easier.

In 2024, I encourage you to consider the following:

  • Video your class. What do you see? Who are you calling on? Are all students meaningfully engaged? Do different students have different experiences (English learners, special education, low and/or high ability/fitness, students of color, etc.)? What exists that you haven’t previously noticed?
  • Ask for student feedback. Randomly select five to 10 students (example: choose every fifth student in your roll book) from each class to answer a few questions about their experience in your class. What do they like/not like? What barriers do they find? How do they find success? What do they wish was different? What tips would they give you?
  • Peer feedback. Invite a colleague to visit your class. Ask them to give you feedback on one or two specific items. Have them provide the feedback based on what they observe students doing so it doesn’t become personal. You can even ask them to observe specific student groups to better understand their experience.
  • Find a coach/mentor. Identify a colleague that you respect and trust. Meet with them regularly to talk openly about your practice. Invite them into your class regularly. Share and discuss your syllabi, assessments, examples of student learning, learning tasks, instructional strategies, opportunities for student dialogue, and more!

As you receive feedback, keep an open mind. Consider the possibilities to try new things and reinvent the student experience in your class.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to support you, your site, or your district. 

Health and Physical Education Coordinator
San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)
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Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to Influence the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Programming for 2024-25

SDCOE wants your input in planning programming for the 2024-25 school year. Please take a couple of minutes to complete the SDCOE 2024-25 Health and Physical Education Programming Survey to let us know what professional learning and services you would like to see offered next school year. 

Three San Diego County Physical Educators Recognized as State and Regional Teachers of the Year

The California Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD) has recently announced that two physical educators from San Diego County will be honored as 2024 California Teachers of the Year. Those receiving recognition on Feb. 2 at the CAHPERD State Conference include:

  • Robbie De Perro, an elementary physical education specialist at Perry Elementary in San Diego Unified School District, will be honored as the 2024 California Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year.
  • Ben Upham, a physical education teacher and lacrosse coach at Valhalla High School in Grossmont Union High School District, will be honored as the 2024 CAHPERD High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year.

In addition, Society for Health and Physical Education (SHAPE) America recently announced that Austin Olson, the 2023 CAHPERD Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year from Pacific Trails Middle School in San Dieguito Union High School District, has been selected as the 2024 Western Regional Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year. Austin is one of the final four finalists for 2024 SHAPE America National Teacher of the Year, which will be announced in March at the SHAPE America National Convention in Cleveland. 

Congratulations Robbie, Ben, and Austin on your well-deserved recognition! 

SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre is Here to Support Your Efforts

Health and physical education leaders selected from throughout San Diego County who have been trained in student-centered coaching and leadership are available to provide support to teachers, sites, and districts. Customized support is available for all levels (elementary, middle, and high school) and in the following topics:

  • First best instruction
  • Equity and inclusion
  • Curricula selection, design, and curation
  • On-site coaching
  • Support and networking for aspiring, new, and veteran teachers
  • Professional learning

To learn more, and to schedule one of the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Cadre leaders to work with you, please contact Paige Metz at

Picture of leadership cadre group

San Diego County Networking Events Coming Soon

The San Diego County Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre will be hosting a series of networking events for health and physical educators. Please complete the San Diego County Networking Survey to provide input and sign up to receive communication about upcoming events.

SDCOE Releases Critical New Substance Abuse Video Series

SDCOE recently released a series of six videos, each 10-20 minutes in length, designed to provide comprehensive, straightforward insight into how substance misuse impacts individuals, families, schools, and communities. The I Choose My Future series is designed to educate middle and high school students about:

  • How the drug landscape has changed
  • The societal impacts of drug abuse
  • The science of addiction, teen brain development, and the impact drugs can have on teens
  • How to identify potentially harmful drugs
  • A closer look at vaping, marijuana, and nicotine 
  • The dangers of opioids and fentanyl

The I Choose My Future instruction guide provides educators suggestions for using the video resources and include discussion questions, sample activities, and more.

SHAPE America Releases New Technology Resource

SHAPE America recently released Appropriate Use of Technology in Physical Education to provide educators with information to support the use of technology to meaningfully engage students with content and achieve grade level standards.

What You Need to Know About PFT For 2023-24

The California Department of Education (CDE) announced that Physical Fitness Testing (PFT) protocols for 2023-24 will be identical to those that were used in the 2022-23 school year including:

  • NOT collecting any data related to body composition (height, weight)
  • NOT collecting age or gender data
  • NOT using the Healthy Fitness Zones as defined by FITNESSGRAM
  • Providing students with their personal fitness assessment scores
  • Reporting the percentage of students who participate in each of the five required fitness assessments (aerobic capacity, abdominal strength and endurance, trunk extensor strength and flexibility, upper body strength and endurance, flexibility) in the School Accountability Report Card

Teachers are encouraged to:

  • Encourage students to “do their best” on each fitness assessment so that it is an accurate measurement of their current fitness
  • Utilize grade-level standards to determine how PFT scores are utilized for students to set and achieve personal health and fitness goals
  • Give students options to test, not in front of peers
  • Protect student privacy
  • Prioritize an emotionally safe environment to avoid bullying and/or body shaming

For more information, visit the CDE PFT webpage and CDE PFT FAQ webpage.

At this time, it is still unclear how CDE will address the Report to the Legislature, Department of Finance and the State Board of Education: Physical Performance Test that was submitted to the State Board in March 2023. Stay tuned.

SDCOE Announces 2023-24 Professional Learning Opportunities

Please check out the SDCOE 2023-24 Health and Physical Education Professional Learning Calendar for opportunities to participate in professional learning! Don’t see what you are looking for? Email Paige Metz to make requests.

SDCOE Three-Day Physical Literacy Institute Is Back… and in Person

The three-day Physical Literacy Institute is being offered in person this spring (Jan. 16, Feb. 14, and March 27). Join the conversation to strategically deliver equitable and meaningful instruction designed to increase the physical literacy of all students by incorporating:

  • Social and emotional learning
  • Universal design for learning
  • Standards-based assessment
  • Culturally responsive teaching
  • Grading for equity 
  • Click the link above for more information and to register.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month. Learn What Every Educator Needs to Know

All educators and school staff are invited to attend one of two virtual trainings on human trafficking, designed to:

  • Prepare school staff to identify students at risk for or experiencing human trafficking
  • Increase understanding of how human trafficking impacts students and schools
  • Share tools/resources, including the human trafficking school safety protocol
  • Provide a list of community resources to support students and families

This virtual training is scheduled to take place from 2 to 4 p.m. on Jan. 18 and again on Jan. 23. Click one of the training dates for more information and to register.

Don’t Miss the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy (Tier 1)

SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Academy, the first of a two-tier leadership series, will be offered in person this spring (Jan. 24, Feb. 28, March 20, April 10, and April 24). Tier 1 of the leadership academy is designed to develop model pedagogy and practice for teacher recognition as a role model and leader on campuses/in districts. The academy provides a combination of professional learning and on-site coaching to develop and promote best practices. For more information and to register, click on the link above.

Note: Previous attendance at the Physical Literacy Institute or the SDCOE Health Education Framework Series is a prerequisite to participate in the leadership academy.

SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership In Action Kicks Off in February

Health and physical educators who have previously completed the SDCOE Physical Education Leadership Academy are invited to register for Tier 2 of the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Program. SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership in Action is scheduled to take place in person from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 27, March 19, April 9, and May 7.

Registration is Open for the 2024 CAHPERD State Conference and SHAPE America National Convention

The 2024 CAHPERD State Conference is scheduled to take place Feb. 1 to 3 at the Hyatt Regency in Garden Grove. Click the link above to check out the tentative schedule, justification toolkit, housing, and registration information for this year’s conference, which has the theme EveryBODY Moves.

New National Standards are going to be released for both health and physical education at the 2024 SHAPE America National Convention taking place March 12 to 16 in Cleveland. Click the link above for event details, reasons to attend, schedule at a glance, housing information, and registration. Don’t miss early bird rates through Jan. 11!

Don’t Miss Critical Sexual Health Education Training Feb 22

The California Department of Public Health, in collaboration with SDCOE, is offering sexual health education training from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at SDCOE's Linda Vista campus. The training is designed to build the capacity of educators to provide quality sexual-health instruction. View the flyer for more information or click here to register.

Professional Reading Recommendations

Please feel free to email Paige Metz professional reading titles that you would recommend to San Diego County health and physical educators to feature in the next update.

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Resource Defines Required Health Education Content, Resources, and Model Policy

The Health Education Checklist/Planning Tool defines California Education Code and mandates associated with health education instruction. It also features resources including links to Education Code, case studies, model policy, and more. This is a great tool to make sure your site or district is in compliance with state Education Code, identify gaps/opportunities and implement meaningful programming to influence students’ health literacy. Additional tools and resources can be found on the California Health Education website.

Critical Resources for Health Education

Critical Resources for Physical Education

Critical Resources for Quality Instruction

If you have any questions or comments about Health and Physical Education Monthly Update, please contact Paige Metz.
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