Your resource for HQIC highlights and learning opportunities | Jan. 2021
Welcome to the First Issue of Hospital Quality Highlights
What You Can Expect
Health Services Advisory Group Hospital Quality Improvement Contract (HSAG HQIC) Hospital Quality Highlights will feature upcoming activities, new tools and resources, and emerging best practices. This e-newsletter will also include quarterly data refresh announcements, program progress reports, and data dashboards to keep you informed of your overall hospital performance for each measure. 
A Message From Our CEO—
Mary Ellen Dalton, PhD, MBA, RN
HSAG was founded in 1979 and serves the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) providing quality services for Medicare and Medicaid programs and the End Stage Renal Disease program. HSAG is the designated CMS Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Arizona and California. We collaborate to support hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, and healthcare providers to improve quality and outcomes for the Medicare population.
Critical Communication
Now that you have joined HSAG HQIC, the next step is to review and complete the Welcome Packet. The following contents are included in the packet:

  • Data Use Agreement: Review, sign, and return—Provides permission for HSAG HQIC's analytics team to access and use specified data to measure and track hospital performance, provide data feedback reports, and populate the HSAG HQIC secure data portal.
  • NHSN Confer Rights: Complete the outlined steps in the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)—The detailed instructions and screen shots will guide you through the processes of joining the HSAG HQIC group and giving HSAG HQIC permission to view your hospital's healthcare-associated infection (HAI) data.
  • Web Portal Data Administrator Form: Complete and return—Designates specific people (recommend a minimum of 2) in your organization to access the HSAG HQIC Quality Improvement and Innovation Portal to access performance reports and dashboards, upload data, complete assessments, and manage users.

If you have questions or require assistance with this process, please contact the HSAG HQIC team at
The Flash: Resources
Tips to decrease complacency in COVID-19 training:
  • Vary the medium for training.
  • Consider huddles, newsletters, meetings, drills, scenario-based education, simulations, and games.
  • Reinforce with small, frequent “sound bites.”
HSAG “Ask an Infection Preventionist (IP)”
  • If you are seeking infection prevention answers, our expert team is ready to help.
  • Responses within one business day.
HSAG COVID-19 Vaccine Resources:
Find a list of vaccine resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Events and Education
Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) Prevention for Patients and Staff During the Era of COVID-19
Thursday, March 18, 2021
1–2 p.m. ET (12 noon CT, 11 a.m. MT, 10 a.m. PT)
Featuring Virginia Capasso, PhD, ANP-BC, ACNS-BC, CWS;
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Patient Care Services; Quality, Safety & Practice Nurse Scientist,
Munn Center for Nursing Research, Massachusetts General Hospital;
Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School.
More Information
If you need to speak to someone regarding the HSAG HQIC initiative, please contact and one of our staff members will be in touch with you. You may find answers in our HSAG HQIC FAQs document, or by reviewing the short videos regarding the initiative, on our website.