FY 21/22 Budget
First Meeting
Monday 1/11/21
3:30 PM

The 6TD will hold its first meeting on its budget for the next fiscal year on Monday 1/11 at 3:30 PM. The 6TD’s Treasury office will present a first draft of the budget after receiving input from staff and Commissioners. This meeting will take place in person in the Moose Room at the Community Center.
The second budget meeting is scheduled for Monday January 25th at 3:30 PM at the Community Center. Grant requests were sent out to local organizations and those requests are due by January 31st. Budget details will be finalized in February and the final budget will be presented to residents for their approval via vote at the 6TD’s Annual Meeting. The date for this meeting is set by our Charter and, this year, will be Wednesday March 3, 2021.
Future Direction of Bayley Beach
Monday 1/11/21
6:30 PM

Don Wilson, our Bayley Beach Director for 20+ years, retired at the end of the last season and the 6TD will be hiring a new director. We will have a Zoom meeting on Monday January 11, 2020 at 6:30 PM for all residents to share their thoughts on the future director and the beach.
Meeting ID: 912 3583 3089
Passcode: 518235
If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to share your thoughts, please email [email protected]

Fence Vote
Wednesday 1/13/21
There has been much discussion over the past six months about what types of signage are appropriate for the Old School Field Fence. While the Commissioners tried to provide some flexibility with the existing guidelines, a group of residents believe the guidelines need to be modified. After several lengthy public meetings, the Commissioners have decided that 6TD residents should exercise their democratic rights and a town-wide vote will be held with 3 different guideline options for our community fence
The vote on the preferred guidelines for the use of the Old School Field Community Fence is scheduled for Wednesday January 13, 2021. The vote will take place in the Moose Room of the Rowayton Community Center at 33 Highland Avenue between noon and 8 PM. Voting will take place in a socially distanced manner. Voters need to be registered with the Norwalk Registrar of Voters at an address in the Sixth Taxing District. You can check if you are registered at https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx (if you are a 6TD resident, this website will have your voting location as Rowayton School). NB: the fence vote is at the Community Center.
For residents unable or uncomfortable with voting in person, please send an email with your contact information to the District Clerk [email protected]
These are the current guidelines for signs on the Old School Field Fence:
  • The Old School Fence is to be used for local announcements, local events, and local promotions. No political signs.
  • Given the limited space, the fence will be for Rowayton residents and Rowayton non-profit organizations only
  • We ask that users send a note to [email protected] when they put up a sign for events and personal messages. This is so the 6TD knows who owns the sign, and we can monitor the length of time it is being hung.
  • Promotion for events can go up to 6 weeks prior to event, but we ask it is taken down immediately after the event is over.
  • For personal messages, (congrats, happy birthday, welcome home type signs), we ask that they are up for no more than 2 weeks.
  • 6TD will monitor this to ensure signs don’t overstay their welcome.
Proposed guidelines for signs on the Old School Field Fence:
  • The Old School Fence is to be used for local announcements, events, promotions and supportive statements or creative expressions of human rights. Signs promoting or targeting a specific candidate or party for any political office, or featuring any slogan associated with a candidate are not allowed.
  • Given the limited space, the fence will be for Rowayton residents and Rowayton non-profit organizations only. Maximum size of 60” X 30” in either orientation. Email for an exemption for a larger sign.
  • We ask that users send an email to [email protected] when they put up a sign for events and personal messages so the 6TD knows who owns the sign, and can monitor the length of time it is hung.
  • For personal messages (e.g. congratulations, happy birthday, welcome home, etc.), we ask that signs be taken down within 2 weeks.
  • Promotion for events can be hung up to 6 weeks prior to the event, but we ask they be taken down immediately after the event is over.
  • 6TD will monitor the fence to ensure signs don’t overstay their welcome. During high-volume periods (e.g., holidays, graduations, etc.) the Commissioners may ask for some signs to be taken down early to make space for other signs.

Guidelines regarding signs in support of human rights causes:
  • Signs promoting human rights causes should be focused on inclusive, positive, and supportive expressions.
  • No sign shall depict slogans, imagery, persons or groups that seek the denial of equal rights and protections of any people.
  • Signs supporting human rights must be sponsored by 100 Rowayton residents and reviewed in advance by the Commissioners via online application. Please allow 3-5 business days for a response and review status.
  • The owner of the sign and a list of 100 sponsors (names only) will be available through a link on the 6TD website.
  • Human rights signs can be displayed for up to 8 weeks. If you wish to extend the display period past 8 weeks, it must be with a new sign put through the same application process requirements with re-confirmed support of 100 sponsors, original or new. You can re-use signs on an alternating basis.
  • Due to limited space, we ask that there only be one sign at a time regarding a specific human rights cause, but allow for more than one cause to be represented at a time
The same guidelines as Option #1 with the addition of:
The “Black Lives Matter” sign is allowed on the fence for up to a year.

Christmas Tree Collection or Recycling
The 6TD’s contractor, AFK, will be collecting Christmas trees over the next two Wednesdays (January 13th and 20th). Trees must be free from plastic bags, ornaments, lights, decorations, and stands in order to be collected.
You can also ‘eco-cycle’ your Christmas Tree on the next two Saturdays, January 9th and 16th. Keep your tree outside and keep watering it until drop off day. Help make the Norwalk River a healthier home for trout, turtles, heron and other aquatic animals by donating your Christmas tree to the annual “Trees for Trout” collection of the Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Trees can be dropped off at Mianus River Park at 100 Merriebrook Lane in Stamford or at the Riverbrook YMCA at 404 Danbury Road in Wilton from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays, January 9 and 16. A $10 suggested donation is recommended.
Bundle Up Rowayton
Saturday, January 9th
10:00A - 2:00P

Photos courtesy of Chris Sovak.
Submit Rowayton photos to [email protected].