**Remember to read our featured adult education success stories and innovations for January. You can submit your own success story at our award-winning Education and Elevate campaign website. All submissions will be considered for our 2019 National Adult Learner of the Year. The winner will receive $10,000 at the COABE 2019 Conference.**
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In This Issue
Check out Our VIP Vendors  Here  !  

Our January VIP Vendor is  
January Webinars
Generously Sponsored by:

Be the Key That Opens the Door 
For Your Students -
Career Pathways Are Lifelines For Them! 
DATE: Wednesday, January 23, 2019
TIME: 2:00 p.m. EST
PRESENTED BY: Christine Miller

This webinar will explore the numerous ways career pathways can be designed and implemented to comply with WIOA regulations. From bridge programs to Integrated Education and Training (IET), the components that contribute to successful programs will be discussed, including understanding employer measures and using Labor Market Information (LMI) to build -or enhance-your career pathways program.

Learn how to incorporate strategies for adult career pathways into your instructional program using contextualized curriculum. This webinar will define specific lessons, strategies, and activities that can be implemented in your classrooms to give your students the career counseling they missed when they left school. You are their career counselor.

WIOA expanded the purpose of Title II to include assisting adults to transition to postsecondary education and training leading to employment. Adult educators are tasked to develop and deliver adult career pathways systems that will successfully transition low-skilled adults to postsecondary education and employment. Our classrooms are now a place where students learn not only the academics for credential success but also the workforce skills for career success. 
Building a Standards-Based Professional Learning System for Adult Educators
DATE: Monday, January 28, 2019
TIME: 2:00 p.m. EST
PRESENTED BY: Beverly Wilson

How do standards help improve teacher effectiveness and guide professional learning? Learn how AZ's Adult Education Professional Learning System (AAEPLS) is designed based on the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning, the AZ Adult Education Teacher Standards, and the AZ Adult Education Content Standards. These sets of standards are used to guide the planning, implementation, and evaluation of professional learning at the state and local program levels.

This webinar will help adult educators -especially professional developers and administrators- to build a professional learning system to support the needs of adult educators.
Join us on the COABE App  
and Social Media!

The COABE Journal
Prison Literacy Articles Needed
Have you downloaded the "go-to" resource that more than  11,000 COABE members have accessed? This is the new and improved research to practice adult education journal that is available online to you free of charge. Get your copy of the special  Career Pathways edition of the COABE Journal  HERE

The next edition of the journal will focus on prison literacy. We encourage submissions from our members. You can submit your article for review HERE. Manuscripts are due by 01/15/19. Please contact journal@coabe.org if you have any questions.

Join The Adult Numeracy Network (ANN) for a full day of professional development at the COABE National Pre-Conference on Sunday, March 31, 2019. The agenda for the day will focus on unmasking our students' potential to learn mathematics that will prepare them for success. The theme of the day is: Revealing a Path from Basic Math to Algebra. Bring a team in order to create a shared language and experience around math learning and instruction. Register for the pre-conference at: COABE Conference Registration Page
ANN is a strand partner of COABE. .

Board of Directors Opportunities
Are you interested in serving on the board of directors for the most dynamic adult education association in the world? 

Open positions include:
Region 2 Representative
Region 4 Representative
Region 6 Representative
Vice President for Membership
President Elect*

Click below to apply or nominate someone today.
The deadline is 1/15/19.

*Must be a current, elected member of the board
COABE National Award Nominations
Click below to nominate someone today.
The deadline is 1/15/19.
Discover Our Active Learning Center Grant:  

This year, we'll award up to 16 schools, colleges, and universities with an Active Learning Center. Discover how these effective, inspiring environments can make a difference.  Follow the link below to learn more.

from COABE's Executive Director,  Sharon Bonney


As we head into the new year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your membership in our organization, the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE). As our membership grows, so does our impact! We came together in solidarity and were able to not only stave off proposed funding cuts, but also move the needle for increased funding (a feat we had not seen in many years)! As a field we were able to gain long overdue recognition from legislators, funders, and business and industry as we showcased the value and benefit of our services through Educate and Elevate, the 8 time award-winning public awareness campaign that so many of you participated in at the local, state, and national level. Thank you for taking action and working along side our organization to impact legislation and funding!
This year also saw the launch of our new adult learner membership option, the new student led Ambassador Program which has been adopted in 18 states, and the new "Student Voice" strand at the COABE conference! All of these were "firsts" for our field and for our organization, and as yet another first, we have set up membership so that it is now FREE to all adult learners. We encourage you to onboard as many adult learners as you would like, so that we can even more effectively raise our voices together for adult education.
We also met together frequently, in numerous settings, to tune up and add to our skill set as we learned from each other in various settings including the 50+ webinars on a myriad of topics over the past year. Many of these opportunities were provided free of charge, with thanks to our partners and funders who generously sponsor our efforts such as the Manager Mondays which focused on giving local program administrators the skills they need to effectively run their  programs, the topical monthly webinars, the virtual conference, and of course our signature national conference which features the greatest "coming together" in the field of adult ed! We are also truly grateful for the 36 national  strand partners and 47 state partners who contribute to the success of the conference. We hope that you too participated in a few of the professional development opportunities developed by and for our members. As well, I want to encourage you to register for the 2019 COABE Conference and make your hotel reservations as quickly as possible to ensure you have a room at the conference. We anticipate this will be our largest conference yet!
Also this year, we launched the newly rebranded and revised COABE Journal 
which focused on Career Pathways and also provided a way for our members to share best practices, research, and view point essays. So many of you contributed in various ways, and I want to thank our managing editor, Judy Mortrude, our journal chair and president elect, Dr. Donald Finn, and our dedicated staff for working closely with me on this exciting endeavor!

I also have the distinct pleasure of welcoming to the fold our first international large group membership, which is comprised of all the adult educators in the country of Kenya! The Secretary of Education contacted COABE, wanting to form a partnership after seeing our Educate and Elevate public awareness campaign. 
In the coming year, we also hope to focus on a number of new initiatives, including our new Prison Literacy Initiative and our Workforce Initiative. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
In closing, on behalf of our dedicated Board, led by Board President, Kaye Sharbono, and our dedicated staff, I want to wish you and yours a happy and prosperous New Year!
Sharon Bonney
Executive Director

COABE Board of Directors at September Board meeting

Local COABE Staff
(Not shown: Rob Lawrence, Bethel Fernandez, Maria Polinsky, Kayleigh Goldsworthy, Rachel Horst, and Judy Mortrude)

Your Membership ID# is: 
Your Expire Date is: 

You will need your membership number to access all membership benefits, including:
  • viewing/accessing webinars
  • accessing training
  • discounts on our virtual conference registration
  • ability to receive and nominate individuals for awards valued at $10,000
  • insurance options  
  • downloading the COABE Journal
  • accessing and uploading to the Adult Educator
    Resources website
  • mini grants and discounts on the 2019 national conference in New Orleans, LA
  • ability to apply for or nominate leadership positions on the COABE Board of Directors
  • ongoing communication with our national office
  • learner membership options
  • award winning ambassador program
  • Ignite software to connect to your legislator

2019 National Conference
Registration Is Now OPEN!
Click below to register today: 
Click HERE to view the list of 50 mini grant winners. Mini grant winners receive $350 toward their conference registration to defray the cost of registration.   
We gratefully acknowledge the mini grant review team: Larriann Torrez, Josh Evans, and Laurie Kirstead-Joseph. 
Sponsorship generously provided by
Dollar General  
Behind and Beyond the Walls  
       (Prison Literacy)
  Advisory Board Update

COABE, in partnership with our newly appointed Prison Literacy Committee Chair, Jeff Abramowitz, will be finalizing the selection of the candidates that will serve on the new Behind and Beyond the Walls Prison Literacy Advisory Board.  Final selections will be announced by 1/15/2019.

Especially For Adult Learners:
Adult Learner Membership (FREE)
Adult Learner Strand at COABE
Ambassador Program 
In January 2018, COABE rolled out an adult learner initiative with the intent of maximizing the voice of adult learners at the federal level. We invite you to bring adult learners with you to the conference so that they can enjoy the adult learner strand and award-winning national level ambassador program.
Adult Learner Overview ( HERE
Adult Learner Sessions at COABE19 (HERE
Ambassador Program Flyer (HERE  

Discounted Flight Rates for COABE Members! 

U.S. 50 States & Canada Customers:
  • Call your professional travel agency
  • Book online via united.com or call United Reservations Meetings Desk at 800-426-1122
  • Provide the Z Code ZGB7 and Agreement Code 726535.
Note: For all tickets issued through United Meetings Reservations Desk, there will be a booking service fee per ticket collected. This fee is subject to change without notice. Such service fee is nonrefundable and applies to all itineraries, one-way or round-trip.

Discounted Flight Rates for COABE Members Traveling to the 2019 Conference! 

You may also call Delta Meeting Network ® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. (CT) and refer to Meeting Event Code NY2L9.

*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.

Our  VIP
Vendor of the Month is