News For Clerks of Session | |
The deadline to submit 2023 Congregational Statistics is
February 15.
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Faith Enrichment Conference | |
Registration ends January 26th.
Worth the Risk
In the last three years everything we have known about gathering has turned upside down. We went from a society that always met in person to a society familiar with terms like “lock-down,” “hybrid church,” and “social distancing.” The way that we understand being community, building relationships, and being the church has changed.
So what now?
Now it is time to come together and to ask ourselves- what have the last three years taught us about being the church? How can we recommit ourselves to the sacredness found in coming together? How can speak with conviction, take risks, and get creative?
There is deep wisdom in scripture, stories and in personal experience that we can draw from, so come. Say yes. Risk and dream together. We have work to do.
Come meet and engage with our 2024 Keynote speaker, Rev. Sarah Are Speed, an ordained Presbyterian pastor in the PC(USA), currently serving at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City as the Associate Pastor for Young Adults and Membership. She also serves as one of the founding creators and contributors to A Sanctified Art.
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Friday, February 23, 2024 @ 12 pM
Winter Stated Meeting of Savannah Presbytery
(in-person ONLY)
Altama Presbyterian Church
Brunswick, GA
The Winter Stated Meeting will be a moving time to be together. The meeting will begin with lunch (noon) at Altama Presbyterian Church’s impressive new property in Brunswick (100 Marsh Drive) just down the street from the Presbytery’s former office building. The day’s worship will include the installation of Rev. Jamil el-Shair as the part-time pastor of the Altama congregation after his serving a number of years as the part-time temporary pastor/stated supply. As it will also be four years to the date of the murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, we will remember his life and continue to dedicate ourselves to the ongoing journey to justice with liturgists from our Racial Justice Ministry Team.
Matthew 25 Theme: Dismantling Structural Racism
Guest Preacher: Rev. Diane Moffett, President and Executive Director
of the Presbyterian Mission Agency
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Learning and Discerning -
Matthew 25 Opportunity
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One of the upcoming foci of the Matthew 25 Invitation is Eradicating Systemic Poverty.
What does that mean?
To understand the nature of poverty in our communities we need to consider and learn about the root causes.
The PC(USA) is hosting a free book study on “Poverty, by America” by Matthew Desmond. The Rev. Dr. Alonzo Johnson, coordinator of the Self-Development of People ministry and our preacher for the states, ““This book is very detailed and thorough in laying out the intersections of systemic poverty — everything from mental health, employment, gender, and a whole plethora of issues — and it is clear about the way the systems contribute to poverty in a way that is not partisan,” Johnson said. “This book is very approachable.”
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “Poverty, by America” will take part in the kickoff of the four-week book study being held next month on February 5th.Registration is open now for the free online study. Discussions will continue each Monday in February at 7:30.
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Would you like to better equip your Deacons & Elders to help care for your congregation? | |
Enroll 1-2 participants in the School of the Laity elective Congregational Care course led by Rev. Jamil el-Shair, pastor of Altama Presbyterian, and Chaplain Jarda Alexander, a Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor at the Atlanta Veterans Administration.
“The church is a family of siblings in Christ. In our family people experience hurt and loss. We experience disruption of our normal way of being. When this happens, we want to and are called to comfort one another. In this Congregational Care course, you will be introduced to being present with someone, discerning their story, how to listen, and how to facilitate a person discovering their spiritual resources that can help them on the journey to a new normal. A key challenge and outcome of the course will be to begin seeing your own story and its impact on your providing care for God’s beloved people.” -Rev. Jamil el-Shair
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Rev. Jamil el-Shair
Pastor of Altama Presbyterian
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Chaplain Jarda Alexander
Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor at the Atlanta Veterans Administration
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Elements of Worship
This class may be taken by ruling elders who seek to receive a presbytery commission to administer the sacraments of communion and baptism within their congregation in the absence of a pastor.
This course focuses on what constitutes faithful Christian worship and discusses the theological underpinnings of key elements of worship including scripture, confession, prayer, music, sacraments, and sermon. Participants will learn to think critically about each element of worship and will dive into some tenets within Reformed theology.
This course will be led by Rev. Rick Douylliez, Savannah Presbytery’s Director of Pastoral and Ecclesial Care and longtime pastor of First Presbyterian, St. Marys.
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It's Time to Register for Summer Camp! | |
Registration is OPEN now through June 23, 2024
(Space is limited, especially for younger campers so register early!)
Who: Ages 8 through 17-year-olds
Where: Montgomery Conference Center, Starke FL
Cost: $410 per camper
Breitenhirt scholarships available!
Summer Camp is a terrific way for children and youth to unplug from hectic schedules, to embrace God’s good creation in nature and to participate in experiences designed to enhance relationships with God, peers, and other Christian adults.
Savannah Presbytery will help facilitate transportation if needed.
During the registration process, families will be required to pay a $100 non refundable deposit. The remaining monies due will be paid to Savannah Presbytery through your home churches before the June 23rd registration deadline. Canteen monies can be sent with transportation drivers/campers to place on their accounts upon arrival.
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2024 Association of Smaller Congregations | |
The 2024 Association of Smaller Congregations’ conference will be held at Epworth-by-the-Sea on St. Simons Island, from February 29th through March 3rd. This year’s gathering will again be an invaluable time of fellowship, sharing ideas, encouragement, and growing together.
This year’s theme is “The Gift of Small” with Mark Tidsworth of Pinnacle Leadership as the keynote speaker.
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Presbyterian College Scholarship | |
An $80,000 Scholarship over 4 years for all students who are Presbyterian
The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College (PC) to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. PC seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are members of Presbyterian churches, or who attend Presbyterian/Reformed secondary schools, will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years—that’s an $80,000 commitment to you.
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Presbyterian Foundation -
Farewell from Robert Hay, Jr.
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12 years ago, I accepted a call to be your regional Ministry Relations Officer at the Presbyterian Foundation. Over the past 12 years I have had the privilege of getting to know you, walking alongside you, and supporting you and your ministries. After 12 wonderful years, I will conclude my service as your Ministry Relations Officer at the end of December. In January, I will be joining the team at Columbia Theological Seminary as the Vice President for Business and Administration. You can read more about Columbia and my role in this press release.
During this transition and beyond, the Presbyterian Foundation still stands ready to support you and your ministries in stewardship and investments. Here are some resources available to you:
During the transition, if you need to speak with a Ministry Relations Officer, please reach out to Stephen Keizer ( and 269-277-3688).
The search for your next regional Ministry Relations Officer has already started. If you are interested in serving the church in this way or if you know of someone who would do a great job, please let Stephen Keizer know.
It has truly been a privilege to serve you. Thank you for allowing me to walk alongside you. Many blessings to you and your continued ministry.
Robert Hay, Jr.
Senior Ministry Relations Officer
Southeast Region
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A Vital Gift from Our Board of Pensions for Members of The Presbytery
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Last summer, the Board of Pensions of the PC (USA) began the Clergy Wellness Support Program. This initiative provides ministers with grants up to $5,000 to foster renewal and wholeness. The grants can be taken every six years.
The Clergy Program at the Davidson Centre for the Professions is one of the seven preapproved programs of the Clergy Wellness Program:
Since 2004, more than 1,200 clergy have participated in this on-site intensive wellness program —The Clergy Program. This program in Davidson, North Carolina has strengthened lives and revitalized careers, especially for those in transition and stress. This grant from our Board of Pensions will cover the full cost of this program and all related travel expenses for pastors earning under an $80,000 salary.
We caregivers tend to give care for everyone, except ourselves. This onsite Clergy Program includes intensive wellness work with certified counselors, spiritual directors, consultants, life coaches, nutritionists, financial counselors, and personal fitness trainers. It is a great week of self-care and a way to obtain tools for personal/professional resilience. General information is found at This is an independent, ecumenical, HIPAA compliant service, and a validated ministry of our church.
We are asking you to let members of your Presbytery know about our Clergy Program and the other preapproved programs of our Board of Pensions. Please edit this note as you wish and let your members know of this vital opportunity. You may wish to do so through:
- Personal emails to members of your Presbytery,
- A Newsletter,
- Statement during a Presbytery meeting, and/or
- Any avenue you see best.
You members can register, or ask questions, by contacting our new Director Suzanne Schilling
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In December, Rev. Kate Buckley and her family relocated from St. Simons Island to Sarasota, Florida. He new address is available in the online directory. Please contact Stated Clerk Deanie Strength for the password. | |
2024 Federal Mileage Rates Per IRS memo | |
IR-2023-239, Dec. 14, 2023
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued the 2024 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:
- 67 cents per mile driven for business use, up 1.5 cents from 2023.
- 21 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes for qualified active-duty members of the Armed Forces, a decrease of 1 cent from 2023.
- 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations; the rate is set by statute and remains unchanged from 2023.
These rates apply to electric and hybrid-electric automobiles as well as gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.
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