Fluff Free Fundraising
From Access Philanthropy
January 2025
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Office of Management and Budget freeze of federal grants & loans
Yesterday, the Trump Administration issued a memo that nonprofits, higher education institutions, state and local governments, health care entities, and many more organizations that receive federal funding are facing an immediate and severe freeze of federal grants and loans.
That evening a federal judge temporarily blocked the freeze. The administrative stay lasts until Monday (2/3) afternoon. Another court hearing is scheduled that morning to consider the issue.
Eric Jolly is leaving the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation. They’ve just begun the replacement process.
Susie Brown is leaving her position at the Minnesota Council of Foundations to join the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation as Managing Director of Client Foundation (not as Dr. Jolly’s replacement)—no word on her successor at MCF.
At least 13 Minnesota funders are hiring new program and administrative people this month. Check out our Jobs section below.
McKnight Foundation is moving down the street from its current offices to 921 South Washington in Minneapolis. From the press release: “This new office will expand our footprint for collaboration, connection, and community, giving us an opportunity to welcome even more partners into our space.” The foundation wants to welcome more meetings and people to its space. The move should be complete by May 1st.
On the other side of the river, the Bush Foundation is also moving to “The 428,” located at 428 Minnesota St. in St. Paul. The owner of their current building, the U.S. Bank Center, is experiencing solvency issues.
The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits’ 2025 Minnesota Grants Directory is available. They’ll be doing their annual in-state funders workshop soon—an excellent companion to Access Philanthropy’s National Funder workshop on February 6.
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Nearly 1 IN 3 Grants to Minnesota Groups Are Awarded by Funders Outside of Minnesota
Access Philanthropy’s annual National Funders Workshop (funders who aren’t located in MN, but fund heavily in MN) is coming up February 6th. This year more than 20% of funders are new inclusions, including the Corridoni Foundation for Agency and Self-Determination, Sanford Group Return/ Health, Joy in Blue Foundation, and the NFL Foundation.
As usual, there will be bunches of corporate funders, mega funders, non-resident small family funders, and specialty funders will be profiled. We’ve also included lots of non-Twin Cities funders. You get the book, the slides, and free access to the database.
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In this Issue:
People in Philanthropy | Grant announcements | Fundraising news | Surveys and Reports | Fundraiser's Toolbox | Jobs in Philanthropy | Raise a Glass
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In our workshops and consultations, AP stresses the importance of developing relationships with foundation personnel, especially in your field of interest. Here are a bunch of new foundation folks you may want to contact.
As previously noted, Dr. Eric Jolly, President and CEO of Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation, announced he will retire in 2025. It will be interesting to see who replaces Dr. Jolly. He was a huge presence and a very positive influence on the foundation. There may be a few former employees on the short list of candidates.
Changes at the Wilson Foundation: As we shared last month, Jean Sazevich, the Foundation's first Executive Director, will leave this month. In late November, Andrea Nettles joined the foundation as its new Manager.
Katya Zepeda, formerly with the Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs is the new St Paul & Minnesota Foundation Director of Advocacy, Community Engagement & Equity.
Central Minnesota Community Foundation Women's Fund seeks nominations for its Athena Award, a lifetime achievement award that recognizes outstanding female community leaders in the St. Cloud area. Past recipients include Janelle Kendall, Michelle Pape, and Geri Bechtold. The deadline is February 28, 2025.
Former U.S. Member of Congress (1st District MN) Tim Penny announced his retirement from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation. The retirement party is on April 17th from 4 to 8 pm.
Joyce Foundation has hired Preeti Shankar as an Environment Program Officer.
From Candid’s Philanthropy News Digest:
The Ford Foundation announced several leadership changes. Hilary Pennington and Kathy Reich will retire as Executive Vice President and BUILD Director, respectively. Both Hilary and Beth were great, influential philanthropic leaders.
Bess Rothenberg will be promoted to the newly-created role of Deputy Vice President of Strategy and Impact; she previously served as the Inaugural Director of Ford’s Office of Strategy and Learning. Victoria Dunning will take over as BUILD director; she previously served as Executive Vice President and interim CEO at the Global Fund for Children.
Sara Hahn is the new Senior Program Officer at the Anthony & Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation, based in Los Angeles and part of the Pritzker family of foundations.
Edurne Irizarry is the new Director of Programs at the Gender Justice Fund.
Lissa Jones Lofgren, formerly of Nexus Partners, is the new Executive Director of the Archie Givens Foundation for African American Literature..
Rebecca Sauer is the new Grants and Donor Services Manager at Thrivent Charitable Impact and Investing. Thrivent Charitable is looking for more people in this area of work.
Doulaye Kone is the new Gates Foundation Director for Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Jonny Moy is the new Program Lead at the Oakland-based Y & H Soda Foundation.
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Miss a Access Philanthropy Workshop?
You can still purchase the materials from these events:
- MN Arts & Culture Funders Book of 150+ Profiles and Workshop recording
- Unlocking the 990 and Other Prospecting Tools & Directories
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Thirty Minutes Free with
Access Philanthropy Crew Members
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Need a sounding board for your development ideas? Need promising new ideas from the philanthropic sector? Need someone to think about the big picture or the day-to-day fundraising stuff? AP crew members offer 30-minute chats for free. Drop a note to 4info@accessphilanthropy.com to set up a time to chat. Email us! | |
Here are a few grant opportunities that AP has come across which may have broad interest.
Caterpillar Foundation – Food, Immigrants, Conservation. Deadline: February 1.
Clif Family Foundation grants for climate, outdoor living, and food. Deadlines are March 1 & August 1. Good national funder starter grants.
Nathan Cummings is accepting proposals for grants and program-related investments.
Headwaters Foundation for Justice - Justice & Liberation Fund: Deadline: February 13. Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota.
Joyce Foundation has created a Rapid Response Safety Fund to provide nonpartisan organizations with up to $5,000 to strengthen their office’s cybersecurity and physical safety plans during a particularly contentious presidential election year and post-election period.
Joyce Foundation’s regular grants: LOI Deadline: February 6. Proposal Deadline: April 1.
A new program at the Minneapolis Foundation will fund community-led projects in the Great Lakes region ($40 million). A partnership between the Minneapolis Foundation, Midwest Environmental Justice Network (MWEJN), NDN Collective, and RE-AMP Network announced the launch of the Great Lakes Environmental Justice Thriving Communities grantmaking program. Deadline is November 2026.
Some MN Dept Health Office of Rural Health and Primary Care (ORHPC) grants are open, including the Community Clinic Grant (3/3/25) and money for scholarships training.
The Minnesota State Arts Board’s Arts Education grant deadline is approaching: February 7, 2025, before 4:30 p.m.
The National Fund for Sacred Places invites applications from historic congregations. Deadline is March 3, 2025.
The Old National Bank Foundation grants Deadline is February 12, 2025. These folks bought the Bremer Bank (not the Trust), so they’ll want a more significant presence in Minnesota: Affordable Housing, Workforce Development, Economic Development, and Financial Empowerment.
Rochester Area Foundation Better Communities Grants: Spring Focus Areas: LOI Deadline: February 13. Primarily for smaller organizations that have budgets under $250,000.
Robert Wood Johnson Breakthrough for Community Health: Reimagining Land Use & Zoning for Health Equity Deadline: February 06, 2025 2:00 p.m. CT.
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The Black Collective Foundation MN invests over $1 million to strengthen the durability of Black-led organizations around Minnesota.
Blandin Foundation awards $4 million to 72 grantees in rural Minnesota communities with populations under 5,000.
The Otto Bremer Trust awarded $15,010,000 in strategic grants and program-related investments in the last quarter of 2024.
Central Minnesota Community Foundation awards $40,000 in grants to local nonprofits.
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation awards $1 million to 51 organizations in the Fall 2024 grant cycle.
LISC and The DICK’S Sporting Goods Foundation announced grant recipients from the second round of the Game On-Community Places to Play Initiative. Twenty communities nationwide will use $1.7 million in grants to fund the renovation of facilities for basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, football, tennis, lacrosse, and volleyball.
The Northland Foundation and the young people serving on its Youth In Philanthropy Program Board awarded 13 grants totaling more than $10,000.
The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation, F. R. Bigelow Foundation, and Mardag Foundation announced that, together and independently, they have awarded more than $10 million to Minnesota nonprofits in their second round of 2024 grantmaking.
Pat and Gary Sauer gave Walker West Music Academy a $4 million gift, the largest gift in its history. Walker West Music Academy also made the national philanthropy news! It's a great fundraising piece. Congratulations.
The Segal Family Foundation published a free online directory of funders awarding grants in Sub-Sahara Africa.
- Mega Funders Giving
List of Mackenzie Scott/Yield Giving’s 2024 Minnesota grants
Bezos Day One Fund 2024 Grantees
Melinda French Gates $150 million for women in the workplace groups
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Directory of Global Justice Funders
EDGE Funders Alliance "organizes within philanthropy to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the interconnected nature of the social, economic and ecological crises threatening our common future." Here's a link to their membership directory: EDGE Funders
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Opinion Piece In the Chronicle of Philanthropy
Craig Kennedy, a senior fellow at the Giving Review, and the former president of the Joyce Foundation and the German Marshall Fund, posits "5 Conservative Proposals That Could Reshape Philanthropy — and How to Prepare"
He points to proposals by the Republican-controlled Congress to change laws governing the sector in these areas:
- Nonprofit charitable status
- Foreign funding
- Higher education
- Election-adjacent activities
- Big Philanthropy
| The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development highlighted the Northwest Minnesota Foundation's homeless response approach. |
And the Winner is…
Inside Philanthropy magazine published their 2024 IPPY recipients (IP Philanthropy Awards).
- Biggest Funding Crash: Criminal Justice
-Says IP: "We’ve never seen a boom-and-bust cycle quite so head-spinning as the
case of post-2020 donor pullback from criminal justice reform.”
Funders Most Lost at Sea: Education Grantmakers
- Hottest New Philanthropy Scene: South Florida - (where the wealthy retire)
Most Encouraging Arts Funding Trend of the Year: Social Prescribing
Most Promising New Foundation Leader: Amber Miller, Hewlett Foundation
Missed the Most: For Leadership: Dr. Robert K. Ross (The California Endowment); for Influence: Joel Fleishman (Duke University); and for Generosity: Jim Simons (Renaissance Technologies).
Best Guide to Family Philanthropy: National Center for Family Philanthropy, under the leadership of Nick Tedesco.
Worst Philanthropists of the Year: those with a 1 and 2 philanthropy rating on the Forbes 400 (think Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg).
-Says IP: "What kind of person sits on billions of dollars and can’t be bothered to
give almost any of it away? Alas, too many to name here.”
The most intriguing heir is Lukas Walton. While all the WalMart heirs rate #1 on the Forbes list, the grandson (38) provides more details on his growing environmental giving.
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Philanthropy Surveys and Reports
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NDN Collective (NDN) commissioned this report in September 2023 to better understand the extent to which philanthropy to Indigenous communities and Indigenous-led organizations has shifted since NDN’s founding in 2018. This report examines existing barriers and highlights potential opportunities for these groups, as well as trends in giving from 2018 through 2022. | |
Women Give 2024: 20 Years of Gender & Giving Trends is a comprehensive study based on 20 years of longitudinal data that explore how societal and economic changes—including the COVID-19 pandemic—have shaped women’s philanthropy.
Key Findings
- While the “declining donors” phenomenon is true for both men and women from 2000-2020, the decline started later and was less pronounced for single women, compared to single men.
- While the average amount given by donor households has been relatively steady over 2000-2020, single women’s giving increased overall and to secular causes during the COVID-19 period, compared to single men.
- Single women’s giving participation declined during COVID-19, but their average giving amounts increased. This indicates that women’s giving rates were more resilient prior to COVID-19, and that their giving during 2020 reversed a long trend.
- Women who lost earnings during the COVID-19 pandemic were less likely to give to charity, appearing less resilient in their giving than single men or married couples.
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Where Nonprofits And Funders Go to Solve Some of Their Biggest Problems
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Starting Your Philanthropic Journey?
Badre Jabar, author of The Business Of Philanthropy, advises: “Avoid These 5 Mistakes”
- Focusing on Short-Term Results Instead of Long-Term Impact. – Ask yourself two simple questions: How will my initiative still make a difference 5 or 10 years from now? Who can I partner with to extend its life and impact?
- Not Giving Locals a Seat at the Table. – Engage directly with community leaders who know the issues firsthand and understand the local context best.
- Underestimating the Complexity of Issues. – Philanthropists must begin their journey by understanding that solutions, like problems, will never be simple.
- Going It Alone Instead of Building Partnerships. Collaborating with other philanthropists, nonprofits, or even local community groups can amplify your impact and ensure resources are used wisely.
- Failing to Institutionalize Giving. – Sustainable giving isn’t about the size of the gift; it’s about making sure your support continues to make a difference, even if your circumstances change.
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5 Tests to Determine Which Grants You Shouldn’t Apply For
Fundraising consultant Shannon Cain wrote this in NonProfit PRO:
Here’s a rubric to consider when screening your list. A good prospect passes these tests.
- They Make Grants to Nonprofits. – Lots of foundations only give fellowships and scholarships to individuals, and many operating foundations do not make grants at all.
- You’re Eligible and in the Right Place. – Look for a history of support for organizations like yours, especially in your region.
- The Type of Support and the Amount Are Right—Ensure the funder makes grants for programs or general operating support. Before you invest time, check average sizes.
- They’re Interested in What You Do Specifically.
- They’re Open to Contact—If a funder doesn't have an open application system or clear means of contact, a letter of inquiry is appropriate, asking if they’d consider reviewing a proposal or meeting with you.
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From The Chronicle of Philanthropy
2025 Buzzwords: Concerns About Power Will Dominate the Nonprofit
Accelerationism/accelerationist—Rapid and unregulated development of A.I.
Autonomous fundraisers—AI avatars or chatbots that respond quickly and presumably politely to donors so they feel cared for.
Black box billionaires—This is Inside Philanthropy's IPPY winner for Trend of the Year (see article in this newsletter), citing, “Philanthropy is becoming steadily less transparent as a growing number of billionaire donors move ever greater sums through LLCs and DAFs — even as they also seek to exercise more influence in public life.”
Deep Doubt—AI fakes take over text, audio, and video, making it impossible to trust anything on the Internet.
Digital Twin—You, as the data collected on you renders you.
Slop—A.I.-generated junk filling the web.
Socialize—You "socialize an idea" by building support for a concept over time, introducing the information slowly and in digestible pieces.
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The National Education Foundation Ascendium (Madison, WI ) needs a Deputy Director of Education Grantmaking.
MINNESOTA Minnesota's great Black Collective Foundation, owned and operated by Black people, seeks a Vice President of Advancement and External Relations. This is an excellent opportunity to work with great people.
MINNESOTA Minneapolis-based Borealis Philanthropy needs a Disability Inclusion Fund Officer and a couple of high-end administrators.
MINNESOTA Margaret Cargill Philanthropies is hiring an Evaluation and Organizational Learning Officer.
Baltimore-based Annie E Casey Foundation needs a program officer for its Atlanta office.
MINNESOTA Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota(CCF) needs a Controller.
Silicon Valley-based and focused Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has several openings. If you’re a scientist, look them up. They have hundreds of contractors.
Affinity group CHANGE Philanthropy is hiring a Director of Programs.
Commonwealth Fund (NY, DC) has a few open positions, including Program Associate, International Health Policy, and Practice Innovations.
Cricket Island Foundation (NY) is hiring a Program Officer.
Emerson Collective is looking for a Regional Director, Migrant Host Community Stabilization in Latin America, and an MBA Summer Associate, Venture Investing in San Francisco, CA Link.
The Ford Foundation needs a Grants Manager. They also need a few program officers in East Africa and stateside.
(Bill and Melinda) Gates Foundation (Seattle) has several open positions.
MINNESOTA The GHR Foundation needs a Program Associate, Local Domain.
The grandparent of LGBTQ+ funds, the Gill Foundation, needs a Director of the LGBTQ Program.
MINNESOTA Headwaters Foundation for Justice is hiring a Co-Executive Director.
The Heising-Simons Foundation, a national leader in climate, education, human rights, and science, seeks a Director of Climate and Clean Energy. This is a great opportunity.
MINNESOTA Indian Land Tenure Foundation needs a new Program Officer.
Justice Climate Fund (DC) is hiring for multiple remote roles, including two managing director roles. Their grants are distributed throughout the US, including nine communities in MN.
Lemelson Foundation (Portland, OR) is hiring a Program Officer for Climate Action. Interesting grantmaker with some focus on Invention.
MINNESOTA Local Initiatives Support Corporation (MN) seeks an Executive Director in the Twin Cities.
Henry Luce Foundation (NY) has started a search for a new President and CEO.
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago) has several open internships and positions, including Grants Management Administrator.
MINNESOTA Minnesota Star Tribune is hiring a Vice President of Philanthropy.
Ms Foundation is hiring a Director of Grants Management. (DC) is hiring a Grants Management Specialist.
The National Center for Family Philanthropy is hiring a Senior Manager, Member Services.
George Soros’ Open Society Foundations family is changing fast. But they still need a Grant Associate: 2-Year Fixed Term Contract. Lots of philanthropists start their careers as OSF associates.
MINNESOTA Venn Foundation needs a General Counsel & PRI Pipeline Director. Interesting group, and the PRI program is among the best PRI programs nationally.
MINNESOTA Walser Foundation Sr. Specialist, Walser Automotive Group.
MINNESOTA Women's Foundation of Minnesota is hiring a Community Impact Manager.
The Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the University of Indiana needs a new Executive Director: no grantmaking, but a big influence in women’s giving.
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Year of the Snake
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The Asian Lunar New Year begins on January 29 and runs until February 12. 2025 is the Year of the Snake. While there is a lot of underlying political nuance, culturally, the Year of the Snake signifies a time of transformation, growth, and introspection. The interesting stuff about snakes:
- Snakes may not have a voice, but they are very capable of hissing.
- Most snakes live on the ground, but some are arboreal or aquatic, and some are burrowers. They adapt exceedingly well to their environment.
- Snakes have excellent eyesight and continually taste the air with their tongues.
- Although small, snakes’ jaws and bodies enable them to swallow large prey whole.
This year, when you’re feeling powerless and unsafe, remember this is The Year of the Snake!
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- Strategic Planning for Fundraising
- Grant Writing
- Fundraising Perception Research
- Fundraising Positioning and Messaging
- Prospect Research for Institutional and Individual Donors
- Wealth Screening
- Capital Campaigns
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Organizational Development
- Strategic Planning
- Executive Coaching
- Program Evaluation
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Need some ideas, someone to talk to about fundraising, or just a fabulous listener/chatter?
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