New Assessment Helps Companies Support Water and Natureat the Same Time

The CEO Water Mandate, a partnership between the Pacific Institute and the United Nations Global Compact, is pleased to launch the "Biodiversity Benefit Accounting (BioBA) Landscape Assessment." 

Launched in partnership with LimnoTech, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and Second Nature Ecology + Design, the assessment highlights the unique opportunity for companies to create synergy between water and biodiversity efforts. This resource critically reviews existing relevant resources with implications for biodiversity benefit quantification in the water stewardship realm. 


Pacific Institute Leader Co-Authors Article in Journal of the American Water Resources Association

The Pacific Institute’s George Schuler, CEO Water Mandate Deputy Head, recently co-authored an article published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association.


“Assessing the Role of Data in Operational Decisions and Risk Planning for Water Permit Holders” seeks to understand the utilization of water data by water users. 



Webinar: Diversifying Water Portfolios through Stormwater Capture and Use: Contributing to a Water Resilient Future

On January 23, Pacific Institute Senior Researchers Shannon Spurlock and Morgan Shimabuku will be featured in a stormwater capture webinar hosted by The Water Research Foundation.

Presenters will describe the proven methodologies and their applications that can support the integration of stormwater projects at the local, state, and regional scales. This webinar is free and open to the public.


Webinar: Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard and Net Positive Water Impact Ambition

Join us on January 23 for the launch webinar of a new resource for corporations focused on water stewardship and resilience. 

In the webinar, we’ll explore the connection between the CEO Water Mandate Net Positive Water Impact (NPWI) ambition to build long-term resilience in water-stressed basins, and Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard V2.0.


Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your water stewardship knowledge and leverage these frameworks to drive significant and long-term improvements in the health and resilience of water basins around the world.


Webinar: Governing Corporate Water Replenishment Programs: 12 Practical Tips and Lessons Learned

How can businesses ensure their water replenishment programs are effective and credible?

The CEO Water Mandate and Bluerisk present: "Governing Corporate Water Replenishment Programs: 12 Practical Tips and Lessons Learned.” 

On January 29, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Gregg Brill will be featured in this webinar. The conversation will reflect on the experiences of seven global companies in governing their corporate water stewardship initiative and provide an opportunity to engage some of the leading companies in corporate water stewardship.


Pacific Institute Leadership on Water to be Featured at GreenBiz 24 in February 

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Cora Snyder will be featured at GreenBiz 25 February 11 in Phoenix, Arizona.

The session, “Corporate Nature Case Studies: Lessons from Leaders Across Industries” will feature corporate nature leaders and case studies highlighting what successful business action on nature can look like.

The GreenBiz sustainability conference is designed for business leaders seeking hands-on, tangible solutions.



The world's most influential media outlets frequently turn to the Pacific Institute to provide expert, science-based insights on water challenges and solutions. Here are just a few of the media highlights from the past month.


Bridging the Water Finance Gap as Climate Impacts Bite


Iraqi Marshland Drought: Climate Change Pushes Existence to the Edge of Extinction

Yahoo News

Yes, Wildfires Have Always Happened in California, but Climate Change Is Making Them Worse

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