Greetings from the
Office of Christian Formation!
January 2020 - a publication of the Office of Christian Formation
Share the Light!
We experienced Epiphany yesterday, and in this season of light and the gifts of the magi, we turn to wondering-- who are our modern and contemporary prophets? It occurs to us that it's no coincidence that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Epiphany are in the same season; to live a life of light and love was King's charge, and even more so to stand in that light and work toward sharing it with others.

This edition of the OCF Newsletter will share the theme of the light of Dr. King's message while pointing us toward our own prophets who speak to the themes of shared light and love for all humankind.

First up-- the beautiful coloring pages (examples above) that we've collected at the Google Drive folder below. Enjoy these as you meditate on the influence of light and love in your life.


the Office of Christian Formation
P.S. Check out these great lesson sources for social justice learning for kids! They come from a great site for teachers and formation leaders alike.
Lunch & Learn with the Formation Office!
MLK Day Resources
We've curated some resources for your use in celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day this year!

Click through the buttons on the right to explore these resources.
This Month's Promotion Packet for parishes:
Help us get the word out about:
Registration being open &
Shrine Mont Camps Sunday!

Summer 2020 Registration opens on Tuesday, January 7th at 9:00am! Help us make sure EVERYONE knows! And of course, help us get the word out about Shrine Mont Camps Sunday-- those materials for that Sunday will go out by January 15th!

Use the materials in this packet for your parish's bulletins, e-news, and anywhere else you think they would work! We've even included suggested language for helping us promote these items, if you need more assistance, contact one of us at the emails at the bottom of this newsletter. Thank you so much!
Advocacy & Justice Workers
Who are our modern and contemporary prophets and bringers of light and love? Who walks the path of Martin Luther King, Jr., or even simply the Magi who defied state orders in the interest of a higher law?

We offer a few resources on some modern day prophets and advocates/justice workers for your consideration and inclusion in your lessons, and simply in your own thoughts and growth. Click through the buttons on the right to explore these resources.
OCF News!
Make sure to attend one of the Diocesan Visioning Tour Sessions!

Questions and alternate response methods (email and mail) will be available within the week from the Diocesan Communications Office-- so keep your eyes peeled! We need your help to reach the youth, young adults, and young families in your parish! We'll send an update with details once they're available.

In the mean time, sign up for a session at the link below!
Turning Charity Towards Justice
“Philanthropy is commendable,” said Martin Luther King, “but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice, which make philanthropy necessary.”

Ultimately, one thing we can take away from the work of Dr. King and the contemporary activists listed previously, and even from the story of the Magi, is that justice and charity are not the same thing. Charity is donations to those that experience poverty-- justice is working to end the reasons for that poverty. Charity treats the symptom, while justice treats the cause.

This is not to say that charity is less important. Those experiencing poverty need food and shelter desperately, and they need it now. Charity treats the immediate needs, and is blessed for doing so. As we often work in charitable ways, though, let us also strive to work toward justice as well; toward treating the causes for the need for charity. This way we work holistically and with the entire health of the system, and the persons in that system, in mind.

Below you will find a few links to lesson, articles, and resources on distinguishing charity from justice and how to engage in both fully and efficiently.

Thanks for your attention to this month's newsletter-- we'll see you in February!
The Staff of the Office of Christian Formation!
Paris Ball, Minister of Christian Formation & Director of Camping Ministry

Megan Nolde, Christian Formation & Camping Ministry Associate

Sierra Gore, Christian Formation & Camping Ministry Assistant