January 2022 Newsletter
New Beginnings!
As we settle into a new year full of winter weather and uncertainty, we'd like to reflect upon 2021. We are thrilled to announce that the year ended on a high
note. Thanks to YOU we successfully raised $10,000 during our end of year campaign, which was then DOUBLED by our generous angel donor. That means $20,000 towards a healthier Gunpowder watershed!

We were grateful to have a relatively "normal" block of time where we could safely continue our environmental stewardship work. While we still operated at reduced volunteer capacity, we got a lot done!
Working within the community to preserve land and promote clean water is always rewarding. However, 2021 was also a year where GVC received wider recognition as the Best Urban BMP in the Bay (BUBBA)'s Best Education and Outreach Project for our Clear Creeks Project work at Miramar Landing.

Sit back and enjoy some more highlights from our 2021 GVC Year in Review video! We will be sharing more details about GVC's new initiatives in the February e-news!
Congratulations, 2021 Volunteer Winners!
Volunteers are the heart of GVC. We would like to honor those who went above and beyond in 2021 to advance our vision of healthy lands, healthy waterways, and healthy communities in the Gunpowder watershed.
Charlie Conklin Volunteer Leader of the Year:
Don Callihan
A retired microbiologist, Don has jumped into many GVC roles over the past several years. He supports GVC in a leadership capacity serving as Vice President, Education & Restoration Committee co-chair, Governance Committee chair, and Clear Creeks Project steering committee member. We are especially grateful for his help researching and implementing Covid-19 policies that allowed us to safely continue our volunteer work in summer 2020.
Community Volunteer Leader of the Year:
Ron Brown
Ron leads by example to preserve the Gunpowder watershed. He was very successful in motivating Cromwell Station HOA residents to install rain gardens in their Parkville townhome community. He spearheaded a stream clean-up at Sue Creek Park in Essex after noticing a large amount of debris. Ron joined the GVC Board last year and we look forward to his future contributions, especially his professional marketing and communications experience.
Honorable Mention:
Susan Bath
A long-time GVC volunteer, Susan deserved recognition in 2021 for her strong commitment to the GVC's new fundraising initiative. This is in addition to her involvement as Stream Captain, Event committee member, and co-chair of the Jennifer Branch Conservation Association (JBCA).
Honorable Mention: Debbie Lancaster
There must be something special about Carney residents because Debbie, the other co-chair of the JBCA, also warranted honorable mention! We have Debbie to thank for cultivating a partnership with local artist, Mary Magenta. Mary captures the beauty of the Gunpowder watershed in her calendars and note cards and has graciously offered to donate $5 from each sale to GVC.
Honorable Mention:
Mark McDonald
Mark is our go-to community connection in the Perry Hall/Kingsville area; shown above with his well-deserved Volunteer Leader of the Year award from 2019! Last year, he leveraged his existing connections with St. Paul's Lutheran Church and Jerusalem Mill to facilitate multiple native tree plantings as well as the creation of a large edible Bayscape Garden. In his spare time, Mark also donates many hours as a Tree Crew Chief across the Gunpowder watershed.
Honorable Mention:
Julieta Stack
Julieta, or Coach J as her golf students affectionately call her, is a force! It is to her credit that Pine Ridge Golf Course began working with GVC to restore the forest on its property. In 2021, Julieta helped coordinate the installation of multiple conservation gardens at the golf course AND enriched our Open House by hosting fun golf games on-site.
Be a Part of Baltimore County's Master Plan 2030
Most people on our mailing list live, work, or play in the Gunpowder Watershed. The majority of our watershed is situated within Baltimore County, which is why we're inviting YOU to be part of the Master Plan 2030 conversation.

"Baltimore County’s Master Plan 2030 provides the vision and strategies for growth over the next 10 years into a modern, 21st century county. We invite you to be a visionary. Join below to stay informed and find out how you can bring your ideas to the table about growth, development and conservation. The master plan is intended to guide the County Executive, the County Council, and County departments in promoting responsible development in an equitable and environmentally sensitive manner that promotes adequate open space to help secure a sustainable future for the residents of Baltimore County."

Please consider attending one of their upcoming meetings to share your thoughts!

January 18th @ 6 PM: Livable Built Environment. Topics include: land use, housing, transportation, infrastructure and utilities

January 19th @ 6 PM: Resilient Economy. Topics include: economic development, commercial revitalization, development and redevelopment, and jobs.

January 26th @ 6 PM: Healthy Community. Topics include: public health, health care, schools, libraries, public safety, food security, recreation and environmental justice.

January 31st @ 6 PM: Interwoven Equity. Topics include: accessibility, community coordination, historic preservation, arts and culture

February 7th @ 6 PM: Harmony with Nature. Topics include: natural resources, community facilities and services, recreation, parks and open space.
Make 2022 Your Year to Volunteer
Winter is a slow time for GVC's volunteer events but that doesn't mean you have to wait around! We encourage you to seek out a community service opportunity this Monday, January 17 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his legacy. It can be as simple as grabbing some gloves and a garbage bag to safely pick up trash in your neighborhood!

Here are some virtual opportunities in Baltimore:
Thanks to our GVC 2021 Sponsors