January Updates from Impact100 DC

From Ann Vaughn, President

We did it! For the fourth year in a row, we have brought an engaged, committed, diverse group of women together to award high-impact grants. Once again, these grants will go to local nonprofits who are transforming our community for good—and as we've seen from nearly $400,000 in grantmaking so far, their impact is deeply felt.

One piece of exciting news: Due to some inevitable late tallying, our grant amount is $162,000, which is slightly higher than what we announced at the Big Reveal. As with past years, we will be awarding one $100,000 grant along with smaller equal-sized grants to the rest of our finalists.

We're entering one of our busiest season with Focus Area Committees in full swing, and a group of new members we're eager to meet and greet. To all of our new members, welcome! To all of our returning members, we're thrilled to have you back. Impact100 DC is a choose-your-own-adventure type of organization: you can be as involved or hands-off as you want to be, but either way, we're excited to get to know you more.

With gratitude,


Key Upcoming Dates

Week of January 29: Orientation meetings within Focus Area Committees

February 5 - March 8: First round review of grant applications

We're also hosting three (optional) coffee get-togethers for new members! Sign-up links and location details to follow.

  • Sunday, February 25, 3:00-4:30pm

  • Thursday, February 29, 8:30-10:00 am

  • Sunday, March 3, 3:00-4:30

Other Dates:

Saturday, March 9, 4-6pm: Member social for all members and friends at the restaurant Supra in DC

Tuesday, June 11: Meet the Finalists, details TBA

Tuesday, June 18: The Big Give/Annual Meeting, details TBA

Read our 2023 Annual Report

Want to know more about our cumulative impact, our model, our members, and what we stand for? Read our latest Annual Report.

We're proud to have awarded over $400,000 in grants to local nonprofits in our first three years, and look forward to recognizing and supporting more amazing nonprofits in the years to come.


Connection Corner:

Impact100 DC Fellowship Program

We are pleased to announce that we have eight fellows this year - our biggest group yet! Please join us in welcoming new fellows Catherine Colgan, Sarah Keefe, Latriece Prince-Wheeler, Riley Reed, Emily Ruskin, and Sophie van Gilder and welcoming back returning fellows Talia Curhan and Mayu Molina Lehmann.

Martha Coven, the Chair of the Fellowship Committee, hosted the group at her home this month to kickstart the year.

Nonprofit Corner:

An Update from GALA Hispanic Theatre

Some of you may have been following the recent challenges faced by GALA Hispanic Theatre, one of our 2022 semifinalists and impact grant recipients.

At the beginning of this year, their bank account was hacked, resulting in the loss of more than $250,000, a severe blow to their operating abilities. The community rallied with more than $48,000 in donations to their emergency fund, and GALA has reported that Citibank has now thankfully restored the $250,000.

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Impact100 DC
PO Box 40121
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-379-4773