New York Agriculture in the Classroom | January 2023

Registration now open for two

Maple Virtual Field Trips

Late winter and early spring are a “sweet” time in New York. We are offering two exciting Virtual Field Trips to show how maple syrup is produced in New York schools.

At 10 am, students and educators from Stockbridge Valley CSD will share the history of their program and take us on a sap flow journey from the sugarbush to the bottling room.

At 12:30 pm, participants will be given a tour of the Vernon Verona Sherrill (VVS) CSD maple program by students and educators who will share how syrup is produced in their central New York sugarbush and discuss their biofuel program.

Inquiry boxes will be provided to the first 100 classrooms to register.

Register Now

FEB 15

CHS Foundation Scholarship Due

FEB 15

NAAF Conference Scholarship Due

FEB 17

Schoolyard Sugaring Registration Closes

MAR 15

Maple Virtual

Field Trips

2023 CHS Foundation Scholarships to Attend NAITC Conference

The CHS Foundation provides funds each year to offer scholarships to pre-kindergarten- 12th grade teachers to attend the 2023 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference. This year’s conference will be held June 26-29 in Orlando, Florida.

The CHS Foundation Scholarships to attend NAITC Conference applications are now open. The application deadline is February 15, 2023. Applicants will be notified by mid-March to enable them to register and secure the early-bird registration cost of $435 provided by the scholarship.

Learn More and Apply

Native American Agriculture Fund Scholarship Program

The Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF) is partnering with National Agriculture in the Classroom to offer scholarships to teachers of Native American ancestry or Native American students to attend the 2023 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference. Eligible applicants are teachers at a Tribal government operated school, a Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) school or a BIE-supported school; a school on a reservation teaching Native American students, a non-reservation school that has a high percentage of Native American students, or teachers with a Tribal affiliation.

The Native American Agriculture Fund Scholarships to attend NAITC Conference applications are now open. The application deadline is February 15, 2023. Applicants will be notified by mid- March to enable them to register and secure the early-bird registration cost of $435 provided by the scholarship.

Learn More and Apply

Schoolyard Sugaring Contest

From tree to bottle, help your students experience the sweet scientific phenomena of making maple syrup in the Schoolyard Sugaring contest, a cross-curricular project based learning opportunity. Registration for this contest is free to New York educators.

Classrooms can choose to participate in syrup production and/or a maple-focused photography contest. Pre-K through 12th grade classes in New York State, in their respective divisions. Multiple classrooms from the same school are eligible. FFA chapters, home school groups, and private schools are invited to participate.

Any New York K-12 classrooms can participate and earn up to $250 in prize money. Eligible schools will receive a Maple Starter Kit, with a value of $120, to start tapping right away.

Register your classroom by February 17, 2023 to participate.

Register for the Contest

New York Agriculture in the Classroom Contest Winners

Top Cut: A Beef Contest

Thanks to a partnership with the New York Beef Council, this contest serves to educate middle and high school students about beef production, nutrition, and marketing. This contest allows students to explore beef in a hands-on manner by creating and marketing their very own product.

View the top projects on our website!

Top Cut Winners

Mac & Cheese Challenge

The Mac & Cheese Challenge prompted students to develop their perfect macaroni & cheese recipe, create marketing materials for their product, and learn more about the dairy product industry in their community.

View the winning recipes on our website!

Mac & Cheese Challenge Winners

Featured Lessons

Grades 3-5

Water Supply

In this lesson, students will observe the change of water states as it moves through the water cycle.

This lesson has been newly updated with the addition of the Water Savers game.

 Teach this Lesson 

Grades 6-8

Land and Soil in the Ecosystem

Students use an apple to represent the Earth and discover how our land resources are used. Through critical thinking, students discover why topsoil is a nonrenewable resource, the importance of soil to our food supply, and factors that impact topsoil distribution in different regions.

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Grades 9-12

Photoperiod Phenomena

Students will understand how photoperiodism impacts plants and animals in the environment and learn how egg farms use this science to manage the laying of eggs by their hens.

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January Book Nook

An Orange in January

From blossom to the hands of a child, an orange is seemingly bursting with sunshine even on the coldest of January days. An Orange in January is a story about a child who shares his juicy orange segments on a cold day and feels the sunshine it brings to all.

Read this Book

Pollen: Darwin's 130 Year Prediction

How long does it take for science to find an answer to a problem? On January 25, 1862, naturalist Charles Darwin received a box of orchids. One flower, the Madagascar star orchid, fascinated him. It had an 11.5" nectary, the place where flowers make nectar, the sweet liquid that insects and birds eat. How, he wondered, did insects pollinate the orchid? It took 130 years to find the answer.

Read this Book

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