New York Agriculture in the Classroom | January 2022 | |
Virtual Field Trip Opportunity
Gutchess Lumber Timber Virtual Field Trips
Join New York Agriculture in the Classroom on Thursday, January 13th and 20th for virtual field trips to Gutchess Lumber in Cortland, New York!
During this two-part virtual field trip series, students will visit an active timber site in the forest and tour the sawmill. Along the way students will learn all about the timber industry, recognize potential careers in the industry, and develop a fundamental understanding of how the New York timber industry provides the public with high quality American forest products. There will be a live Q&A session to allow the forester to answer student questions.
The first 100 classrooms to register will receive a free inquiry box prior to the virtual field trip.
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates | |
JAN. 13
Forest Virtual Field Trip
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JAN. 20
Mill Tour Virtual Field Trip
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JAN. 20
Timber Virtual Professional Development
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FEB. 4
Grow with Us Grant Application Due
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Agriculture in the
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Grow with Us Grant- Now Accepting Applications
To connect students with growing food in schools, New York Agriculture in the Classroom is again awarding grow systems through the Grow With Us Grant for the fifth consecutive year.
The Grow with Us Grant allows schools to apply for two types of grow systems. Schools should apply for the grow system that would best meet their educational goals, classroom space needs, and consider their experience level in school gardening and curriculum integration.
Schools are eligible to earn either a bundle of three Tower Gardens, or a high tunnel. Please note that only one high tunnel will be awarded.
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Applications are open now on our website and due
Friday, February 4, 2022.
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Virtual Professional Development Opportunity
The two-hour virtual professional development will take educators to Gutchess Lumber Company’s sawmill in Cortland, NY to investigate how timber is sourced, handled, and milled into lumber. Throughout development participants will be given a tour of the mill, learn how processes in the timber industry can be used to teach Next Generation standards, speak with a veteran forester as the "professional in the field", and participate in a hands-on inquiry-based lesson.
Educators who participate in the virtual professional development will be sent a classroom kit of the lesson used in the experience for their classroom as well as receive two hours of CTLE credits. The development is at no cost to participants with a limit of 35 New York educators.
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Aquaculture Challenge Open for Team Registration
The Aquaculture Challenge is a competition held by Lake Superior State University and the Michigan Sea Grant program. Teams of students in grades 8-12 and sponsored by a school or after school organization (ie.e 4-H, FFA, etc) are tasked with creating their own small-scale aquaponics system. In addition to creating the system, each team is tasked with monitoring the parameters of the system, such as air and water temperature, luminosity, and soil moisture. The last components of the challenge are to develop outreach and extension projects.
Teams complete the challenge by submitting documents and videos describing their systems, monitoring and outreach. Awards are given for each component of the challenge along with a cumulative award.
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NY Farm Bureau 2022 Agricultural Youth Scholarship Applications Open
Graduating high school seniors who plan on continuing their education to prepare for a career connected to agriculture are eligible to apply for the New York Farm Bureau 2021 Agricultural Youth Scholarship. First place will be awarded $3,000 and second place will be awarded $2,000. Applications are due via email or postmarked by March 1, 2022 by 5pm.
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The School Seedling Program
Looking to meet Next Generation Science Standards in creative and engaging ways? Whether you’re a teacher, homeschool group, or a club leader, DEC's School Seedling Program from the Colonel William F. Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery is here to help! New York schools and youth organizations can apply to receive 30-50 free tree or shrub seedlings to plant with their students, offering young people an up-close opportunity to participate in conservation while learning about trees and their ecosystem functions! Each school or organization may receive one order per year. Apply online by March 31.
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Grades 3-5
The Chemistry of Fruits and Vegetables
In this lesson students will examine fruit and vegetable preparation and storage. This lesson is part of a series called Fruits and Vegetables for Health, which introduces students to the production, distribution, and nutritional value of fresh produce. Students will gain knowledge in geography, language arts, science, and math as they learn about the process through which fruits and vegetables are transported from farms to kitchen tables.
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Grades 6-8
Photoperiod Phenomena
Students will understand how photoperiodism impacts plants and animals in the environment and learn how egg farms use this science to manage the laying of eggs by their hens.
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Grades 9-12
Enzymes and Bacteria are Whey Cool!
Students will study the science of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria to explore the phenomena, "Why does each variety of cheese taste different when the ingredients are the same?"
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Gwendolyn's Pet Garden
Gwendolyn longs for a pet. What kind? Any kind! How many legs? Two, four, ten—she's not picky! But her parents have other ideas, and instead they give her...a box of dirt. Once Gwendolyn gets savvy about seeds and soil, sun, and shade, she finds it provides many opportunities.
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How Do You Raise a Raisin?
People have been gobbling up yummy, nutritious raisins for centuries. Ancient Greeks and Romans awarded them at sporting events and astronauts have taken raisins into space. Find out how grapes become raisins, who introduced the seedless grape, and the many uses for raisins.
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