Welcome to SARPC's digital newsletter. Our goal is to publish a newsletter bi-monthly that provides highlights of projects and activities being undertaken at the agency. If you have any questions or would like to request additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In This Issue

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wishing all of you a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous 2019. SARPC welcomes several new Board members including County Commissioner Billie Jo Underwood, Baldwin County; Commissioner Raymond Wiggins, Escambia County; and Commissioner Connie Hudson, Mobile County. Also at the SARPC Annual Meeting/Strategic Session ,  Mayor Jim Staff of Atmore was elected as our Secretary/Treasurer for the 2019 budget year. In addition, a number of newly elected State Senators, Representatives and County Commissioners will be working with SARPC in various programs and initiatives including strategic planning, economic and community development, 2020 Census,  transportation, aging and more. WELCOME to all!!!


John F. "Rickey" Rhodes

SARPC Staff at Senator Shelby Forum.

SARPC Staff at Airbus groundbreaking.


Mobile MPO Updates
There is a MPO meeting scheduled for January 30th.  The agenda items are a variety of changes to the 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the upcoming 2020-2023 TIP.  The Preliminary Engineering (PE) for Celeste Rd from I65 to Forest Ave will be added to this TIP, with the other phases in the outer years of the TIP.  We have a lot of projects this year; about $35 million worth of projects to do in FY 2019. 

Freight Data

APM Terminals has provided us with their second quarterly survey report. Just as last quarter, for one day APM Terminals had on-board tablets for drivers to answer a series of questions in terms of where they came from and where they are going.  APM Terminals will continue to gather this information quarterly for our benefit of validating truck data for the travel demand forecasting model. This second survey report had a significant increase in truckers answering the survey, which helps refine our understanding of container truck trip patterns in the area.  See more  HERE .

Transportation Improvement Program( TIP) Now Online

The TIP represents a four year program (2016-2019) for improvements in the various transportation systems located within the Mobile study area as identified in the Mobile MPO's Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the twenty-five year plan for the Mobile Urban area Destination 2040. The LRTP establishes the transportation programs that are needed to meet travel demand by the study year and study area. LRTP projects that become funded are moved into the TIP and submitted to the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), where they are programmed into the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). For MPO projects, TIP project selection is based on priorities established by MPO member governments and the availability of funds through the Surface Transportation Attributable program. For other projects, ALDOT has discretion of project funding based on availability of funds from various types of funding categories.  Most often, projects in the TIP are derived from the LRTP. The TIP guides ALDOT in its annual allocation of funds for transportation improvements and becomes a part of the STIP.
ArcGIS Online is now being utilized by MPO staff to map all federally funded surface transportation projects within our area. Check it out.
2016-2019 E-TIP HERE


Funding & Resource Announcements


USDA to Invest $1.2B to Rebuild and Improve Rural Water Infrastructure in 46 States

Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett announced that USDA is investing $1.2 billion to help rebuild and improve rural water infrastructure for 936,000 rural Americans living in 46 states.

USDA is providing financing for 234 water and environmental infrastructure projects through the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant program. The funding can be used for drinking water, stormwater drainage and waste disposal systems for rural communities with 10,000 or fewer residents.

Eligible communities and water districts can apply online on the interactive RD Apply tool, or they can apply through one of USDA Rural Development's state or field offices .


DOE Launches Prize Competition to Identify Manufacturing Leaders Driving Energy Savings

DOE recently launched the Individuals Taking Energy Action in Manufacturing (ITEAM) Prize competition to recognize individuals responsible for discovering innovative ideas and practices that led to measurable energy savings at their energy facilities.

Applications are due on May 15, 2019 and winners will be announced in July 2019.

Recently Announced Federal Awards

NEW:  EDA Announces 2018 Regional Innovation Strategies Awards; Next Competition Will Open Feb 1, 2019

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced that 40 organizations - including nonprofits, institutions of higher education, and entrepreneurship-focused organizations - from 28 states and two territories will receive $21 million to create and expand cluster-focused entrepreneurship and technology transfer programs, and early-stage seed fund support under the Economic Development Administration's (EDA) 2018 Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) program competition .

The 2018 group of Regional Innovation Strategies awardees expands the RIS portfolio to five new states and territories. Selected from a pool of more than 230 applicants, the awardees include a defense commercialization project led by the Maryland Department of Commerce, a global food systems technology accelerator led by Kansas State University, and a healthcare innovation initiative led by the Northern Kentucky Tri-Country Economic Development Corporation.
The Secretary also announced that EDA will open the 2019 RIS competition on February 1st, 2019, when the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is scheduled to be published on grants.gov . Prospective applicants can find more information, including information on eligibility and how they will be able to apply, on EDA's RIS webpage .

Reports, Tools and Data

NEW: Census Releases Latest American Community Survey Data

The U.S. Census Bureau announced the release of the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates, which features more than 40 social, economic, housing and demographic topics, including homeownership rates and costs, health insurance, and educational attainment. The ACS five-year data release produces statistics for all of the nation's 3,142 counties. It is the only full data set available for the 2,316 counties with populations too small to produce a complete set of single-year ACS estimates.
New Data Exploration Platform
The 2013-2017 ACS five-year estimates are available on data.census.gov, a site that lets you preview the latest developments in accessing Census Bureau data. The site includes county-level geography profiles, which provide data users a high-level overview of each of the 3,142 counties in a visual format with maps, charts and graphs. These profiles source 2013-2017 ACS five-year estimates on a variety of topics including income, commuting, home ownership and veterans, as well as business and industry data from the 2012 Economic Census, 2016 County Business Patterns and 2012 Survey of Business Owners. Visit data.census.gov and check out the latest release notes and FAQs to learn more about the full set of data and features available on this preview platform. Our development depends on your feedback. Once you have reviewed the site, please send your comments to cedsci.feedback@census.gov .
For official ACS statistics, please access American FactFinder at factfinder.census.gov .

New Place-Based HUD App identifies Opportunity Zones and HUD Housing

HUD staff have advised of an interactive, on-line app to zoom-in to a state or neighborhood to identify designated Opportunity Zones and 6 types of affordable housing including Public Housing buildings, Housing Choice Voucher numbers, Multifamily Developments, HUD Healthcare Facilities, USDA RD and LIHTC Developments. Click  HERE.


Save the Date
Planning & Zoning Commission
March 28, 2019

TIME:      9:30am-1:30pm | Hot Lunch Provided
WHERE: Alabama State Port Authority Offices
International Trade Center | 250 No. Water Street
Mobile, AL
COST:      $25/Person
RSVP:      Paula McGlasker by March 20, 2019
pmcglasker@sarpc.org | 251-706-4611


Mature Staffing Service (MSS)

Mature Staffing Service staff attended the Bay Minette, Alabama Career Center's, Veteran's Career Fair. At this event we strive to connect Veterans seeking employment to the businesses needing employees. Also, staff circulates information regarding SARPC's Business Expo/Job Fair to attending vendors and to prospective employees.
The associates of Mature Staffing Service (MSS) are focused to provide qualified and dependable employees to organizations seeking employees. Additionally, a concerted effort is made to contact representatives of non-profit organizations and government entities to inform them of the services MSS can provide: assistance in locating the right talent, handling all payroll processes which include Worker Compensation coverage, payroll taxes (federal and state), etc. MSS takes the work and the risk while the employer gets to relax.  

Business Expo and Job Fair

Staff attends other career fairs in the region to inform job seekers of SARPC's Annual Business Expo/Job Fair on May 9 and to remind vendors to register soon and take advantage of the Early Day Special.

In this environment where it appears job openings out number job seekers, it is imperative to connect these two needs under one roof. That is why vendors and sponsors have started registering for the 21st Annual Business Expo and Job Fair. We have several new ones to join us and it is still early.  
The Business Expo/Job Fair Council will have the first meeting January 31st. The council will discuss ways to impact organizations seeking qualified job seekers and leads to consumers. Additionally, we will broaden our scope of contact to reach job seekers in the rural areas through our partnership with South Alabama Workforce Development Council (SAWDC). We are excited to have this new relationship with Josh Duplantis (Executive Director) and Connor Miller (Project Manager) and look forward to a mutually beneficial future.

Save the date for SARPC's 21s Annual Business Expo and Job Fair happening on May 9 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Participants in the Senior Community Service Program met for their quarterly meeting. Mr. Joel Sterling presented information on the services offered by the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). Included was a discussion of how, through partnerships with employers, the DOR is able to place job seekers with special needs in organizations receptive to offering those individuals positions by making reasonable adjustments to equipment or processes to accommodate the mutual need. Persons who would not have hope without this assistance can now enjoy working.

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

Pictured here is the Growth Alliance Task Force committee meeting held at the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce. This committee is made up of minority owned business owners and representatives from resource organizations. Terri Pringle and Alyssa Nelson are seen representing SARPC's Revolving Loan Fund.

March 11-15, 2019

Is retirement all that it was promised to be?  Do you miss "making things happen" and a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction at the end of the day?  If you are a doer, someone who wants to be part of the solution and address community needs, then the Leadership Institute is for you!

The Area Agency on Aging is looking for retirees who want to make a difference----whose skills learned over a lifetime can become someone's lifeline.  The Leadership Institute will offer training to empower retirees to help make our neighborhoods better places to grow old.  Come to be challenged and come to make a difference!

The Leadership Institute is open to retirees from Mobile, Baldwin and Escambia counties.  The Institute will be held over a one week period with classes from 9:00-2:00 beginning March 11, 2019 at the University of South Alabama's Faculty Club on campus.  Volunteers will receive FREE classes taught by USA faculty and will participate in a field experience with the Area Agency on Aging. 

Persons interested in applying for admission to this free program should call Charles Smith at the Area Agency on Aging, South Alabama Regional Planning Commission, at 251-236-3881. 

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program: Leader Training

Coming soon is the Area Agency on Aging's annual training class for volunteers who want to be facilitators (Leaders) for the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). This program (also known as Living Well Alabama) provides health education workshops, which are 2 ½ hours per week for 6 weeks. It is an evidence-based program, originally developed by Stanford University, which helps people with chronic conditions to better manage their symptoms and live life to the fullest. The Leader Training is FREE. Being a volunteer in this program helps you improve your own health and life as you help others to do the same, and so is very rewarding. Please see the attached flyer for dates, times, and more information. Interested candidates should return the attached application form. For questions and to reserve a place in the training, please call Carol Massey at 251-445-3823.Click Here to apply.

Caregiver College - February 20

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South Alabama Regional Planning Commission