January 2025 News & Updates

Dear Friends,

Happy 2025! January is often a time when we set new goals and look for new opportunities.

We are excited about the year ahead and the opportunities that we have available to help people achieve their goals, because of generous donors and people that care in our community.

If you are a student or know of a student attending college or trade school – the deadline for our scholarship application is quickly approaching, with one more week until the deadline of January 24 at 4:00 pm for applications. It isn’t too late to apply. Take a few minutes and watch the video in this newsletter and hear about the impact that education can have on an individual and the power of scholarships. We are proud to offer scholarships that truly change lives and open doors to a brighter future.

If you are a nonprofit that is looking for grant funding, we have various grant opportunities through our Youth Engagement in Philanthropy and Discretionary Grantmaking programs. Read about one of our grantees in the article below.

If you are an individual who wants to volunteer, contact us. We are always looking for dedicated individuals who want to make a difference.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to connecting with you this year and helping you achieve your philanthropic goals


Julie Christman

President & CEO

Connecting people who care with causes that matter.

The Scholarship Application is Open through January 24 at 4 p.m.

Do you know someone attending college or trade school in the fall? Our scholarship application for the 2025-26 academic year is now available on our website. Students complete just one application and, if eligible, are considered for one of over 500 scholarship awards. But don't wait too long -- the deadline for applications is January 24, 2025, at 4:00 pm. Visit our website for more details!

For more information and a list of frequently asked questions, visit cffrv.org or email scholarship@cffrv.org

Join Our Team! Bookkeeper Position Available

The Community Foundation is excited to announce an opening for a full-time Bookkeeper to join our team. As a vital part of our organization, the Bookkeeper will be responsible for the record keeping of all financial transactions of the organization, the coordination and oversight of all vendor relationships and contracts and will play an essential role in gathering documents for the annual audit and certifications.

Please view the job description for key responsibilities and qualifications. Interested candidates should submit their resume and cover letter through our website by February 3, 2025.

Thank You Youth Engagement in Philanthropy (YEP) Mentors!

January is National Mentoring Month, and we are so grateful for our amazing YEP mentors. Their time, effort, and expertise make a big difference in the YEP Program. They are making a bif impact on this next generation of philanthropists.

Thank you very much to

Dr. Joyce Hemphill, Debbie Smith, Nick Richard-Thompson, Jen Borgognoni, and Stephanie Dewinski. (Pictured from L to R.)

YEP Grant Application is Open Through February 1

Attention local nonprofits: The YEP Grant Application is open through February 1 for nonprofits with programs or projects serving children and youth ages 0 - 22.

The YEP Grant program is separate and unique from the Discretionary Grantmaking Program. Nonprofits can apply for funding from both programs. YEP grants must be spent within a year of receipt of the grant. All grantees will be required to submit a final report.

For additional information, please visit www.cffrv.org.

Illinois Gives Tax Credit Program Effective January 1, 2025

Illinois enacted the Illinois Gives Tax Credit Program in 2024. This program offers a 25% income tax credit to individuals and businesses that contribute to permanent endowment funds held by Qualified Community Foundations (QCFs). The QCFs provide charitable grants exclusively for the benefit of residents of the State or charities and charitable projects located in the State.

The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) can issue up to $5 million in tax credits per calendar year (25% of the $20 million maximum donation amount). Generally, these tax credits shall be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Income tax credits cannot exceed $100,000 per taxpayer, per year.

Visit our website for more information. Contact Julie Christman with any questions at jchristman@cffrv.org.

Video: Scholarships Can Change Lives

Darrell Jordan, donor and past scholarship recipient, shares his thoughts on the impact that the Community Foundation scholarship has had on his life and the life of his family. When the community invests in our youth, it can change lives.

Darrell and his siblings were inspired to create their own fund in 1983 in loving honor of their parents, Lee and Rosemary Jordan. To learn more, visit their fund profile page on our website:

Lee W. & Rosemary A. Jordan Scholarship Endowment Fund - Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

Grantee Spotlight: TriCity Family Services

Since 1967, TriCity Family Services has been Kane County's leading provider of counseling and other mental health services to clients of all ages and income levels. They recently received a grant from the Community Foundation to replace the courtyard doors at their facility,

"We replaced four water-damaged, warped courtyard doors with brand new doors that close securely, slide open easily, and look so nice. The new doors have reduced the draftiness in the admin offices, conference room, and psychiatric/medical rooms. The upgrade has brought our staff and visitors a lot of happiness as the courtyard space is heavily used in the spring and summer for work with clients, for group sessions, and for meetings between our interns and their supervisor. Our outdoor courtyard is also a gathering space for self-care for therapists between sessions to refresh and be ready for their next client visit. Due to budget constraints, we have had to defer a lot of capital projects over the years, so this was a grant that was well received! Thank you to the Community Foundation for this generous funding that has allowed us to make our space more comfortable, beautiful, and secure." shared Sarah Russe, Director of Development, at TriCity Family Services.

Featured Fund: Batavia Parks Foundation Peace on Earth Projects Fund

The Batavia Parks Foundation established the Peace on Earth Projects Fund in 2024 to support the future maintenance and preservation of three Batavia Peace Projects and provide seed funding for innovative future Batavia Peace projects. The three projects include the PEACE ON EARTH 12’ permanent letters on the Peace Bridge (ribbon cut on November 26, 2023), the Wilson Street Bridge Peace Selfie Station (opened May 2024), and the Batavia Peace Garden (opened on September 21, 2024, the United Nations International Day of Peace). Please visit their fund profile page for more information. Batavia Parks Foundation Peace on Earth Projects Fund - Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

California Wildfire Recovery Fund

Our hearts are with all of those who have been affected by the devastating California wildfires. The California Community Foundation has created a recovery fund to assist during this crisis. If you would like more information or would like to donate to the California wildfire efforts, please visit the California Community Foundation's website for details on their recovery fund.

Wildfire Recovery Fund - California Community Foundation

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

January 24 - Scholarship Application Deadline at 4:00 pm

February 1 - YEP Grant Application Deadline

February 1 - YEP Membership Application Opens

February 1 - LOI Opens for Spring Discretionary Grant Cycle

Learn more about what the Foundation is doing.
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