Winter is a time to be especially conscious of manure applications. Extreme cold and deep snow make daily spreading a challenge for most. If you are piling more than normal this year, make sure your pile is contained and monitor any flowpaths coming from these piles. Please make sure you record any loads entering and leaving a pile in your spreading records.
If you have a manure storage, you may notice it filling up faster than usual. If you have concerns that you’re going to exceed your capacity before you can get out and spread this spring, please call us so we can assist you with options.
This winter we have also experienced periods of dramatic thaw/rain events that caused saturated fields and runoff conditions. Pay attention to 100’ setback buffers and/or low risk application areas outlined in your Nutrient Management Plan to ensure safe application of manure during these high risk runoff events. Assess flowpaths and avoid application of manure within concentrated flows that can lead to watercourses and/or wells/springs during runoff events.
For any questions regarding winter manure spreading, required setbacks or need help identifying flowpaths within fields, please contact your nutrient management planner for assistance at 607-865-7090.