RCB News

January 2025 | Issue No. 4


Improving Lives - One Bike at a Time

Winter RCB News

We hope you enjoy the winter edition of RCB news.

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In this issue:

2024 Impact

Holiday Party

2024 Bike Drives

Volunteer Opportunity

RCB Shop Closings

2024 Results are in!

2024 was a great year for RCB! Thanks to the dedication of our all-volunteer team, we achieved incredible results. We gave away 2,714 bikes and completed 4,418 repairs free of charge. Your efforts truly make a difference from staffing summer off-site repairs to refurbishing bikes for transportation, helping at bike drives and bike sales, supporting partner organizations, tuning Christmas bikes for children, and doing countless hours of behind-the-scenes work like organizing events and maintaining our shop.

Thank you for Improving Lives One Bike at a Time!

Year End Holiday Party

Volunteers, family, and friends gathered at 226 to enjoy a year-end holiday party, celebrating with food, conversation, and opportunities to reconnect with both old and new friends.

The holiday raffle was a hit! A big thank you to all who donated prizes – we had 27 fun items to choose from!

We warmly welcomed and recognized all volunteers who have joined RCB in the last two years.

In addition to special awards and separate recognition for volunteers who completed 100 hours of service in 2024, a plaque honoring Ellen Lill and her profound impact on the lives of those she served at RCB was presented to Dan.

2024 Bike Drive Results

We wanted to thank everyone who took part in a bike drive in 2024. We collected 1110 bikes at bike drives.  The bikes received from the drives are the major source of the 2,500+ bikes that RCB gives away each year

Some of the bikes that were donated earlier in the year have already been repaired and given away (or sold to help fund bike repairs). The majority are in the Flint warehouse and will be repaired over the winter so that they can find new owners in the spring.

Thank you to our 2024 Bike Drive Sponsors!

  • Village of Fairport
  • Pittsford Rotary
  • Victor Robotics
  • Monroe One - Eastern Monroe Career Center (EMCC)
  • Henrietta Library
  • Webster Elks Lodge #2396
  • Rochester Elks Lodge #24
  • Perinton Presbyterian Church
  • Penfield Rotary
  • Churchville Lions

Want to help RCB from the comfort of your own home?

As you may know, we get our unrepaired bicycles in a couple of ways. Donors can drop off bikes at 226 Hudson or at a local bike drive. For donors who can’t transport their bikes, we offer to come pick them up. Donors contact RCB via voicemail or email to request a pickup. There’s a group of approximately 40 volunteers who’re willing to go get those donations, but someone has to retrieve the voicemails and emails and then alert those 40 volunteers in a group email. 


For the last 3-1/2 years, Brent Williams has been doing this, but he’d like to find another person to take it over since he’s also in charge of bike drives. All you need to become the new bike pickup coordinator is a phone and a device for reading and sending emails. If you’re interested, contact Brent at brent.williams@rcommunitybikes.net

Upcoming RCB Shop Closings

Monday, January 20 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, February 17 Presidents Day

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