A Letter From Our President & CEO

“In 2008, adults spent an average of eighteen minutes on their phones per day; in 2015, they were spending two hours and forty-eight minutes per day.” – Adam Alter (Update: as of December 2023, people are spending four hours and thirty-nine minutes a day on their phones)

 “Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” – Christian Lous Lange

“Disconnecting from our technology to reconnect with ourselves is absolutely essential.” – Arianna Huffington

“Do more things that make you forget to look at your phone.” – Jenna Kutcher

Happy New Year everyone! I don’t have to remind you that 2024 is an election year in the US, and every media manifestation will be encouraging us to be angry with each other over one topic or another. Very few of us are immune to the onslaught of divisive messaging, and we are, on every level, worse for the exposure. If you have followed my newsletter blurbs for any period of time, you know that I will reliably find some way to redirect challenging currents into positive paths. 

I chose to address the “screen time dilemma” as the topic of the day after viewing a TEDx reel that addressed how the average person spends their life. And if you have a moment to watch at least the first ninety seconds of this video, I suspect it will catch your attention. Click here to see. I’d like to offer some personal observations from the video/attached graphic. I’m OK with spending the bulk of my life sleeping. It is the one thing I am pretty good at. I’m not surprised that we all spend 36 months of our lives cooking and eating. I recently did a six-day water fast, and I was dumbfounded at how much free time I had on my hands when I wasn’t concerned about feeding myself. I will also keep a logbook in the bathroom to clock how much time I spend there in a week. If I am actually going to spend 27 months of my life in the bathroom, I’d better light some nice, scented candles and perhaps hang some better-quality artwork. The genuinely alarming takeaway from this exercise is that an 18-year-old will spend 93% of the 334 available months of “free time” in front of a screen.

To break this dreadful cycle, I propose, much to the chagrin of the all-consuming screen demons, that we all commit to being kind and understanding with each other and spend as much time as we can muster in the real world. I have found that museums are an ideal environment to investigate intriguing 3D objects and interact with an endless stream of exciting ideas, innovations, and people. I must add, unselfishly, that our local theaters, galleries, nature centers, shops, beaches, parks, and restaurants all serve as admirable “non-screen” alternatives. Our epic King Tut exhibit opens on January 3rd, and if this beautiful exhibit does not adequately stimulate you, you may want to check and see if you still have a pulse.

As we roll into 2024, I want you to remember that you need “screen time” about as much as a submarine needs a “screen door!”

All the best,


Rob Steele

President & CEO

Historical Society of Martin County

Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225-1961 Ext. 109

C: (570) 220-7122



We intend to do all we can to transform our modern museum space into an ancient tomb of unimaginable beauty. These remarkable objects have been painstakingly recreated by historians and artists in Egypt using locally sourced, authentic materials and scaled and finished to perfection. The impact of standing amidst these objects will be something you will long remember. 

January 3 – May 31, 2024


An educational and interactive exhibit of several species of Florida’s birds, featuring the photography, editorial and videography works of Sonia Sousa and John Nelson.

Also included in the exhibit is a bird statue from a local artist and sculptor, Geoffrey Smith.

Now through January 31, 2024


Elizabeth Esther Kelly’s “Mystic Florida” will be featured in the Elliott Museum’s Art Down the Hall now until January 20th. Kelly’s exhibit features 24 beautifully unique paintings created over a 13-year period.

Step into Elizabeth Esther Kelly’s “Mystic Florida” to see a surreal side of Florida unseen anywhere else!

Now through Jan 20, 2024


The participants from Helping People Succeed will have on display incredible artwork from the Art for Living calendar exhibit. Take a look at the magnificent artwork of local artists. It is awe inspiring.

Now through April 1, 2024


This Month's Special Events

In Celebration of

King Tut Opening

Join us for the Opening Reception at 5PM on January 3, 2024, to a wonderous scene in much the same fashion as Howard Carter did on November 26, 1922, 100 years ago. In collaboration with Tarek Ragab and the Egyptian Art Center in Cairo, we will be hosting “In Celebration of King Tut” in the museum’s main gallery.

Thursday, January 3 from 5:00 PM

$18 Admission



RSVP at 772-225-1961

Bob Talks

Popular presenter Robert Van Dellen, PhD, is returning to the Elliott Museum in the Forum with a new series of engaging talks on enduring themes in literature. Bob’s book, Reflections on Literature: Exploring Meanings and Messages will be available for purchase.

Bob's January topic is Who Doesn’t Love a Good Love Story, focusing on the importance of love from a varied range of sources.

Tuesday, January 9 starting at 5:00 PM

FUTURE DATES: Feb 13, Mar 12, and April 9

5:00-5:30PM - Book sales/signing

5:30-7:30PM - BOB TALKS

$18 Admission


RSVP at 772-225-1961

Art for Living Calendar

Exhibit Reception

Come and join us for the reception on January 18 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Elliott on the second floor. The participants of “Helping People Succeed” are featuring their outstanding artwork for the 2024 “Art for Living Calendar” from Dec 1 through April 1 2024.

Thursday, January 18 from 5:30 PM



RSVP at 772-225-1961

Atlantic Classical Orchestra

Sunday Concert Series

Proudly sponsored by Kathy Atherton

& Bud Sterling

The Atlantic Classical Orchestra will present a series of three 4-piece chamber orchestra performances at the Elliott Museum.

As a guest conductor, Amado has led numerous prominent orchestras. Recent engagements have included the Mobile, New Bedford, New Haven, and Toronto symphony orchestras and California’s Symphony Silicon Valley. Additionally, in June 2019, he made his debut at the Mostly Modern Festival in Saratoga Springs, New York.

TIME: Sunday 3 PM – 5 PM. $40 per person

DATES: Jan 28, Feb 11, and Mar 24


Car Show at The Beach!*

Every Wednesday at the Elliott!

Every Wednesday is CAR SHOW AT THE BEACH with Classic Cars (motorcycles welcome) at the Elliott Museum parking lot from 4 to 7 PM. The coolest wheels on the Treasure Coast will strut their stuff in front of one of the most beautiful landmarks on Hutchinson Island. 

In addition to a lineup of cool cars, the fabulous “Philly Down South” Tiki Hut is on site offering LIVE MUSIC, a full bar, plus a delicious menu of famous cheesesteaks, salads, your favorite grilled items, and more fun foods.

Spectators are FREE!

To show a car is free to museum members and $5 for nonmembers.

*Event will be canceled for lightning or steady rain. Please call us before coming out to confirm at (772) 225-1961

Thursdays Auto & Garages Tour


Most Thursdays starting at 11:00 AM

Our Auto Collection & Garages tour is with Car Curator Jim Ferrare (or one of his assistants).

The tour is included with regular admission. Members free. Meet at the front desk on most Thursdays at 10:55 a.m. for the 11:00 a.m. tour.

*We recommend calling first at (772) 225-1961 to ensure the tour is scheduled!


A Letter From Our Vice President Development

If this new year finds you planning a special event, please consider hosting it at the Elliott.

We offer excellent venues in a variety of sizes, such as the Café, Main Gallery, 2nd Floor Gallery, Forum and even the Lobby and Car Gallery. Events we hosted in 2023 included birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations of life, client appreciation receptions and dinners, seminars, lectures, workshops, annual meetings, monthly club meetings, graduation parties and so many more. And, to make your event even more memorable, unique, and fun, your guests will be able to visit our incredible exhibit, In Celebration of King Tut from January 3rd through May 31st.

Debbie Banta, Director of Engagement, is our expert who will meet with you, guide you in selecting the best venue for your event, your set up, on-site catering and a bar if you desire and many other details. She is a pro who will make the experience stress and hassle free. You may reach Debbie at 772.225.1961 ext. 124 or by email at dbanta@elliottmuseumfl.org.

The Elliott Museum is like no other event venue. Come see for yourself and when you do, I hope you’ll stop and say Hi … seeing you would be a great way for me to start the new year. 

As always, we truly appreciate your thoughtful consideration and continued support.

Linda Prange

Vice President Development

Historical Society of Martin County

Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225.1961 Ext. 110

E: linda@hsmc-fl.com


Become A Member

The benefits of being a member: As a Family Level Member or higher, you have access to free or discounted admission to 134 museums in Florida alone with the NARM and SERM reciprocal benefits. One of the participating museums is the Orlando Museum of Art in Orlando, FL. For more information on this amazing museum, keep reading and visit their website at the link below.


Annually, the Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) presents about a dozen exhibitions consisting of special and visiting exhibitions, as well as ones curated from the museum’s collections. Each exhibition inspires and is enriched by programs as varied as gallery tours, art appreciation lectures, studio classes for youth and adults, bespoke community access programs designed for special populations, and community events like family days and cultural celebrations. OMA welcomes more than 130,000 visitors annually, and the museum’s education programs serve 16,000 annually.



Wine and Cheese Travel Talk

With 2023 in the rearview mirror, I am overcome with the memory of countless events, experiences, and travel adventures which I have been blessed to share with so many of you. And on the travel horizon, just wait to see what’s in store for 2024!

Wine and Cheese Travel Talk on January 11 at 5:30 PM will unveil new itineraries for the unique and exciting trips planned for 2024 and 2025. Our travel partners at Mayflower Cruises and Tours will be on hand with all the details, ready to answer your travel questions. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024, 5:30 to 7:00 PM

Free to members and interested travelers.

Elliott Museum Forum

Upcoming Trips!

The world is traveling again—so don’t delay in making your reservations! Bookings are really filling up quickly.


Travel with the Elliott and discover a world of exceptional itineraries, rich cultural experiences, superb dining and wines, and wonderful camaraderie with fellow travelers. When you book through the Elliott travel program, you will receive a complimentary HSMC Annual Membership to the Elliott and the House of Refuge museums. Choose from the great cruises and tours hosted by the Elliott, as well as an amazing array of domestic and international tours offered by Mayflower Cruises and Tours.

Contact Debbie Banta at 772-225-1961, ext. 124, or email at dbanta@elliottmuseumfl.org.

8-day Midwest Fall Foliage Tour - September, 2024 -- Includes the Henry Ford Museum, 2 nights in the romantic Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Chicago, a train ride to Agawa Canyon, Canada, and lots more!

Danube River Christmas Market Cruise - December 7-18, 2024 – It’s a magical journey of a lifetime! From Budapest to experience Europe’s most iconic and festive Christmas markets. 

Portugal to Ireland: History & Traditions - June, 2025 -- 12-day all-inclusive cruise aboard the Scenic Eclipse Discovery Yacht.


Please feel free to contact Debbie Banta below for any further questions!

Debbie Banta, APR

Director of Engagement

Historical Society of Martin County

The Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225-1961, ext. 124

C: (772) 284-5091

E: dbanta@elliottmuseumfl.org

Curator's Corner

From the Office of the Curator

The holiday season in the curatorial department brings lots of excitement. Exhibit changeovers, packing away one exhibit to make room for another, and even giving a makeover to an existing exhibit space! There’s something going on around every corner.

If you’ve eaten in our upstairs Outrigger café recently, you probably noticed all the clocks! Interestingly, those clocks were a part of the old Elliott Museum exhibit. After years of clocks being on display, we decided it would be best to restore the café space to Frances Langfords’ Outrigger restaurant. Years ago, the Historical Society of Martin County acquired some historical parts of the Langford estate, including Frances’s personal photographs, Outrigger memorabilia, Chanticleer history and much more. Now, her personal effects, art, and career memorabilia can be seen on display in our newly redesigned Outrigger Café, operated by Philly Down South. 

Our main exhibit gallery space on the Elliott Museum’s first floor is getting ready to take on an entirely different look in celebrating King Tut! This exhibit comes all the way from Egypt! Previously, Carlton Ward and Mac Stone’s insightful Path of the Panther was showcased in this space. Seeing hidden beauty in Florida’s wilderness through their photography will be missed by many. 

January also brings us a new local photography exhibit, but they are no strangers to the Elliott Museum! We will be welcoming the return of the Audubon Photography contest exhibit called “Florida’s Natural Beauty” opening January 22nd, 2024 in our first floor Art Down the Hall exhibit space. Sadly, the museum will be saying farewell to the surreal “Mystic Florida” exhibit with paintings by Elizabeth Esther Kelly. Elizabeth’s art has brought much color and mystique to our downstairs halls. 

2024 will be full of history, art, and education! Have a wonderful New Year!

Chessy Ricca


Historical Society of Martin County

Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225.1961 Ext. 125

C: (772) 561.308.8309

E: cricca@elliottmuseumfl.org

Volunteer Spotlight

The Elliott Museum and the House of Refuge are blessed with a legion of vibrant and gifted volunteers from across the country who bring their own rich histories from all walks of life. The common thread among them is their shared passion for our museums, and their enthusiasm to make your visitor experience the best that it can be. Come visit Dottie at the Elliott’s admission desk!

Volunteer Spotlight - Dottie Graston

What did you do for a living in your career life?

I worked a total of forty-five years as a legal secretary in law offices, for a county court judge and lastly at Florida Power and Light for twenty-one of the forty-five years. While at FPL, I was Senior Executive Administrative Assistant (fancy name for secretary) to the CEO of the parent company for a period of time.

What are your special interests/passions?

I enjoy volunteering very much. Currently, I volunteer at Caring Fields Felines in Palm City, as well as The Elliott.

What is something that would surprise us about you?

Wish I could say I have some special talent, but sadly I do not. Have always lived a relatively simple life. For a number of years my late husband and I rode motorcycles and that was always fun. I loved working but retirement is pretty great also.

What’s your favorite thing about volunteering at the HSMC?

The museum itself is awesome but my favorite part is the people. The people who work and volunteer there are great and the visitors are very interesting to talk to.

Ales Day

Vice President Guest Experience

Historical Society of Martin County

Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225-1961 Ext. 102


Fast Fact

Fast Fact: When was the first radio available in a car?

According to techhistorian.com, the first radio available in a car was offered in 1922. And it was H-U-G-E. Its antenna was so large it almost covered the roof of the car. Its massive speakers had to be attached to the back of the seat, and its gigantic batteries could barely fit under the seat. It cost $200, the equivalent today of almost $3,600!


Wolf Full Moon

The power of the Full moon is sustained 4 days before and 4 days after exact date of the Full moon.

Every month's full moon is unique in what it brings into your life. There's a new one every month with a story to tell, a meaning behind its name, and its own special way to affect you. The January full moon is referred to as the Full Wolf Moon, named for wolves howling at the Moon. 

The Full Wolf Moon is thought to possess a specific celestial power. This is usually understood as being both capable of releasing what no longer serves you and harnessing positive lunar energy.

Fortunately, with a little lunar knowledge, and sound therapy you can really make the most of this Full Moon. Sound therapy helps you transform your brain waves leading into a profoundly restorative state, which activates the body's self-healing system, igniting your creativity, increases your intuition, obtain a deep relaxation & so many more benefits.

Sound Vibrational Healing sessions assist you in shaking things out of you, igniting a feel-good feeling & harmonize every cell of your body, restoring balance with your Divine self. But however you decide to celebrate the Full Moon, a good tip is to take it easy on yourself. Full Moons are strongly associated as heightened, energetic times capable of causing fatigue. 

Wednesday, Jan 24, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EST $45 per person Purchase tickets & RSVP here.

EVERY WEEK: Tune Up Tuesday at 2:00 pm,

Saturday Sound Healing at 6:00 pm, and

Sound Healing Sunday at 2:00 pm. 

To learn more about sound healing, new events, and what Deena does, visit her website - www.soundvibration.net.

Support the Elliott at Harbour Bay Plaza

Check out Philly Down South - at their Tiki Hut

Check out our Live Music!

Every Friday and Saturday Night from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Jam Session every Tuesday Night from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

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