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It's our job as adults to keep kids safe.
CAPC Newsletter                                                  January 2019

Happy New Year from CAPC
Welcome to 2019! This year promises to be a busy one for us here at the Child AbusePrevention Council (CAPC). We wanted to take this chance to share with all of you some of the great work being done, projects that are underway, and ways you can get involved to help keep our children safe here in Amador County. 

For a quick history and back ground on CAPC: these are community councils located in each county in California whose primary purpose is to coordinate the community's efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse and neglect. 

They also work in one or more of the following areas (varying county to county):
  • promote public awareness of the abuse and neglect of children and the resources available for intervention and treatment; 
  • provide a forum for inter-agency cooperation and coordination in the prevention, detection, treatment, and legal processing of child abuse cases;
  • encourage and facilitate training of professionals in the detection, treatment, and prevention of child abuse and neglect; 
  • recommend improvements in services to families and victims; and encourage and facilitate community support for child abuse and neglect programs.

Here are just some of the projects we are working on here in Amador County:

Mandated Reporter Trainings
This training is provided free of charge for your place of work, colleagues, staff, and more. It provides an overview of the significant definitions, requirements and protections of the California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act. 

Resilient Amador
A county-wide effort to bring recognition to and address the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs) and trauma; and to work towards changing local systems to promote healthy children, adults, families, and a strong community.

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that can have negative, lasting effects on health and well-being.  These experiences range from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to parental divorce or the incarceration of a parent or guardian. As the number of ACEs a person has increases, so does the risk for outcomes such as heart disease, depression, heart disease, cancer, smoking and obesity. Childhood abuse and  household dysfunction are linked to  many of the leading causes of death in adults according to the adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study.

Child Abuse Prevention Month
A month-long opportunity to bring awareness to Child Abuse and Prevention. You can join us in many ways throughout the month: Wear Blue Day, visit the Pinwheel Garden, attend Kids Day at the Capitol, come play with us at Celebrate Our Children, knit purple caps (see below), attend the Children's Flag Raising Ceremony and so much more! Follow us on  Facebook to see a calendar of this year's events.

Period of Purple Crying - Knitting for a Cause
A normal but frustrating period of increased crying all infants experience in the first few months after birth. The Period of PURPLE Crying is also a program that teaches parents about normal infant crying, how to cope with this crying and the dangers of reacting to frustration with a baby's crying by shaking or otherwise harming them.

Knit or crochet purple caps or blankets for infant abuse prevention.  Your knitted or crocheted caps will be given to babies in Amador County to help educate parents about the Period of PURPLE Crying.

Maternal Wellness and Postpartum Depression
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) states that postpartum depression may be one of the most under-recognized and under-treated disorders affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of new mothers. Postpartum depression can occur not only in mothers, but in fathers, partners, and adoptive and foster parents.  The impact on children can be significant and long-term and at times can be linked to child abuse and neglect.

Publication of Education and Outreach Materials/Information
Are They Up to the Task
The Dangers of Edible Marijuana products in the hands of children
Safe Disposal of Expired Medicines
Safe to Sleep for Babies
Children's Art Cards
Hands and Words are not for Hurting
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Child Safety/Drowning Prevention
...and so much more!

If you would like to join us in any of our efforts, we welcome your participation. Give us a call or send us an email to find out how you can get involved, (209) 223-5921 or  For more information you can visit our website, or follow us on Facebook:
No Small Matter

No Small Matter | TRAILER for the game-changing documentary on early learning
No Small Matter | TRAILER for the game-changing documentary on early learning

The feature documentary NO SMALL MATTER confronts America's most pressing problems with an unlikely but powerful weapon: babies and young children.

From home to childcare to preschool, high-quality early care and education has far-reaching impacts, and groundbreaking science to back it up. With a healthy dose of humor and a surprising edge, NO SMALL MATTER reveals the tragic cost of getting this wrong, and the huge payoff-for our kids, our families, and our country-of getting it right.

Find more great resources like this through ACES Connection. And check out our local Amador community page too, Resilient Amador!

Family Strengthening  
Mini-Grants Now Available!
We are excited to announce that funding is available for Family Strengthening mini-grant proposals for the 2018-19 fiscal year. Mini-grants will be awarded up to $2,000. Funding is provided by the Amador Child Abuse Prevention Council (ACAPC).
Grants are available for qualified organizations and agencies to provide Family Strengthening programs within the County of Amador.
Family Strengthening is the premise that children do well when families do well, and that
families do well when they live in supportive communities. Enhancing connections within
families, and between families, and the institutions that affect them, result in better outcomes
for children and their families.
Mini-Grant Application

Mini-Grant applications may be submitted to ACAPC at any time throughout the 2018-19 fiscal year, however grant reviews and awards will occur bi-monthly.
Becoming Trauma Informed: 
A Key to School Safety

On Demand Webinar
By Dr. Stephanie Covington 

With the increased awareness of the impact of trauma on people's lives, school professionals are beginning to consider what this means in their specific settings.    There is a growing evidence-base documenting the impact of child neglect and abuse (as well as other forms of trauma) on the health, mental health, and behavior of children and adults.    

There is a growing realization that students across the nation are coming to school with histories of adversity and trauma that are impacting their school experience.  Schools are recognizing the impact of trauma and beginning to adopt trauma-informed practices.  When school systems approach students through a trauma lens, they are better equipped to provide the educational and social-emotional supports necessary to help students reach their potential.   This webinar provides definitions for trauma informed, trauma responsive and trauma specific as well as practical suggestions for the classroom.  In addition, the emphasis is on the importance of systems change in policies and practices.  

Becoming trauma informed is a key prevention strategy for increasing safety in our schools.

Participants will be able to:
  • Define trauma informed, trauma responsive and trauma specific
  • Understand the impact of adversity and trauma on children's lives
  • Anticipate children's psychological and behavioral responses/reactions to trauma
  • Describe the importance of systemic change in school settings
To sign up for this valuable webinar, visit the site HERE.

Thank you to the ACEs in Education Community at ACEs Connection for this valuable resource! 
Upcoming Events

Free Mandated Reporter Training  
The second Thursday of every month, from 10:00am - 12:00pm, the Child Abuse Prevention Council is holding free mandated reporter trainings. Open to parents, teachers, the community, staff or colleagues needing a refresher course, or new staff with no previous training, give us a call, (209) 223-5921. For the flyer with all the information, click HERE

Resilient Amador
Steering Committee, Tuesday, January 8, 3:00-5:oopm
Join CAPC in creating a county-wide effort to recognize and address the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs) in Amador County. Meeting here at our CAPC offices,  975 Broadway, Jackson.   

*Foothill Region Educational Discussions
Wednesday, January 16, 5:30-7:30pm
975 Broadway, Jackson
Call to RSVP for dinner and childcare, 257-1092.

Next CAPC Meeting
CAPC meetings are the third Monday of every other month.
Due to the Martin King Luther, Jr. holiday in January, our next meeting will be:
Monday, January 28, 10:30am-12:00pm
975 Broadway, Jackson 

About CAPC

Our Vision
All children know how they are valued; all families receive the support, education and tools necessary to give every child a safe, healthy, and nurturing home; and a community that actively supports the health, safety, and education of its children.

Our Mission 
CAPC is committed to preventing all forms of child abuse in Amador County through community partnerships, free trainings, education, and family-centered events that value children, strengthen families, and engage communities. 
Investing in Our Youngest Children
First 5 Logo

Stay up to date on all the latest news and information for the youngest children in our county! Sign up for First 5 Amador's monthly e-newsletter  HERE!