January 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

In this month’s newsletter we share inspiring quotes of Paramahansa Yogananda on how to make the start of the new year a time of energizing our deepest aspirations for personal growth.
From the talks and writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:

Picture the New Year as a garden you are responsible for planting. Sow the seeds of good habits in this soil and weed out worries and wrong actions of the past.
Heavenly Father, make us strong in this new year, ever guided by Thy constant presence, that in body, mind, and soul we may reflect Thy life, health, prosperity, and happiness.
If you pray, and believe what you pray, you shall receive God's blessings and help. If you have a bad habit, create a mental antidote and continuously apply it until the poisonous habit is neutralized. Tell yourself resolutely that you are going to be different, that you may be weak now, but you are going to be strong. The minute you make up your mind to correct yourself, you will change, you will be different.
There is no limit to the power of your mind. Concentrate on that thought. Fill your mind with the resolution to accomplish, and work toward your goals with positive actions. Keep driving the mind toward higher attainments.
Whenever you are sitting still, without any demands on your attention, be away in your mind, using it constructively every moment. Great things are produced first in the mind. I keep mine at work all the time, and put its creative thoughts into action the moment I see an opportunity. Then the results come. Every day you should try to do something creative. Improve your destiny. Take your health, or your moral life, or spiritual life — one thing at a time — and change it as you desire.
Every time you meditate deeply on God, beneficial changes take place in the patterns of your brain.
For more of Paramahansa Yogananda’s inspiration and guidance on self-improvement in the new year, we invite you to visit our Seasonal Inspiration page.
A New Year’s Message From Brother Chidananda

“As we begin 2022, my heartfelt prayer is that God tangibly bless you with a positive sense of direction to chart your path through the challenges and changes that are a fact of life in this transitional age. May you know the inwardly experienced wisdom and assurance that our Guru described in these beautiful words: ‘Understanding is the most precious possession of each soul. It is your inner vision, the intuitive faculty by which you can clearly perceive the truth — about yourself and others, and all situations that arise in your path — and correctly adjust your attitudes and actions accordingly.’”
Join Us for Two Special Livestream Events to Celebrate Paramahansa Yogananda’s Birthday
Paramahansa Yogananda’s Birthday Commemoration
Wednesday, January 5, 9:00 a.m. PST 

An online commemoration of the birth anniversary of Paramahansa Yogananda will be streamed live on Wednesday, January 5 at 9:00 a.m. (PST). For those unable to attend the live event, it will remain available for viewing until Thursday, January 6 at 10:00 p.m. (PST).
Paramahansa Yogananda Commemorative Meditation
Saturday, January 8, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PST 

A six-hour meditation in honor of Paramahansa Yogananda’s birthday will be streamed live on Saturday, January 8, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (PST). The meditation, which will be conducted in English, will continue to be available until January 10 at 10:00 p.m. (PST) for those who are unable to join the live event.
Self-Realization Magazine 2021 Annual Issue
Now in a large format

The first annual issue of Self-Realization magazine features a wealth of inspiration from Paramahansa Yogananda, current and past SRF/YSS presidents, as well as senior monastics and other notable authors. This 72-page special issue also includes many photographs incorporated into a beautiful new design.

Longtime readers as well as those new to Self-Realization will enjoy this unique presentation of ancient wisdom that speaks to the needs of our modern times.
2022 SRF World Convocation
August 14 – 20, 2022

We hope that it will be possible to have our annual Convocation in person this year at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles. Reservations for rooms at the Bonaventure will open on February 1 at 8:00 a.m. PST. Local health and safety regulations will continue to guide our decision-making process on our in-person events and we will update you with any new information that may arise.

Convocation will also be streamed online as it was the last two years. Additional details about the 2022 Convocation schedule of events will be available later this year.
SRF Lessons by Paramahansa Yogananda
A transmission of sacred knowledge that will uplift and
transform all aspects of your life
“As far as you want to go along the spiritual path, I can show you; and if you practice the techniques in the Lessons you will never feel stagnation in your progress.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Basic Series

A 9 month in-depth course on meditation and spiritual living featuring step-by-step instructions in the yoga techniques of meditation, concentration, and energization taught by Paramahansa Yogananda including Kriya Yoga.
Supplement Series
For graduates of the basic series

A wealth of guidance, inspiration and additional techniques to deepen your spiritual life.
May the new year bring you an ever-deepening realization of the presence of the Divine within you.

In divine friendship,

Self-Realization Fellowship
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