January Newsletter

Welcome New Hires!

Alyson Harkins


Coon Memorial Hospital

Kalee Kirkland

Verification Specialist

Coon Memorial Hospital

Now Hiring

Coon Memorial Hospital:

  • Certified Pharmacy Tech - FT
  • RN - Night Shift FT
  • RN - PRN


  • Registered Respiratory Therapist-Cardiopulmonary - PT
  • Registered Respiratory Therapist

Nursing Home:

  • Activities Aide
  • CNA - FT
  • Transportation Aide - FT


  • PCA - FT


  • ER Admissions Clerk


  • Radiology Tech - PRN

News & Updates

Career Day

DHCHD staff had a wonderful time teaching students about careers in healthcare at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School . What a great opportunity to share what we do with the next generation.

DHCHD Sponsors Community Podcast 

We have an opportunity to have multiple guest from the district on The Dalhart Connection "In the Know" podcast.

Be sure to tune in to KXIT Thursdays at 3:00 PM or listen online anytime.

Listen Here

Volunteer Program

We had a wonderful time serving patients and staff popcorn on January 19th! Thank you for everyone that donated. If you know anyone that would like to volunteer at the hospital, please email to get started!

Employee Achievements 

Dallam Hartley Counties Hospital District’s ER Case Manager, Beth Varner, is a shining example of dedication and compassion in the healthcare industry. Beth plays a crucial role in ensuring that every patient that comes through the ER receives the best possible care and support. She goes above and beyond to make sure that they have everything they need to get better and stay healthy.

One of Beth’s primary responsibilities is to do call backs for every patient that comes through the ER. She makes sure that they are set up with a Primary Care Physician and that they were able to get any prescriptions they were given while in the ER. If there is a problem with the prescription, she works closely with the doctor to see that it is corrected. She also schedules follow-up appointments and helps with referrals when needed.

Beth stated, “I love the Lord and God made every person that comes through that door. I plan on treating them with the same kindness and compassion that I receive from God.”

Click here to read more

Employee Shout Outs

Elma Romero and Amy Zapata brought clothes and stayed to help during our blizzard. They stayed and tag teamed a 24-hour shift together so that our ER nurses would have help. 

- Kristy Baca, RN


Suzette Meeker stayed late during our blizzard and helped out nursing staff with the critical patients we received. 

- Kristy Baca, RN

I don't think the aides get enough credit. Working with Connie, Pahola, Paula, and Riley these last 8 or 9 months reminded me of how great they are. They work so hard and take great care of our patients, and I wanted to express my gratitude! So, thank you all for making our job's easier and helping us everyday! We are so lucky to have you and our patients are blessed beyond measure.

 - Jamie Martin, RN

Brooklyn has been so helpful during this time of transition here at Legacy. She is very good with the residents and is one of their favorite aids. She always has a smile on her face, and is willing to help whenever she can!

-Jessica Smith

If you have a co-worker who achieved something and would like to celebrate them in the next newsletter, please email Human Resources at

IT Tips

Your Password Can Probably be Cracked Faster Than You’d Think

Whether you’re talking about identity theft, data breaches, or any other form of cybercrime, one of the leading causes of successful cyberattacks is the use of insufficiently secure passwords. Just how easy is it for someone to bypass such a password? Let’s consider the facts.

How to Crack a Password

Cybercriminals come correct, first of all. Not only do many of them have access to some pretty sophisticated tools and resources, they go about their selfish and deceitful activities with a strategy based on the average user’s online conduct.

For the cybercriminal, bypassing a password is really a numbers game. Chances are good that, if they try some commonly used passwords, a cybercriminal will eventually hit pay dirt. For instance, a cybercriminal’s first guesses could look like the following:

  • 123456789
  • guest
  • qwerty
  • password
  • a1b2c3

Since these are some of the world’s most common passwords—with an estimated 10 to 20% of accounts using a similar password—trying different variations of them or adding one or two symbols gives a cybercriminal a pretty good chance of getting in.

If we imagine ourselves to be cybercriminals, this knowledge helps to simplify our process immensely. If we invest in a password cracking tool, which effectively just tries every dictionary word and randomized combination of characters, increasing in length as it goes, chances are good that we will ultimately get in.

It’s just like trying to guess a combination lock number. While it’s going to take some time, you could try every possible combination—1-1-1, 1-1-2, 1-1-3—until you either get it, or the bike’s owner is back and not-so-politely asking you to step away from their property. 

The more variables there are to try, the more possible options there are—increasing at exponential rates, making it impossible to manually try every single combination. A computer, on the other hand, could try…and much, much faster. That’s how a password-cracking tool operates.

Click here to read more!

Tips provided by Paradigm Technologies

Did you know?

Did you know we have multiple Facebook Pages? Click to follow!

Did you know about these helpful department emails?

  • Payroll -
  • HR Support -
  • Marketing -
  • IT Tickets -
  • Business Office -
  • Admissions -
  • Admin Office -
  • Nursing -
  • Pharmacy -

Need to know who is a department director?

Check out our website!

DHCHD | Website
