Student Recognitions by the Board of Education

At this month’s Board meeting, we recognized 28 students who have demonstrated impressive academic growth! We are so proud of each and every one of you for your dedication to meeting grade-level standards by the end of the year! To view more photos from the ceremony, please click here.

What is academic growth? Academic growth is the journey of making steady progress throughout the year—staying on track, meeting monthly milestones, and working toward being Proficient (PR) in learning standards. Meeting standards prepares students not only to succeed in the current school year but also to thrive in the next and ultimately build the foundation for success in life after high school.

Click Here to View the Student Recognition Event Photos

It's Parent Teacher Conference Time!

In Manteca Unified, we call these Goal-Setting Conferences. 

Next week, families of students in grades TK-8 will participate in Goal-Setting Conferences—a key moment in the academic year to strengthen the partnership between students, teachers, and families. Here’s what to do before, during, and after your conference to best support your child with their learning goals. 

Before you meet with your child's teacher:

This is a valuable opportunity to reflect on the learning goals established during September’s Goal-Setting Conference, evaluate the progress made so far, and set new goals for the remainder of the school year to ensure your child is proficient (PR) in their grade-level standards by the end of the school year.

  • Review your child’s last report card.
  • Talk to your child about how they feel they’re progressing in the learning standards they were marked beginning (BE) and approaching (AP) in last November.

During your conference -

Use"The 4 Questions"to kick-start a growth-centered conversation:

1) What does my child need to be able to do? – Talk to your child’s teacher about goals for your child’s learning and what skills they’re expected to learn at their grade level.

2) How will I know once my child knows it? – Learn how progress is measured and what progress and success look like for your child’s grade level.

3) What can I do if my child is struggling to understand? – There are many ways to support learning from home!

4) What do I do to support my child once they know it? – Find out how to keep your child moving forward when they’re ready for the next step.

After you meet with your child's teacher:

  • Talk with your child about what you learned.
  • Follow up with the teacher about your child's development and the plan created during the conference.
  • Remind your child that they are capable of achieving proficiency in their grade level standards with practice and dedication!

Remember, this conference is just one piece of a larger partnership between school and home. We believe that every child can achieve, with the right support, tools, and plans in place.

By working as a team – parents, teachers, and students – we can create a path to progress and student achievement together! At MUSD, we believe that every child can achieve, with the right support, tools, and plans in place.

Registration for 2025-26 School Year

New student registration for the upcoming school year is now OPEN!

This early registration period is open to new students of all grade levels (TK-12). 

If you will be enrolling a new student for the 2025-26 school year, we encourage you to register today! By registering as soon as possible, you will have the greatest chance of getting your child a spot in their school of residence. Early registration will end on February 28. 

To learn more, visit our Registration webpage at If you have any questions, please contact your school office. 

School Climate Survey

Attention MUSD Families – in case you missed it, we want YOU to share your thoughts about our school district in our annual School Climate Survey (LCAP Survey)!

Manteca Unified needs to know how we are doing as a district and how we can best serve our school communities. The survey will ask questions about student experience, safety, engagement, and more. The feedback you provide will help us better meet the needs of all students, parents, and staff. 

This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback is important to the District and your child’s school. Should you need the survey translated into Spanish or Punjabi, use the drop-down box in the upper right corner to select your preferred language. 

All responses will remain anonymous. Thank you for your participation! 

CLICK HERE to Take the Survey

Community Feedback Sessions

We want to gather your feedback on various topics, including academic progress, health and safety, college and career readiness, student attendance, support programs and services, and more!

Hosted by district leadership, these sessions will present critical components of our current strategic plans as we are in year one of a three-year cycle.

This is an opportunity to be a community planning partner with us, working together to consider what’s best for the district as a whole. Your feedback will help refine our strategic plans over the next two years.

MUSD will be hosting Community Feedback Sessions across the district on the following dates:

·        Thursday, January 30 – 6 pm – MUSD District Office RESC Building

·        Saturday, February 1 – 9 am – Virtual Microsoft Teams Meeting

·        Wednesday, February 5 – 10 am – MUSD District Office RESC Building

·        Thursday, February 6 – 6 pm – August Knodt Elementary Multi-Purpose Room

·        Tuesday, February 11 – 6 pm – Lathrop Elementary Multi-Purpose Room

·        Wednesday, February 12 – 6 pm – Walter Woodward Elementary Multi-Purpose Room

Visit MUSD - Online!

Exciting news! We’ve created a webpage filled with essential information to help you support your child. Whether you're new to MUSD or just looking for a refresher, this resource is perfect for helping you "Get Informed, Get Connected, Get Involved, Get to Know MUSD," and much more!

Staying connected to your child’s school and sharing in their excitement for learning is the first step in fostering a love of education at home—laying the foundation for their future success.

Visit our Welcome Page!

Update to Q Parent Connect

Absences can now be reported using Q Parent Connect! Read below for instructions on how to use this exciting new feature.

How to Report an Absence in the Parent Portal:

1) Log in to the parent portal via the MUSD app or online at Need help? Contact your child’s school office for assistance.  

2) Click “Report Absence” in the upper-right corner. 

3) Select your child’s profile. If you have multiple students in MUSD, choose the appropriate child who will be absent. 

4) Use the interactive calendar to select the date(s) and provide a reason for the absence. Remember, excused absences include necessities like student illness, medical appointments, or funerals. 

5) Add any relevant notes for your school’s attendance clerk and click “Submit.” 

Get to Know MUSD's Classified Employees of the Year

Last November, we announced our Classified Employees of the Year! To spotlight these remarkable individuals, the Department of Community Relations & Engagement has launched a video series that follows these employees behind the scenes. 

This month, we’re spotlighting: 

  • Tracey Kestyus, Nutrition Services (MUSD)  
  • David Halla, Nutrition Services (MUSD) 

Stay tuned as we continue to share Employee of the Year videos! 

Meet Tracey Kestyus
Meet David Halla

Revisit Our Key Safety Terms

Can you believe we're halfway through the school year? Now is a great time to refresh on the key safety terms and their meanings.

Shelter-in-Place - A safety action implemented to isolate students/staff from the outdoor environment and provide greater protection from external airborne contaminants. During a shelter-in-place, students and staff move inside, doors, windows and vents are secured, and HVAC units are shut down to keep outside air out. No movement is allowed between rooms without escort by safety staff. Instruction continues in classrooms. 

Example: smoke particles in the air have reached an unsafe level.

Secure Campus - A precautionary safety action of a school campus caused by the potential threat of danger on campus or in the surrounding community. All classroom/office doors are closed and locked, all students and staff remain inside until otherwise directed. A secure campus allows a school to quickly transition to a lockdown if it becomes necessary. Instruction continues as planned. No one is allowed to enter or exit the campus. 

Example: law enforcement officers are searching for a suspect in a nearby neighborhood.

Lockdown - A safety action on a school campus caused by the presence of an immediate threat currently on or adjacent to the campus. During a lockdown, students and staff move to the nearest available room and secure the door. All windows are covered, lights are turned off, and students and staff may take additional steps to conceal or barricade themselves in the room depending on the specific threat. Normal operations including instruction stop. No one is allowed to enter or exit the campus. 

Example: an individual with a weapon is seen in front of the school.

Evacuation - An action implemented when conditions outside the building or off-site are safer than inside or on-site. Requires the orderly movement of students and staff from school buildings to a pre-determined safe location.

Example: a fire on campus.

Safety & Preparedness at MUSD

Board of Education Updates

Celebrating our Trustees

Throughout January, we have been celebrating National School Board Recognition Month, a time dedicated to showing our gratitude for our incredible Board of Trustees.

At this month’s Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Clark Burke read a special proclamation thanking the Board for their service to students at MUSD. Stephen J. Schluer, current Board President, presented a plaque to Board Clerk Marie Freitas recognizing her for her dedicated service as Board President for the last 3 years. 

We’d like to extend another heartfelt thank you to these seven outstanding local citizens who prioritize students and share a deep passion for local education. Your commitment is a driving force behind MUSD! ❤️💛💙

Meet the Board

MUSD Demonstrates Financial Responsibility

The Board accepted the 2023-24 Audit Report from third-party firm Eide Bailly LLP, which had zero findings. This means that auditors did not identify any issues, discrepancies, or areas of non-compliance during their review! We are proud to continue accurately reporting our finances and utilizing every dollar to meet student needs. Read more about our needs-based budgeting strategy here. 

MUSD Planning & Budgeting

New Year, New Opportunities!

Are you looking for a new job? Do you enjoy growing professionally? Do you like making an impact? Look no further! MUSD is the place for you.  

At Manteca Unified, there is a role for everyone who shares our belief that every student can and will achieve. Click the link below to view our hiring newsletter, which features an accessible list of our current openings. Be sure to check back in - new positions are added regularly!

Explore Openings
Apply Now!

More About MUSD: Professional Development

Last week, MUSD held a district-wide professional development day for staff and teachers across all grade levels! These regular professional growth opportunities ensure we stay aligned and equipped to provide the best possible learning experiences for our students. By continually growing as educators, we can better teach, support, and inspire our students, paving the way for their success.

If you’re interested in joining a district that puts an emphasis on opportunities like these, visit today!

In Case You Missed It: Manteca Unified Stories

The Impact of

Non-Teaching School Staff

At Manteca Unified School District (MUSD), over 1,300 classified staff contribute to student success every day.

This year, our very own David Halla was recognized as an MUSD Classified Employee of the Year and the San Joaquin County Office of Education Employee of the Year in the Transportation category for his positive impact on students’ lives and the district as a whole.

Click the links below to read about how Mr. Halla and classified staff make a difference each day.

Read more in the MUSD Newsroom
Read more in the Manteca Bulletin

The Joy of Learning

Last week, MUSD hosted a districtwide professional development day, where teachers from every grade level explored new tools and strategies to enhance their teaching of these essential standards.

In the TK and Kindergarten sessions, teachers focused on specific learning standards and discovered creative ways to combine joyful play with meaningful learning.

Early Learning at MUSD
Visit our newsroom for more MUSD stories

February: Save the Dates

African American/Black History Month


Each February, our country honors the incredible contributions, achievements, and rich heritage of African Americans throughout history. Here are some family-friendly resources you can access to celebrate Black History Month at home:

Career and Technical Education Month


February is also about celebrating the power of Career Technical Education (CTE) and how it can transform students' lives!

What makes CTE extraordinary? It's a gateway to countless opportunities! From agriculture to healthcare, technology, and more, CTE empowers students to learn new skills, discover their passions, and turn interests into college opportunities and rewarding careers. 

On February 13, we’ll be celebrating CTE at our ribbon-cutting ceremony for the brand- new MUSD Auto Tech shop! Stay tuned for more details about this event.


Lincoln's Birthday

February 10 (Observed)

No School

Washington's Birthday

February 17 (Observed)

No School

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Dr. Clark Burke, Superintendent

Roger Goatcher, Deputy Superintendent

MUSD School Board

President Stephen J. Schluer, Area 6

Vice President Cathy Pope-Gotschall, Area 5

Board Clerk Marie Freitas, Area 4

Eric Duncan Sr., Area 1

Kathy Howe, Area 2

Melanie Greene, Area 3

Bob Wallace, Area 7

Our Vision

Every student works to achieve grade level standards, feels safe and is supported to realize individual success.

Our Mission

Through smart actions and decisions, MUSD will work together using meaningful, measurable and aligned data for all students to achieve mastery of grade level standards in all subjects based on their unique educational pathway in a safe environment inclusive of design, security and climate.